Chapter 247

Liu Jin's stomach was churning and he was holding back the urge to vomit, and he turned around not to look at the corpses. The heavy rain kept washing away the blood-stained city, and those bloodstains seemed to never be washed away.

Tian San woke up from a coma, and Tang Bohu checked that the stitched wound hadn't deteriorated, and there was no sign of fever.

"My lord, do you have to make the zongzi I wrapped in the same way?" Seeing Tang Bohu bandaging his wound, he couldn't help asking.

"What's wrong? You're not willing to heal your wounds yourself?" Niu Er stood aside eating pears and said, "I'm like a woman all day long, and you won't be so pretentious when you're in confinement."

"Lao Niu, what are you talking about?" Tian San said unwillingly, "How come you haven't lost a hair of your hair with so many swords?"

"Stop arguing!" Tang Bohu helped Tian San tidy up the wound and said: "It seems that the wound has not deteriorated now, but it cannot touch the water. It is raining heavily outside, so you should stay indoors."

"My lord, I'm fine!" Tian San shook his head and said, "It's fine for me to toss and turn so hard."

"Are there any other physical discomforts?" Tang Bohu then asked.

"Just walking for a while will make you dizzy." Tian San grinned.

"You lost too much blood, and you can still joke with me now, you are also very lucky to save your life." Tang Bohu said: "But the symptoms of dizziness will heal after a few days. What do you love after your vitality recovers?" You can jump around as much as you want, but you stay in the room for me during this time."

"Yes!" Tian San answered with cupped fists.

Niu Er held a bowl of millet porridge and an egg, "Look at you, you can still drink such thick rice porridge and eat eggs. People outside of us are eating wild vegetable soup mixed with potatoes. You eat the most exquisite food."

Tang Bohu stood up and prepared to leave, "Take good food and drink well, and continue to work hard for me when the illness is cured."

"Yes!" Tian San said loudly.

Niu Er followed behind Tang Bohu and whispered: "Listening to Lao Tian's voice, he is full of energy, and he will recover in a few days."

"He is also fate." Tang Bohu looked at the heavy rain outside the city, "Have all the mines been buried?"

"Buried." Niu Er said in a low voice, "Late last night, I personally took our Jin Yiwei to bury it, and no one found it."

Tang Bohu nodded while walking, "How are Tietou and Su San going?"

Niu Er reported in a low voice: "The children of Tietou have captured a group of Tatar prisoners. They are learning Mongolian now, and they can speak a few simple words! Su Sanben is from Liaodong and can speak some Mongolian."

The rain was much weaker, but looking at the dark clouds in the sky, the rain did not seem to stop at all. Yang Yiqing said to the soldiers, "Take off your clothes when you go to sleep, it has been raining for a whole day! Don't wear wet clothes sleep."

Seeing Tang Bohu, Yang Yiqing said, "Let's take a step to talk."

When he and Yang Yiqing came to a deserted place under the city, Tang Bohu whispered, "What's the matter, Master Yang?"

"I heard that the soldiers who came to support this time were all from Dongchang, and they were brought by Liu Jin?" Yang Yiqing asked in a low voice.

Tang Bohu nodded: "His Royal Highness has always wanted to send troops, but the people from the household department and the military department can't gather so many soldiers at once, and it will take some time to recruit troops."

"This Liu Jin..." Yang Yiqing hesitated to speak.

"Master Yang, we just need to do our job well." Tang Bohu said in a low voice, "As for Liu Jin, the future will be long, and the most important thing is to defend Liaodong right now."

Tang Bohu knew that Liu Jin must not be a good person in the future.

"After the rain stops, those Tartars will come to attack the city again." Yang Yiqing said worriedly: "As long as we hold on again, Chahar's army will be more unstable."

"Then why don't we add fire." Tang Bohu said with a smile.

Yang Yiqing looked at Tang Bohu strangely, wondering what the young man was up to.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "My subordinates have taken a few Tatar captives, and they are now learning the language of the Tartars, attacking them from within, splitting, alienating, and assassinating them! Then I will publish a statement to publicize the relationship between Chahar and my Ming Dynasty. He unilaterally broke the contract, and I don't believe that Chahar's army can't mess it up."

"Killing is nothing more than nodding your head, you are punishing your heart." Yang Yiqing said in a low voice.

"This Chahar came to challenge me to Ming Liaodong because he knew a little bit about the art of war? From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han and Tang Dynasties, and then to today's Daming! The art of war? Dare to compare the art of war with us? These big braids have to learn a few hundred more year!" Tang Bohu sneered.

Thinking about Tang Bohu's plan, one link after another, he had to lament this young man's scheming, Yang Yiqing can now understand why the young man was able to stir up the turmoil in the capital and escape safely.

"Tang Bohu." Yang Yiqing looked at the other party and said, "You will definitely rise to the top one day and have great power."

"Borrow a good word from Master Yang." Tang Bohu cupped his hands and said.

"But I have a request." Yang Yiqing said in a low voice: "No matter how powerful you will be in the future, I hope you will not harm the people of Ming Dynasty. The people are the foundation of Ming Dynasty! If you dare to commit crimes, I, Yang Yiqing, will fight with you forever .”

"Others laugh at me for being crazy, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through." Tang Bohu chanted as he walked away step by step, "I don't see the tombs of heroes in the five tombs, no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields."

Listening to this line of Tang Bohu's poem, Yang Yiqing not only lamented how this Tang Bohu had a twilight heart at such a young age.


More than a dozen fast horses came towards Liaodong, and all the people sitting on the horses were monks, pulling the reins and holding the horse Wude shouted loudly: "Tang Bohu! Where is it!"

"Who the hell is yelling again!" Yang Sheng walked out of the city cursing, and saw that there were indeed bald heads, "It turned out to be a few stinky donkeys! We are fighting here, and you want to go to another place for alms Son, be careful that you lose your life!"

"Son of the Yang family, don't you know the old man?" Wude said loudly towards the top of the wall.

"Who are you? Who's a kid? Believe it or not, I'll bombard you!" Yang Sheng cursed and was about to strike.

"Master!" Aunt Gu stepped forward and said, "This monk looks familiar, as if he is really an acquaintance."

"Familiar with his grandma's legs." Yang Sheng pointed the cannon at Wude, "This uncle has stood up to the sky, killed bandits, and protected the frontier! You are a bald donkey and you will die, Aunt Gu, don't stop me!"

"Master, I didn't stop you." Aunt Gu said with a blank expression while standing aside, and took two steps back as if to show that she would not stop you.

Is it so cooperative?The corners of Yang Sheng's mouth twitched.

"Who is so bold, dare to come to Liaodong to make a noise." Tang Bohu happened to be patrolling the city wall and saw this scene on the back gate of Liaodong City. "Why, Uncle Yang is going to fire."

(End of this chapter)

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