Chapter 253

"Too bullying!" Chahar cursed angrily and muttered, "Is there enough food and grass in Liaodong City?"

Saying this, Chahar suddenly felt unconfident, Liaodong City had several reinforcements from the imperial court, and he knew nothing about the situation in Liaodong City, but he just made a big fuss about the military formation on his side Putting it outside Liaodong City, thinking about all this, Tang Bohu knew the deployment of his army well, and he also knew his soldiers well.

As long as you observe for a period of time, you will know your own strength, how many troops you have, and how much food and grass you have!But what about Liaodong City?Chahar began to wonder if he could trap Tang Bohu to death, whether he was starved to death first or Tang Bohu was trapped to death first.

Lin Jiang, who was appointed by Zhu Houzhao to make peace, had to stop and stood dozens of miles away from Liaodong City. Seeing that the Mongolian army had surrounded Liaodong City, Lin Jiang said doubtfully, "Didn't Tang Bohu break the Mongolian army?" Hundreds of thousands of troops have defended Liaodong, how come they are in this situation again!"

"My lord, what should we do now." A small official said.

"Little Tang Bohu thought he was capable." Lin Jiang sneered and said, "Let's go to see the little prince Chahar, and I'll talk to Mongolia!"

A group of Mongolians guarding the rear of the Mongolian army saw Lin Jiang and his party and asked loudly in Mongolian: "Who are you!"

Although Lin Jiang couldn't understand the other party's words, he got off his horse and said politely: "I am the envoy of Ming Dynasty, come to make peace!"

Several Mongolians couldn't understand each other's words, chattering, and after discussing for a while, they brought this Central Plains man to the little prince Chahar who could hear Guanzhong dialect.

Facing Chahar, Lin Jiang said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, the little prince!"

At this moment, Chahar was upright and said loudly, "Are you here to laugh at me?"

"Don't dare!" Lin Jiang bowed and said, "Emperor Daming came to ask the old man to make peace with His Royal Highness the little prince."

Outside Chahar's tent, Tietou stood beside Su San and said, "Third brother! We are almost winning, why did the imperial court send envoys to make peace!"

"It's probably a decision made by the officials in the imperial court, and maybe even Mr. Tang doesn't know about it." Su San said, "We can't let this guy ruin our big event! Find a chance to do him."

"But we can't kill court officials!" Tietou hesitated.

"You're stupid!" Su San said, "We encouraged the Mongols to do it, and it wasn't us who did it! These days I also made friends with a few Mongolian braids.

It should be easy!Maybe it can be self-defeating, and it's not bad to achieve what Mr. Tang wants. This guy is a good pawn, so use it well. "

Tietou nodded solemnly.

Chahar and Lin Jiang chatted very well, and Chahar even kept Lin Jiang to live. The Mongolian leaders who were holding their breath felt more and more aggrieved by Chahar's decision. The prince nodded and bowed in front of the dog official of the Ming court.

Su Sanhun leaned on the fire to keep warm while taking over the Mongols and said in Mongolian: "The Ming court has an official, why is our little prince happier?"

"Your tone doesn't sound like someone from our inner grassland," said a Mongolian warrior.

"Hehehe..." Su San laughed awkwardly: "I used to be a warrior of the Duoyan tribe. Didn't the Duoyan tribe come for nothing? I fled all the way to the prairie. When I was young, I often traveled between Duoyan and Liaodong."

"It's true that I also have a friend who is Duoyan, who speaks with the same accent as you." Tie Tou said casually.

The two exchanged glances, sang and harmonized to cover the past.

"We fought to the death with the people of the Ming court, how many warriors of our grasslands have died! How can the little prince still associate with the people of the Ming court, so kind!" Another authentic Mongolian said.

Su San knew that she had brought people into her topic, so she kept talking non-stop.

A few days later, it was passed on to ten, ten to hundreds, and the opinions on Chahar became more and more among the various tribes. Until one night, Chahar was drinking with Lin Jiang, and the leader of a Mongolian tribe was holding a machete. Walking into the tent, under Chahar's surprised eyes, he chopped off Lin Jiang's head with a single knife.

"What are you doing!" Chahar yelled angrily.

"We are the bravest warriors on the grassland, how can we nod and bow to Ming Ting's dog!" The leader of the tribe swung the blood on the knife and gave Chahar a look.

"What a reckless man!" Su San stood in a dark corner outside the tent and looked at the blood on the knife in the tribal leader's hand and sneered.

Chahar stared at Lin Jiang's headless body and couldn't speak for a long time. The leader of his own tribe killed Ming Ting's envoy. I am terminally ill, and I don't know when this battle will start, and I will no longer be able to fight it!
Thinking of the look in the eyes of the tribal leader who left the place just now, the defense and suspicion that were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Chahar couldn't help sneering, lost!Lost completely.

Whether it was fighting, calculation, or resourcefulness, he lost to Tang Bohu.

Chahar's teacher hurriedly came to Chahar and said: "There is a mutiny in the army, and someone is already planning to leave the barracks! No more wars!"

When the old man saw the corpse lying in a pool of blood, his heart shuddered for a while. Tang Bohu's strategy was like poison applied to the wound, bit by bit penetrated into the bone marrow, until he was terminally ill, and it was too late when he wanted to turn back. late!
"Teacher, I don't know what to do now." Chahar watched while drinking.

"To incite people's hearts to such an extent is not something that can be achieved with just a few letters." The old man whispered, "There must be Tang Bohu's spies in our army!"

"I'm going to catch the spies!" Chahar said loudly.

"How to catch!" the old man said, "Are you going to catch them one by one? Everyone in the barracks has mutinied, and there are rumors everywhere, how are you going to catch them! Have you caught all of us? This will only get the best of us." opposite!"

While Chahar was discussing with his teacher, a prairie warrior rushed to report, "Prince, people from Liaodong sent a batch of very large wooden horses!"

Trojan horse?

With doubts, Chahar did see a group of large wooden horses as tall as ten people before he came to the camp, thinking about what Tang Bohu meant by sending such a thing.

Everyone was curious.

"Teacher, isn't this strange?" the sensitive Chahar wondered.

"I have a very bad premonition!" the old man whispered.

"Then I'll destroy these Trojan horses!" Chahar said angrily.

"Don't!" said the old man again.

(End of this chapter)

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