Chapter 254
"Tang Bohu has too many strange firearms in his hands, we should not act rashly." Chahar's teacher persuaded, "Tang Bohu will give us a big wooden horse, it will be useless!"

In this way, the eyes sent from Liaodong City were placed in front of the camp, and no one paid attention to it, late at night!Su San and Tietou gathered a small army, and they are going to fight tonight.

Su San: "These days, we all know the form, and now the hearts of all the tribes in the grassland are tense! Although the commander of this army is still Chahar, the various tribes are already at odds with each other. It's time for us to act. "

Su San's team started to move, and the camp was very quiet late at night. When people were most relaxed, a door was quietly opened at the bottom of the big wooden horse, and Niu Er led a group of brocade guards quietly leaning over from the wooden horse.

A Mongolian warrior woke up at night, squinting his sleepy eyes, watching a figure swaying under the wooden horse, and wanted to step forward curiously. The cold knife light came from the back of his neck, and quickly slit the opponent's throat, sobbing. He fell to the ground without even a cry.

In the quiet Mongolian camp, there are figures shuttling back and forth. They hold cold knives and snatch the sleeping lives from the unsuspecting figures one by one.

Su San met Niu Er in the dark, "Second brother!" Seeing a familiar voice, Su San said, "Why are you here!"

"Your Excellency is about to attack, we are here to do some finishing work." Niu Er asked in a low voice, "It's great that you are here, where is Chahar's camp?"

"Come with me." Su San whispered.

When the two quietly came to Chahar's camp, they saw that there was no one inside and the couch was in a mess. Niu Er touched the couch to feel the temperature and said, "The couch is still hot, I guess we just left not long ago!"

"My lord!" Jin Yiwei's captain hurried over, "Chahar has escaped! Our people did not catch up!"

"Second brother!" Su San said to Niu Er: "There is a teacher beside Chahar, who is said to be from the Central Plains, and is an important adviser to Chahar."

Niu Er remembered that Tang Bohu said a few years later that there was a man on the grassland who was a disciple of Zhang Sanfeng, and this person had been dormant in the grassland. There was an old fellow who left with him."

"Su San! Go and report this matter to your lord immediately." Niu Er said, "I'll stay here to finish, and I will have a round with lord Tang tomorrow morning!"

Su San nodded and left quickly.

Early the next morning, the Mongolian barracks were in chaos!One night passed, when the thick fog cleared, the army composed of various tribes was stained with blood, and many, many, especially the leaders of the tribes, Chahar fled, an inexplicable assassination?Nervous emotions permeated many people's hearts, people were flustered and there was no leader, but when everyone came back to their senses.

Looking up, the tens of thousands of troops in Liaodong are already in front of the formation.

Su San's face was still covered with blood from last night's murder, and he said in a low voice: "My lord, Chahar escaped and we didn't succeed! Then there is another counselor from the Chahar people, who is from the Central Plains. He is about sixty years old. If he didn’t come back, he probably went after him!”

Nodding his head, Tang Bohu waved his sleeves!
Tian San, Yang Sheng, Wu De, Zhu Zhishan and others led the team to rise up in anger and kill the Mongolian army!
The Mongolian army, which had already fallen into chaos, was defeated by the charge of the Liaodong Army. The Liaodong Army, which was only tens of thousands, advanced and retreated with the cooperation of firearms, and more than [-] Mongolian troops continued to flee.

In just half a day, there were very few Mongols outside the city of Liaodong, and some ran to their deaths.

At this moment, Tang Bohu was staring at a corpse, which was the corpse of Lin Jiang who had lost his head. He looked at Su San, "Could it be your handwriting?"

The death of the official ordered by the imperial court caused Yang Yiqing a headache and cursed at Tang Bohu.

Su San nodded.

"Really handwriting?" Tang Bohu's tone increased by three points.

Su San immediately shook her head again.

"What do you mean by shaking your head and nodding again?" Tang Bohu asked again: "Did you kill this Minister of the Household Department?"

"No!" Su San waved his hands and said, "I just fooled around a few words, a tribal leader killed him out of nowhere, it really wasn't my fault!"

"Still saying you didn't do it!" Yang Yiqing scolded: "If you hadn't fooled him, would he have died? Do you know that he is the Minister of the Household Department, and it is a big deal that one of the six ministers died."

Su San lowered her head and let Yang Yiqing scold her. She twirled her aggrieved fingers and looked at Tang Bohu for help.

"Well, Mr. Yang, don't be so angry." Tang Bohu persuaded: "It's not Su San who killed people. The Mongols are uneducated and lose their reason after a few words."

"Hmph!" Yang Yiqing was out of breath.

"Su San just moved his lips, but didn't move." Tang Bohu patted Su San's shoulder and said, "Master Yang, for example, if you can't poop, do you blame the latrine?"

Can't poop, blame the latrine.


Su San didn't hold back the little scholar.

"This old man is shit!" Yang Yiqing didn't want to talk to Tang Bohu any more, because his life was lost!

"My lord! It's all cleaned up!" Tian Sanxing rushed forward, with a lot of trophies on his body, covered with an unknown animal skin, wearing a skull with an unknown skeleton sitting on his head, and hanging around his neck. Wearing a necklace made of some kind of jade.

"I think you have searched it all." Tang Bohu looked at Tian San's clothes, looked at an unknown decoration with disgust and said: "Look at the things you searched are too cheap, even the bones Pass."

"If your lord likes..." Tian Sanhan smiled.

"Stay away from me." Tang Bohu looked disgusted, "I'm not interested in skeletons."

"Drive!" A fast horse came, and Niu Er came on a fast horse, and immediately there was a person lying on his stomach, "My lord, look who I gave to the live bird!"

Niu Er threw the man off the horse, Tang Bohu took a look at the man with a bruised nose and swollen face, backed up three steps in fright and said, "Who is this guy! He looks really scary and scared me."

"Wow! How dare you scare our lord! Sue!" Tian San stepped forward and beat him with hands and feet!
"I'm Chahar!" The other party hugged his head and begged for mercy.

"How can you impersonate the little prince!" Tang Bohu said loudly: "It's so bad in the world, it's devoid of conscience, how dare you pretend to be the little prince! Beat me hard!"

So all the captains of Jinyiwei started another gang fight with a special face, and unfortunately they were beaten up again.

"My lord, he is really Chahar." Niu Er whispered.

"Really!?" Tang Bohu cleared his throat and said, "Stop it all."

Looking at the dying young man, Tang Bohu carefully observed that it was really the same Chahar back then, "Little prince, what's wrong with you? How did you develop such a virtue? Could it be that your mother didn't recognize you and put the You got beat up."

(End of this chapter)

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