Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 265 The Emperor's Wedding

Chapter 265 The Emperor's Wedding
"It's a guy surnamed Duan." Tang Bohu said without blushing, "Mr. Li Ge, you don't have to think about where this guy surnamed Duan is. guide place."

"A place that Gnar can't even call?" Li Dongyang looked at Tang Bohu with disgust, "I can't find it anywhere, and I didn't even ask you to cover it up like this. Are you playing tricks on yourself? "

"Hehehehe..." Tang Bohu laughed dryly.

"Let's go, the old man is so upset! Get out of here." Li Dongyang couldn't help but get angry, "How many upright officials are there in Daming, why did the late emperor take a fancy to a number one person like you?"

"Let me take my leave." Tang Bohu stepped back step by step.

"No!" Li Dongyang sent him off straightforwardly.

Li Dongyang looked at Tang Bohu's back, Tang Bohu was both good and evil, maybe it was easier to survive in this big Ming villain.

A few days later it will be Zhu Houzhao's big wedding day, which is a big event for the emperor in Beijing. Of course, the night before the big wedding, Zhu Houzhao came to Shenji Camp to take hundreds of firecrackers, no one knows What is the emperor going to do.

On the day of the wedding, Tang Bohu brought Jin Yiwei to the gate of Xia Mansion, ready to escort the new queen into the palace. Tian San whispered: "My lord, people from Dongchang have news that your Majesty went to Shenji Camp last night to get hundreds of firecrackers." , don’t know what to do.”

"Hundreds of firecrackers?" Tang Bohu said in surprise: "Such a huge firepower? What is your Majesty going to do? Could it be that he is going to attack Korea? That's not right. No news has spread to the capital recently."

Following the eunuch's loud summons, the new queen wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei walked out of the house step by step. Everyone in Jin Yiwei lowered their heads and refused to look at the queen. Tang Bohu knew the plan of Zhu Houzhao and the queen mother, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this would be a poor woman. , "Once you enter the palace gate, it's as deep as the sea, and the emperor and empress will never see each other again."

It's a pity that only Tang Bohu said this sentence amidst the cheers, and only he himself could hear it.

The new queen entered the sedan chair, Tang Bohu stood on top of him and shouted loudly: "The queen enters the palace!"

A group of energetic Jin Yiwei stood up straight, protecting the sedan chair and walking towards the Forbidden City step by step. Thinking of Zhu Houzhao's behavior last night, he had a very bad premonition in his heart. Zhu Houzhao would not do such a thing for no reason, there must be something things happen.

Could it be that Zhu Houzhao jumped the wall in a hurry and sent a group of assassins to kill the new queen? Tang Bohu couldn't help becoming nervous, and he walked through the bustling capital road all the way to the palace gate before he relaxed.

Thinking of the incident when Zhu Houzhao bombarded the imperial examination room, Tang Bohu couldn't help standing on his head with hairs all over his body. With this brat's personality, he might really do such a thing.

A gunshot sounded. Despite all the preparations, Tang Bohu was still shocked.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Immediately after a series of gunshots sounded, Tang Bohu suddenly drew his knife and shouted: "Guard!"

For a moment, all the guards in Jinyi pulled out their Xiuchun knives. Liu Jin came to the palace gate with a smile and said, "Master Tang, I've scared you. Your Majesty just listened. I want to have some fun on the wedding day."

Then pointing to the guards on the Forbidden City, Liu Jin said: "They are all robbing the sky!"

"Your Majesty is really ingenious." Tang Bohu broke out in cold sweat, and then said in fear: "I'm really afraid that Your Majesty will shoot the new queen to death?"

"Your Majesty really wants to do this." Liu Jin said with a wry smile, "Fortunately, Your Majesty has calmed down."

"That's good, that's good." Tang Bohu comforted himself.

Tang Bohu was unable to witness the formal emperor's wedding ceremony, but stood quietly outside the palace gate and waited. Unknowingly, he thought of his sister, and he didn't know how much Zhu Houzhao was in his sister's heart. It's easy to do, to what extent has this bastard Zhu Houzhao and his younger sister developed? This is a headache for an older brother.

The wedding ceremony lasted until late at night, and Zhu Houzhao walked towards the harem step by step. It should be time to have intercourse with the queen, but Zhu Houzhao's head was full of moons. Looking at the lonely moon in the sky, he turned around and took another step. Leaving the harem, walked towards the outside of the Forbidden City, and then walked all the way to Tangzhuang under the escort of Liu Jin.

Zhu Houzhao did not go to see the queen, and the news reached the ears of the empress dowager, the lord of the harem, who looked at an ink painting and said, "Is your Majesty's order for Qiuxiang approved?"

"Return to the Queen Mother." The maid replied, "I have already notified Eunuch Liu of the East Factory, and I think His Majesty will issue an order these days."

The Queen Mother nodded and put away the painting, "Your Majesty probably won't come to serve tea tomorrow, Houzhao, this child, I understand best, so give the Empress the night pearls that I sent from the Western Regions in the morning. Let Ye Mingzhu stay with her in the long night, whether Zhu Houzhao is lucky or not, it depends on her own destiny."

"Your servant understands." The maid took small steps to make arrangements.

Zhu Houzhao left the Forbidden City and walked in the night, all the way to the quiet Tangzhuang with familiar scenery. It was already late at night and it was very quiet here. The quiet Zhu Houzhao could hear his own breathing.

Looking at the gate of the Tang Mansion, Zhu Houzhao wanted to knock on the door several times but held back his hand, then sat quietly under the moonlight and looked at the door in a daze, while Liu Jin stood quietly by the side.

After a few hours, the door of the Tang Mansion was gradually pushed open, and a familiar person walked out in Zhu Houzhao's expectant eyes, and then his eyes fell into disappointment again. Tang Bohu was wearing pajamas and a robe draped over his body, "Just now The servants reported that through the crack of the door, I saw a person sneaking around, and I knew it was His Majesty by pinching my fingers."

"Tang Bohu, I like Yue'er." Zhu Houzhao said listlessly.

Carrying a jug of wine and two cups, Tang Bohu came to Zhu Houzhao and said, "Your Majesty, how many drinks?"

"Okay! Drink!" Zhu Houzhao readily agreed!
In this way, Zhu Houzhao and Tang Bohu drank all night, until the morning of the next day, Zhu Houzhao was still sitting on the dragon chair reeking of alcohol.

"Your Majesty, this is a memorial from Liaodong." A civil servant handed over the memorial.

Liu Jin took the memorial and handed it to Zhu Houzhao. Opening the memorial, Zhu Houzhao took a look at the densely written words on it. The alcohol was still churning in his stomach, and suddenly his dantian rushed up. Zhu Houzhao: "Uh..."

In front of the courtiers, His Majesty spit out a bunch of indescribable things.


Seeing this shocking scene, the shadow area in the hearts of the ministers was expanding at an irreplaceable speed, "Your Majesty vomited when he saw the memorial. What's the reason for this...?"

 Thanks to the starting point reader ID Moran Lingfeng for rewarding [-]!Thanks!Thank you also for the reward of the Nine Realms Supreme a few days ago. For things like adding updates, Xiao Zhang tries his best, and everyone reads rationally. Recently, I found that many pirated readers of Xiao Zhang’s books are reading. In fact, it doesn’t cost much to read a chapter. , Xiao Zhang’s book seems to be eight cents a chapter, the higher the user level, the more discounts will come, and I hope everyone will support it. It’s not easy for the author to write something. Although it’s not short of such a little money, it’s good for us authors to read the genuine version The greatest respect for the fruits of labor, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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