Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 280 Insect plague

Chapter 280 Insect plague
"Qiuxiang and Zhongling helped Tang Bohu support the Tang family and make the family brilliant!" The queen mother stared at the queen, "And you? You just took advantage of the family's cuteness to pick up the queen's position. Stronger than you, in terms of seniority, you should call Qiuxiang a sister, and you should listen to her preaching!"

The Empress Dowager turned away from looking at the Empress, and said to Qiuxiang, "Let's go and sit at Bengong's place."

Empress Xia looked at Qiu Xiang, Zhong Ling'er and the Queen Mother leaving, feeling uneasy!Why did I have to be under house arrest, why didn't His Majesty come to see me, and what did I do wrong.

"Thank you, Queen Mother." Walking out of Fengxiang Palace, Qiu Xiang said in a low voice, "But Bo Hu is His Majesty's trustee? This matter..."

The queen mother walked gracefully, "There are not many people who know about this matter. This Palace also heard what His Majesty said before leaving. Li Dongyang knows about this matter. The emperor pays attention to balance. The first emperor will not let Tang Bohu's family dominate. Li Dongyang is the chess piece left by the late emperor to restrict Tang Bohu, while the late emperor entrusted Tang Bohu with Houzhao, he also left behind, as for what this backhand is, I don't know."

A few days later, Liu Jin received several memorials that gave him headaches, Luzhou Mansion, Anqing Mansion, Chizhou Mansion, Xuzhou Mansion... The insect plague that broke out in the south is now the season for ear seedlings, and the rice has just grown. It would be a bad thing if the rice seedlings were lost, and it would affect Daming's harvest.

Seeing Liu Jin flustered, Jiao Fang said calmly, "It would be good if the factory owner sent someone to take care of it, why bother to be so flustered."

"Who are we going to send?" Liu Jin asked worriedly.

At the same time, the little eunuch from Dongchang came to report, "Mr. Chang, Tang Bohu is here."

"Please come in quickly." Liu Jin said anxiously.

Jiao Fang stood up, he didn't want Tang Bohu to find out that he was here, so he said in a low voice, "Dodge first, my servant."

"Okay." Liu Jin nodded repeatedly.

While waving his fan, Tang Bohu lazily walked into Liu Jin's Dongchang without wearing an official uniform, and looked at everything here. When he saw an ink painting, he couldn't help saying: "This painting should be from the Song Dynasty. Let's talk about a few thousand taels less now, Eunuch Liu. The days are moist enough."

"It's a joke, it's a joke." Liu Jin said in a low voice, "It was also given to our family by someone else."

Tang Bohu caught sight of an emerald cup and took a deep breath, "Looking at the fineness and carving of the cup is not easy, let's say 1 taels."

"If Mr. Tang likes it, our family will give it to you." Liu Jin said with a smile.

"Send such a valuable thing to me? Are you so willing?" Tang Bohu looked at Liu Jin, "There must be something more valuable than this in Eunuch Liu's residence, right?"

"It's gone, it's gone." Liu Jin was sweating coldly, wondering why Tang Bohu was here.

"Really gone?" Tang Bohu said with a smile, "I'm not interested in this cup, I prefer cash."

"Master Tang, don't make trouble." Liu Jin said with a smile: "I didn't come to our house this time to laugh."

"That's true!" Tang Bohu took out a rough-made pistol and a box of strangely shaped bullets, "This is a new firearm that His Majesty asked me to make. The technology is not yet mature, and it can be used in a few years. better one."

"Okay." Liu Jin accepted it with a smile.

When he came to Liu Jin's Dongchang, Tang Bohu was not polite. Seeing the hill-like memorials piled up together, he randomly picked up a few and read them. The content in them was nothing more than Liu Jin bewitching the king, and there was nothing interesting about it.

Liu Jin handed over a memorial to Tang Bohu, "Master Tang, take a look at this memorial."

After receiving the memorial, Tang Bohu sat down with his legs crossed, "Insect plague? The things on the memorial seem to be quite serious."

"That's not a big deal!" Liu Jin said anxiously: "Our family doesn't care about trivial matters on weekdays, but this is a matter related to Daming's grain harvest, so we must be careful."

"Eunuch Liu can't find anyone to manage it. Besides, shouldn't this be a matter of the Ministry of Household Affairs?" Tang Bohu put down the memorial and looked at him.

"Hey..." Liu Jin let out a long sigh, "Master Tang, you don't know about the enmity between me and the officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Would the Ministry of Households not know about it? They deliberately handed the memorial to the Supervisor of Rituals, waiting to see our family joke."

"What does Eunuch Liu mean?"

Liu Jin stepped forward and said, "Our family doesn't want to leave this matter to those civil servants, they want to see my jokes."

Tang Bohu understood what Liu Jin meant, "So Eunuch Liu wants to make them look good?"

"Will they collapse without Daming?" Liu Jin said viciously, "I want them to know that our East Factory can do what they can do, and our East Factory can do better than them."

"It turns out that Eunuch Liu is competing with them." Tang Bohu put his arm on Liu Jin's shoulder and said, "Why don't we leave this matter to our Jin Yiwei? Don't worry, I promise to help you do it beautifully. When the time comes All the credit goes to your Dongchang."

"Really?" Seeing Tang Bohu's response to this matter, Liu Jin asked again ecstatically, wanting to confirm it again.

"Eunuch Liu, don't worry, this matter will be done beautifully for you." Tang Bohu said as he was about to leave and said: "Remember to hand over the things to Your Majesty."

"Master Tang, don't worry." Liu Jin expressed a relaxed expression.

"Liu Gong put it down too." Tang Bohu waved his hands and said goodbye.

After Tang Bohu left, Jiao Fang stepped out from behind the screen, "Eunuch Liu, should we leave this matter to Tang Bohu?"

"Since Tang Bohu can cope with this errand, our family will have one more thing than one less thing." Liu Jin continued: "It's you, Jiao Fang, and how those local officials should deal with you should draw up a charter."

"This matter should not be rushed." Jiao Fang said in a low voice: "Now that the rumors have been released, there must be actions in other directions. We must not mess up!"

Tang Bohu walked out of the East Factory, Tian San followed in small steps, and the two left the capital and got on their horses, "Tian San, follow me to Chizhou tomorrow."

"Yes!" Tian San answered directly without asking why.

Back home, after the whole family had a good meal, Tang Bohu read a book on the art of war, while Qiuxiang was also packing clothes. Although the servants in the family could do these things, Qiuxiang liked to do it herself.

"The queen didn't make things difficult for you, did she?" Tang Bohu said as he turned the pages of the book.

"No, she has no way to make things difficult for us, but there were a few conflicts in her words. Fortunately, she is late." Qiuxiang said and sat next to Tang Bohu, "Master, Yue'er is already 16 years old. How to do?"

"Has that kid Zhu Houzhao been to Tangzhuang recently?" Tang Bohu asked.

"I've been here several times, and I've been attached to Yue'er since I came here." Qiuxiang said in a low voice, "That's the emperor, and I don't think the queen is a fuel-efficient lamp. If Yue'er marries into the palace in the future, I'm afraid It is inevitable that you will be wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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