Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 281 Trip to Chizhou

Chapter 281 Trip to Chizhou
"Don't worry about that." Tang Bohu closed the book and said, "If Yue'er and Zhu Houzhao have concubines and concubines, I will definitely match them up. If Yue'er doesn't like Zhu Houzhao, I won't let her marry Zhu Houzhao. The Empress Dowager is the bargaining chip."

"I'm just worried." Qiuxiang looked up at Tang Bohu.

"Don't worry." Tang Bohu lifted Qiuxiang's chin, "Marriage is just a matter of letting things take their course. Let's take it one step at a time. Yue'er is still young and it won't be too late in a few years."

"You want to wait a few years." Qiu Xiang squeezed the soft flesh on Tang Bohu's waist, "Yue'er is already at the age of leaving the court, how can a brother not let his sister marry."

"It hurts..." Tang Bohu struggled, "Let go! If you don't let go, I will resort to family law!"

Qiu Xiang stared at Tang Bohu and did not back down.

Enduring the pain, Tang Bohu picked up Qiuxiang, and the two squirmed together, quarreling and falling on the bed.

After some cloud and rain, Qiu Xiang leaned on Tang Bohu's chest and said, "Are you going to Chizhou?"

Nodding his head, Tang Bohu went on to say: "I didn't want to deal with the insect plague in Chizhou. I just wanted to show my favor to Liu Jin and numb him. Now that we are not strong enough, we won't benefit if we really confront Dongchang. It's better to paralyze him first, and then we will slowly grow our wings, and when we are strong enough, it's time for me and Liu Jin to fight with each other."

"Are you going to turn against Liu Jin one day?" Qiu Xiang asked.

"Liu Jin is just a pawn." Tang Bohu said in a low voice, "Although he is a clown now, he will be of great use in the future. Liu Jin is an ambitious person, which is why he is easy to be used."

"No matter what, I hope you are safe." Qiuxiang closed her eyes after finishing speaking.

On the second day, after Tang Bohu explained the family affairs, he rode on his horse and took Tian San and hundreds of Jinyiwei to the direction of Chizhou. There were not too many people, but Tian San insisted on taking these people with him for the sake of safety, and came outside Tangzhuang. Tang Bohu also saw a pair of East Factory teams.

Gu Dayong, who also came out of the East Palace, stood in front of the East Factory team, "Master Tang, the factory owner asked our family to help you control the pest plague."

"Eunuch Gu, are you going with me?" Tang Bohu was puzzled, "This trip is not a sightseeing trip."

"Treat the pests!" Gu Dayong said.

Smiling silently, Tang Bohu took Gu Dayong on the road, and Tian Sanqi whispered beside Tang Bohu, "My lord, it seems that Dongchang still doesn't trust us. Liu Jin sent Gu Dayong to monitor us."

"Such a simple truth, do you understand that I don't understand?" Tang Bohu continued: "We will do things beautifully, even if the food is cut off, our Tangzhuang still has potatoes, enough for the people of Chizhou Prefecture to eat one Year."

Tian San also laughed at Yare.

All the way to Chizhou, there are almost farm houses outside Chizhou, Tang Bohu got off his horse to inquire about the situation, saw an old man coming with a hoe on his back, Tang Bohu stepped forward and asked: "This old man, Chizhou is plagued by insects. .”

"Yes, yes!" The old man put down his hoe and looked curiously at Tang Bohu in python suit, "You are also an official, right?"

"Yes." Tang Bohu nodded, "The court sent me to deal with the pests."

"Bah!" The old man spat on the ground with a mouthful of thick phlegm, "There is nothing good about being an official!"

"Old man, old man." Tang Bohu followed in a few steps.

Not far away, Tian San bit the grass root and looked at Tang Bohu from a distance, and Gu Dayong also looked at him from a distance, "Master Tian, ​​what are we Master Tang doing?"

"Do you understand how to be sympathetic to the people?" Tian San raised his eyebrows and said, "You can tell that you don't understand just by looking at you."

Gu Dayong smiled bitterly.

Tang Bohu finally stopped the old man and said, "This old man, can you tell me what happened in Chizhou?"

"This Chizhou magistrate..." At this point, the old man trembled with anger, "That bastard colluded with local villains to bully the city! He robbed women and opened casino brothels! Lending money to force him into prostitution!"

"Master!" A middle-aged woman hurriedly came over to support the old man and said, "Why did you go to the field alone again! Didn't the doctor say that you don't have a bad waist and bones so don't go to the field."

Then he saw Tang Bohu in official clothes again, glared at him, and helped the old man to leave.

"Tian San!" Tang Bohu's face turned serious, "Let's not enter Chizhou first, you send a few spies to the nearby villages to find out what the prefect of Chizhou has done all these years."

Gu Dayong heard the prefect of Chizhou ponder and said: "I heard that the prefect of Chizhou paid Liu Jin 3000 taels of silver at the beginning of this year."

Seeing Tang Bohu's attitude, Gu Dayong understood a little and said, "Master Tang, this prefect of Chizhou has a good relationship with Liu Jin, so don't act rashly."

A few hours later, the spies from Jinyiwei came back and told Tang Bohu about the evil deeds of the prefect of Chizhou. The most common thing is to lend money. This is similar to some high-interest loans in later generations. The Ming Dynasty is so smart that they still play this up.

Looking up, Tang Bohu said to Gu Dayong: "Send someone to tell you Liu Jin, the admiral of the East Factory, that I want the head of the prefect of Chizhou."

Gu Dayong nodded, and whispered a few words to Dongchang Fanzi beside him.

I heard that the commander of Jinyiwei came in person, and the prefect of Chizhou was waiting at the gate of the city.

"You are the magistrate of Chizhou." Tang Bohu was riding on a horse wearing an official uniform of Jin Yiwei, looking down at him.

The middle-aged magistrate, Peng Cong bowed and said, "Next is the prefect of Chizhou."

"Okay!" Tang Bohu got off his horse, "Take us in and sit down."

"My lord, please!" Peng Cong led Tang Bohu. In terms of official rank, the Commander of Jinyiwei was much higher than a magistrate like him.

Jinyiwei cleared the way all the way, Peng Cong nodded and bowed in front of Tang Bohu and came to his mansion, majestic, the people on the street were in twos and threes, Chizhou City, which should have been prosperous, was lifeless, but now Tang Bohu has the capital of prestige, came to the mansion to show off in the Tang Dynasty The sleeves naturally sat in the position that a local magistrate should do, and when he came to Chizhou, he made a big noise and overwhelmed the host.

Leaning back against the chair, with his feet resting on the table, Tang Bohu said in a languid manner, "It's the note you submitted to the imperial court, the plague of insects? How far has it come?"

"Nowadays, insect plagues are everywhere, and the farmers can't catch them all." Peng Cong explained: "Your Excellency, please decide."

"Hehe..." Tang Bohu sneered: "Let me decide, what do you, a magistrate, do for food?"

what to eat...

"This..." The prefect of Chizhou was speechless at Tang Bohu's actions and words.

"My lord is the magistrate of Chizhou, how could you be like this..." the scholar standing aside said.

Tang Bohu turned his head suddenly, stared back at the other party's words with a look, and said in a cold tone: "Did I let you talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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