Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 282 The Crow at Night

Chapter 282 The Crow at Night ([-])

"I..." The other party's words couldn't come out from his throat. Tang Bohu's aura was so great that he could not breathe. Hundreds of thousands of life debts, officials are officials, but the Jinyiwei under Tang Bohu are all people who have licked blood on their knives and crawled out of the dead. They are really murderous people.

"Did I let you talk?" Tang Bohu stared at the other party, lowering his tone.

Peng Cong, the prefect of Chizhou, hurried forward and said, "My lord, don't be offended. This is the master of my government office. It's because the lower officials are not well disciplined."

"Tian San!" Tang Bohu said coldly, "Pull it out and open your mouth, I want to hear it!"

"Yes! The humble official takes orders!" Tian San pulled the other party's skirt and went out.


The sound of applause echoed in the government office.

Gu Dayong stood in the quiet mansion and didn't dare to show his breath. No one spoke but applauded one after another. Looking at the Jin Yiwei under Tang Bohu, Gu Dayong found that the expressions of each of these Jin Yiwei did not fluctuate. There was a murderous look on his body, he held the Xiuchun knife in his hand, and he felt a chill on his back unconsciously. This is the Jinyiwei brought out by Tang Bohu. If there is a conflict between Dongchang and Jinyiwei, those who eat nothing in Dongchang must not belong to these Jinyiwei opponent.

Gu Dayong has heard of the deeds of Liaodong, the blood flowed into rivers, and the corpses could not be seen at a glance. Hundreds of thousands of Mongolian troops died at the hands of these Jinyiwei. , These are all murderous monsters.

"Your subordinates have been humiliated by me, don't you want to say something?" Tang Bohu looked at Peng Cong with great interest.

"This person is disrespectful to the Commander, and he deserves the retribution." Peng Cong said with a smile: "The lower officer has prepared food and wine in the restaurant, and I will welcome the Lord."

"You're welcome." Tang Bohu stood up.

Peng Cong cupped his hands and said, "My lord please!"

Walking in the front, Tang Bohu gave Tian San a look and understood the meaning. Tian San took advantage of Peng Cong's attention and whispered a few words to his subordinates, and everyone walked out of the mansion. Quickly spread out towards Chizhou City in all directions.

When they came to the restaurant, they asked Tian San to guard the downstairs with the brocade-clothed guards. Gu Dayong, Tang Bohu, and Peng Cong came to a private room on the second floor of the restaurant. The food and drinks had already been placed on the table.

Tang Bohu introduced: "This is Eunuch Gu from Dongchang, and he is also a general under the admiral of Dongchang today."

"So it's Eunuch Gu." Peng Cong said, cupping his hands.

Gu Dayong also smiled, "The factory owner mentioned you more than once."

"I'm sorry for Mr. Lao." Peng Cong poured wine for the two of them himself and said, "I hope you two don't dislike me for some simple tea and light food."

"Where is there?" Tang Bohu shook his head and sighed, "To say that such a good meal is simple tea and light meals is really an insult to the delicacies on this table."

Gu Dayong enjoyed the table full of big fish and meat.

Under the restaurant, Tian San kept talking to his subordinate Jin Yiwei, arranging everything in Chizhou City.

In a residential house in Chizhou City, more than a dozen swordsmen were sitting in the room, and the leader was a strong man who kept pouring wine into his mouth.

"Brother, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang came together. I'm afraid this matter is not easy." Someone said.

The brawny man put down his wine bowl, "Dongchang is not worth mentioning. The admiral of Dongchang accepted the several thousand taels of silver from us, which is justified. This Tang Bohu is not easy to deal with. He holds Jinyiwei in his hand, and we have all heard of his deeds." He's quite the ruthless guy."

"Brother, if Peng Cong recruits us out, all of us will be overwhelmed." Another younger brother said worriedly.

"Why don't you find a chance to chop him up!"

"Chizhou is our territory, and together with Peng Cong, Li Ying, and Waihe, we quietly killed the commander of Jinyiwei."

There were different opinions in the room, and Tang Bohu's arrival brought them endless panic!
"Big brother, big brother!" There was a call from outside the house, and a younger brother came with the master who couldn't walk on his back, "Big brother, the master was beaten by Jin Yiwei!"

The strong man stood up, walked out of the house and saw the master with blood on his face.

"I lost my teeth, and my face is so swollen that I don't look good!" said the younger brother who supported the master, "This Tang Bohu has been doing this since he came to Chizhou. He is not a good person!"

The leading strong man whispered: "Send a few brothers to step on the spot, find the place where Tang Bohu is staying, and do it at night!"

The crowd dispersed, and their conversation was clearly overheard by a Jin Yiwei spy who was hiding on the roof, and quickly left the place and headed towards Tang Bohu.

The dinner in the restaurant was still going on, Tang Bohu said while drinking, "It is said that you Chizhou is plagued by insects, but we are feasting on wine and meat here, I always feel uncomfortable."

"Your Excellency is laughing at you." Peng Cong continued, "I just want to entertain Your Excellency. How can I eat such delicacies on weekdays?"

"Then I accept your favor." Tang Bohu said in a low voice
"My lord, you are welcome." Peng Cong said with a smile: "In the future, I will rely on the two adults of Dongchang and Jinyiwei."

Speaking of which, Peng Cong stood up, and there was a wooden box in the corner of the wall. When he opened the box, he saw a whole box of silver.

Watching Yinzi Tang Bohu swallowing his drink, and seeing Gu Dayong with a changed face.

After a meal, Peng Cong said in a low voice: "The upper room has been arranged for the two adults. You can stay here as long as you want. We will discuss the pest control tomorrow."

Peng Cong left, Gu Dayong also returned to his room, Tang Bohu stood on the windowsill and meditated.

Tian San came in a hurry and told Tang Bohu many things, "Will they do it?"

"My lord, be prepared!" Tian San whispered.

"Peng Cong arranged our stay, and Peng Cong arranged the meals." Tang Bohu said awe-inspiringly, "I have to say that Peng Cong is very thoughtful. When do you think they will do it?"

"If the humble job is Peng Cong, I'm afraid there will be long nights and dreams, the sooner the better." Tian San said in a low voice.

"How many people do they have?" Tang Bohu asked further.

Thinking about it, Tian San said: "It won't be too many, but the manpower will definitely not be less than ours."

"I humiliated him so much, but he invited me to eat meat and drink, and gave me a large box of silver?" Tang Bohu looked at the depressed Chizhou City, "I can't take this box of silver for my life."

"My lord, do you want to be dismissed as an official? Let Peng Cong capture you." Tian San said.

"Are you stupid!" Tang Bohu picked up his fan and knocked Tian San on the head, "Do you know how many people they have? Even if Peng Cong is captured, will those bullies who have sex with Peng Cong let us go? When the time comes , no one can please."

(End of this chapter)

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