Chapter 264

"The matter between the Queen Mother and Tang Bohu, women can understand, we are all women!" Qiu Xiang continued: "But if Qiu Xiang, the future child of the Queen Mother wants to make some claims, the future child will be the blood of my Tang family."

"It belongs to whoever I say!" The Empress Dowager's tone did not allow Qiuxiang to refuse, "Besides, I don't know if there is any child. If not, I will trouble Tang Bohu again."

Provocation, naked provocation!What the queen mother said seems to say that I can sleep with your man at any time, and she has the final say on who the child says it is!Not because of anything else, just because of the sentence in her mouth.

"Why does the queen mother use power to suppress me like this?" Qiuxiang said calmly: "I am just a commoner, but I am also the housewife of the Tang family. No matter what the queen mother says, I rely on my husband to have children. Why doesn't the queen mother choose someone else? Because my husband has skills, calculations, city management, and means!"

"Now that the new emperor is on the throne, my husband is the person the new emperor relies on the most, and it is also the person the queen mother relies on the most."

After listening to Qiu Xiang's words, the Queen Mother's eyes flashed with vigilance, and what she said was steady but just right, and it was also a burst of blood piercing her weakness, her fists were clenched tightly.

Qiuxiang smiled confidently and said again: "Today, my husband is also going to court."

The queen mother breathed heavily, and said in a low voice: "Is it Qiuxiang? I have learned the lesson!"

The sun in winter was still hiding behind the dark clouds, and the surrounding air was not warm at all. Qiuxiang continued: "Since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, it is not uncommon for imperial concubines to borrow children. Women can let the queen mother's heirs be named Zhu, but the belly After the child is born, we still need Tangzhuang to raise him until he becomes an adult, and the child must know who his real father is."

"I have taken a great risk on this matter, do you know how important this matter is?" Queen Zhang continued.

This matter is indeed very secret. Empress Zhang wanted to restore Shou Ninghou to the title by taking a personal risk. As long as the child in her womb is conceived, Empress Zhang will be on the tip of the knife in everything in the future. Once the matter is revealed, it will be Hongzhi The scandals of the first dynasty and the Zhengde dynasty, and this empress dowager will be infamous for thousands of years.

"At present, only the women know about this matter." Qiu Xiang said eloquently, "And my husband is also a sensible person."

After thinking for a long time, Queen Zhang said, "I promise you!"

"Thank you Queen Mother!" Qiuxiang said and left.

After Qiuxiang left, Empress Zhang picked up a bird's nest that was completely cooled, and beckoned a maid to come over and asked, "Is Tang Bohu still the commander of Jinyiwei?"

"Yes." The maid answered softly.

Empress Zhang nodded and said: "Send someone to tell Your Majesty that I want to give Qiuxiang a third-rank madam!"

The maid's eyes flickered, she nodded and said, "I'll do it now, servant girl."

Looking at her empty palace, Queen Zhang put down the bird's nest in her hand again, and fell into deep thought.

in the hall

Zhu Houzhao sat lazily on the dragon chair, listening to the courtiers report one thing after another, the topic finally came to the position of Hubu Shangshu, after Lin Jiang went to Liaodong and died, the Hubu Shangshu position became vacant .

Li Dongyang looked at Tang Bohu who was standing on the side calmly and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to recommend a candidate."

"Go ahead." Zhu Houzhao yawned.

Yawning in the morning?It was very indecent, and it lost the majesty of the emperor, but the officials still endured it.

Li Dongyang stepped forward and said: "I recommend Wang Shouren, the minister of punishment."

Wang Shouren?All the ministers looked at Li Dongyang one after another. In terms of official position and qualifications, Wang Shouren originally belonged to the Ministry of Punishment, so he was transferred to the Ministry of Households and directly went to the Minister of the Ministry of Households?All the ministers turned their attention to Ma Wensheng, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who decides the appointment and promotion of officials, but Ma Wensheng just kept quiet and didn't say anything there.

Tang Bohu could also feel that the moment Li Dongyang opened his mouth, the atmosphere in the hall immediately became tense.

"Do you have any comments?" Zhu Houzhao asked.

The court class was still quiet, seeing that no one spoke for a long time, and Zhu Houzhao didn't know anything about the transfer of officials. Zhu Houzhao knew Wang Shouren, and he had seen Wang Shouren several times in Tangzhuang, so he said, "Then Let Wang Shouren be the Minister of the Household Department."

As soon as Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, many veterans in the court immediately felt that the direction of the court was wrong!Li Dongyang actually recommended Wang Shouren, who had just become an official. In terms of seniority and official position, Wang Shouren was not his turn, and many people also knew that this Wang Shouren came from Tang Bohu's Tangzhuang Academy.

Wang Shouren was the one who fought against the Imperial College back then!

Did Li Dongyang recommend Tang Bohu to cling to Tang Bohu?It was wrong for everyone to think about it. As a cabinet cabinet, Li Dongyang would never do such a thing.

There are many sharp-eyed people in the capital. When the new emperor ascended the throne, Liu Jin was promoted to the East Factory Supervisor Bingbi. Market sources said that as soon as Tang Bohu took office, Liu Jin went to visit him to congratulate him.

This move of Li Dongyang is a signal, a very bad signal, even the dignified cabinet elders have to show their favor to Tang Bohu, the direction of the court has changed, the favored minister is in power, and the new emperor is a relative!It's going to change!
The court hall was quiet, Zhu Hou took care of no one talking, and said loudly: "Is there anything else to play? If there is nothing else, I will retreat!"

"Your Majesty, I have something to do!" The old Minister of Rites stepped forward and said, "The preparations for your Majesty's wedding have been made. I have a few auspicious dates in my hand. I hope His Majesty will make a decision."

"You can figure it out for yourself." Zhu Houzhao pressed his nails and said, "Is there anything else?"

The hall was quiet again. Seeing that no one was talking, Zhu Houzhao said again: "Retire!"

The courtiers gradually dispersed, Tang Bohu saw Li Dongyang from a distance, stepped forward to greet him and said, "Old Li Ge!"

"What's the matter!" Li Dongyang said without stopping.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "Master Li recommended Wang Shouren as Minister of the Household Department. I'm afraid there is something wrong with this matter. I just want to ask Mr. Ge if there is anything I want to say to my subordinates."

"You're smart, come with me." Li Dongyang led Tang Bohu out of the palace gate and headed in another direction, along a series of paths, to Li Dongyang's home.

"Do you still remember what the late emperor said to you?" Li Dongyang asked.

"I will remember." Tang Bohu replied.

With a long sigh, Li Dongyang sat down and said, "Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, Liu Jin is in charge of the ceremonial supervisor. Whether the memorials in the imperial court can be in the hands of His Majesty is entirely up to Liu Jin. What kind of bastard is the prince? causing chaos in the world.”

(End of this chapter)

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