Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 304 Movement of the Six Doors

Chapter 304 Movement of the Six Doors
A large box of silver was placed in front of Tian San, and Tang Bohu continued: "As long as you are loyal to me, I will let you enjoy endless glory for the rest of your life. You must keep this in your heart!"

"I understand!" Tian San knelt on the ground and replied loudly.

Tang Bohu walked away step by step and said, "You want to serve the money, and you have to finish the food here."

Until Tang Bohu's figure was submerged in the darkness, Tian San still knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

"Tian San, get up."

A woman's voice reached Tian San's ears, and when he saw the other person's face, he hurriedly lowered his head, "I have seen Mrs. Zhong."

"A majestic seven-foot man, don't you feel ashamed to kneel on the ground like this?" Zhong Ling'er shook her head and sighed: "Get up quickly."

Tian San stood up and still didn't dare to raise his head, Zhong Ling'er continued, "You and Tang Bohu have been through life and death all these years, and you almost lost your life several times in order to serve Tang Bohu, but how did Tang Bohu treat you afterwards?"

Tian San stopped talking.

"Let me tell." Zhong Ling'er continued: "Tang Bohu never abandoned you after Donghaiwei's victory, but Tang Bohu still wanted to save your life. To be honest, Tang Bohu had a reason to throw you away. Finished among the dead."

"The humble job understands." Tian Sanfan suddenly came to his senses.

Zhong Ling'er smiled quietly, "Your life was saved by Tang Bohu, and not once or twice. Everything you have was given to you by Tang Bohu, so your life is also saved by Tang Bohu."

"Tang Bohu needs your loyalty. Now my husband is the commander of Jinyiwei, and Liu Jin, who holds great power in the court, is on an equal footing. If you say that under one person, my husband can be counted above ten thousand. The reason why he did this is hope Tian San You can stay by his side, history has been going on like this since ancient times, use it only if it is useful, and get rid of it if not." Zhong Ling'er looked at Tian San, "Now you understand. "

"Thank you Mrs. Zhong for your advice, I know I was wrong!" Tian San replied loudly.

"Okay, it's strangely cold tonight." Zhong Ling'er tightened her robe, "After you finish your food and drink, take your money and leave."

"Yes!" Tian San knelt on one knee and accepted the order.

----------------------Dividing line
In the dark night, the times are beckoning to Tang Bohu, as if they are calling for welcome to the era where good and evil are intertwined.

Zhong Ling'er came to her husband's side to grind, "It's all done."

"It's a pity for you." Tang Bohu said with stern eyes: "Qiuxiang has never experienced the darkness of the officialdom and the struggle between power, so I have to trouble you. You are better than Qiuxiang in this regard."

Zhong Ling'er let out a long breath, "Since this is the case, the husband doesn't know how to thank some concubines?"

"Hehe..." Tang Bohu said with a smile, "Wash up and go to bed and wait."

Zhong Ling'er left with a smile, watching the ink spread on the paper Tang Bohu was confused, put down his pen and stood up to look at the night.

On the second day, Tang Bohu came to the factory as usual and was busy making firearms. Through the window Tang Bohu saw a very familiar monk standing outside the factory.

Wude is a elusive guy, he left after the First World War in Liaodong, Tang Bohu didn't care where he went, and now he appeared in front of him again.

After hesitating for a long time, Tang Bohu put down the things in his hands, stood up and walked towards Wude step by step, "Smelly monk, where have you died all these years?"

"The poor monk walked around and looked around." Wude explained.

"Walk around and take a look?" Tang Bohu looked at the other party jokingly, "Didn't you escape from Buddhism long ago, why do you call yourself a monk again?"

"I'm used to it, I can't change it." Wude said: "It's just a title, don't worry about it."

"That's true." Tang Bohu sat on a short rock beside him.

"I heard that you have been very imposing recently." Wude observed Tang Bohu.

The wind messed up Tang Bohu's hair and said: "Others say I am majestic, look at my current life, I really don't want to take care of those messy things in the court, and I don't want to have anything to do with it."

"Hehe." With a sneer, Wude said: "You said that you would hide in a small building to become a unified body, and care about spring, summer and autumn and winter, but recently Jin Yiwei has been sending people to King Ning's fiefdom. Although you are not in the capital, your The eyeliner is all over the capital, am I right? Your eyes are not looking at the court, but your ears are bright."

"Oh, I was discovered by you." Tang Bohu said nervously: "It seems that I want to kill people to silence my words!"

Wude: "Tang Bohu, don't you know how to chat?"

"You didn't come just to chat with me this time, did you?" Tang Bohu looked at him and said, "I haven't seen you for a few years, but now you suddenly come to the door. This is going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, and the weasel pays new year greetings to the chicken!"

"Why did the weasel give the chicken New Year's greetings?" Wude looked puzzled.

"Because I have no good intentions!" Tang Bohu raised his eyebrows jokingly.

"The poor monk found out that you really don't know how to chat!" Wude said angrily: "We two have a horoscope, so we can't talk today!"

"Go slowly, don't send it off!" Tang Bohu waved his hand and said.

Just as he was about to lift his footsteps, Wude's mind woke up, and he immediately felt that he had something to do with Tang Bohu, and then pointed at him and said, "Tang Bohu, you!"

"Hahaha!" Tang Bohu laughed dryly.

Wude shook his head vigorously, "If the poor monk dies one day, he must be mad at you."

"Hiss..." Tang Bohu gasped, "I'll be mad at you if you die. It's such a powerful skill, I admire you."

"Get down to business!" Wude blew his beard and stared and said, "The six doors are moving again, you Tang Bohu is still sitting here enjoying the peace, do you know that this time the six doors are coming for you Tang Bohu and Liu Jin, Aim at Jinyiwei and Dongchang!"

"Why is there no news from my Jin Yiwei?"

"He is here for you, how could he let you know." He stomped his feet immorally.

Tang Bohu thought about it, "The authority of the Six Doors cannot be related to Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and they have no ability to bring us down."

"You're wrong if you think so." Wude went on to explain: "The guys in Chaotang are all veterans, why don't they think carefully, and they won't do anything without full confidence."

Beckoning Tian San, Tang Bohu ordered: "Immediately find out who is in charge of the current San Judicial Yamen, tell this matter to Eunuch Liu of Dongchang, and check all the rosters of all officials from the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and inspectors." , how to do things, and behave yourself."

"I'm taking orders from the humble post! Let's do it now." Tian San hurriedly went to work.

(End of this chapter)

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