Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 246 Moving corpses and building walls

Chapter 246 Moving corpses and building walls
In Liaodong, the heavy rain was still falling. Tang Bohu checked the body temperature of Nakata San, who was still in a coma. Fortunately, there was no sign of fever. He walked out of the room and came to the city where the heavy rain was drifting. The soldiers all looked tired.

Yang Yiqing was leading people to clean up the corpses on the top of the city.

Tang Bohu looked down the city under the heavy rain and took a look at the densely packed corpse mountain. Yang Yiqing was right. If the accumulation continued, the Mongolian army would not be able to climb up to the top of the city by following the corpses without siege ladders.

"Is Tian San okay?" Yang Yiqing asked with a bamboo hat.

"My life is saved for the time being. I don't know when I will wake up." Tang Bohu looked at the corpses below the city worriedly and said, "Let me take a few people to clean up the pile of corpses."

Yang Yiqing nodded, "Niu Er has captured a few Mongolian captives, and he is learning Mongolian now. It's the rainy season! The rain will continue for a while, so we can rectify it."

"Yeah, I don't know if the next attack can be defended." Tang Bohu beckoned dozens of soldiers to beat the heavy Liaodong city gate and began to clean up the corpses.

While carrying the corpse, under the heavy rain, Tang Bohu saw a very familiar face. He put the corpse aside and stepped on the mud to look at it. This familiar face reminded him of the past, Li Gao!Looking at the corpse, Tang Bohu had a sneer on his face, Li Gao was already dead!
"My lord, let us do these things." Niu Er brought Jin Yiwei forward and said.

"Do you remember this face?" Tang Bohu said with a low voice.

Niu Er stepped forward to take a look, his eyes flickered, then he widened his eyes and said loudly: "I'm so good, this guy... isn't this guy Li Gao?"

Tang Bohu nodded.

"He... died here just like that?" Niu Er said in disbelief, "It's really retribution! Hahaha, it's so satisfying."

"I didn't expect this guy to die here." Tang Bohu looked at Li Gao, looking at the arrow on his throat, "This arrow can be shot into his throat so precisely, it seems to be Su San's handwriting."

"Su San!" Niu Er shouted loudly, "Come and have a look."

Wearing a bamboo hat, Su San hurried over, "Niutou, here I come."

Tang Bohu held Li Gao's body beside him and said, "San'er, see if this guy was shot to death by your arrow."

"It seems to be." Su San recalled, "I remembered that this guy wanted to bombard our trebuchet with artillery, so I shot him to death."

Niu Er pointed at Su San and said with a smile, "You have done a great job."

Su San couldn't figure out why he had done something good, but when he looked closely, he could clearly see the face of the corpse in the heavy rain.

"Li Gao!" Su San yelled, "He is Li Gao! I know him even when this guy turned into ashes, he made Liaodong a miasma!"

"Why does he look suddenly enlightened..." Tang Bohu sighed and said, "Didn't you see him when you shot?"

"The bombardment is raging, how can I look carefully." Su San then spat on Li Gao's body and said, "I have avenged the people of Liaodong."

"Transport all usable things to the top of the city." Niu Er directed the people and said, "These bows and knives are still usable."

Wiping the rain off his face, Tang Bohu said, "Hang Li Gao's body on the city wall!"

"My lord, where should these corpses be put?" Niu Er said loudly in the rain: "There is no place to put the corpses!"

Tang Bohu broke out in a cold sweat looking at the densely packed hills of corpses, "Use these corpses to build a city wall, and I want them to know what will happen to them if they commit crimes against me, Ming and Liaodong."

"Yes!" Niu Er clasped his fists and said loudly.

Countless corpses were piled up, Tang Bohu stood in the rain, and in the war, human lives were worthless, watching the heavy rain falling from the sky. cry.

Yang Yiqing was rectifying the city's defenses when the soldiers hurried over and said, "A eunuch brought tens of thousands of reinforcements over."

"Reinforcements?" Yang Yiqing asked in confusion, "Or eunuchs?"

"Yes!" replied the soldier.

Yang Yiqing thought about it and shouted to Tang Bohu who was disposing of the corpses below the city: "Tang Bohu! The imperial court has sent reinforcements!"

"Reinforcements!" Tang Bohu's eyes lit up, and he hurried into Liaodong City, "Where are the reinforcements? Where are the reinforcements?"

An acquaintance in the distance was hiding from the rain in the city with a smile on his face, "Master Tang, long time no see!"

"Oh!" Tang Bohu hurried forward and said, "So Eunuch Liu, Eunuch Liu is here to help me in Liaodong?"

"It's not that bad." Liu Jin said helplessly, "His Royal Highness has always wanted to send troops to Liaodong, but the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War have been procrastinating. It's not about the food, but about the soldiers. If the prince is worried, let me take Dongchang first. They are here, but fortunately Li Dongyang has also spoken, and soon there will be tens of thousands of soldiers in the capital to support them."

"Eunuch Liu is really my timely rain." Tang Bohu grabbed Liu Jin's hand and held it.

Although Liu Jin didn't know what Tang Bohu meant by shaking hands up and down vigorously, he could see that Tang Bohu was very happy with his arrival, "May I ask Mr. Tang, how is the situation in Liaodong City?"

"Don't talk to an adult." Tang Bohu said with a smile: "I have no official or job right now."

"Master Tang, don't be self-effacing." Liu Jin stretched out her orchid fingers and pinched her temple hair and said, "You are brothers and sisters with His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. The days when Master Tang attained enlightenment with a carp leaping over the dragon's gate Will it be far behind when His Highness the Crown Prince ascends the throne?"

"I think Eunuch Liu is not far from the position where the chief inspector of ceremonies holds the pen." Tang Bohu put away his smile, looked at Liu Jin's expression and said, "This time you can reinforce Liaodong to the time when His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely keep it in mind.”

"It is necessary to defend Liaodong." Liu Jin looked at a group of Dongchang fans behind him and said, "These guys are free eaters in the capital. As long as Mr. Tang can guard Liaodong, you can use them as you like."

"That's great, I just need some coolies." Tang Bohu said to Niu Er beside him: "Niu Er, you take these people from the East Factory to move the corpses."

"Yes!" Niu Er replied awe-inspiringly.

Tang Bohu brought Liu Jin to the city of Liaodong. When Liu Jin saw the corpses piled up in the city, he felt chills all over his body, and said, "Tang Bohu, what did you do? You killed so many people."

"Hehehe..." Tang Bohu said with a sneer, "Did you see the tent that can't be seen across from the heavy rain? That's Chahar's hundreds of thousands of troops. These people are just a small number! If you really want to kill them, I'm afraid it will take a few It will take days and nights to finish killing!"

(End of this chapter)

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