Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 305 Reopening the West Factory

Chapter 305 Reopening the West Factory
"It's really majestic." Wude said to Tang Bohu: "The children that the poor monk gave you before have become cold-blooded killers one after another. I always feel that I made a wrong decision at the beginning."

"If they don't like the current life, you can let them go at any time." Tang Bohu looked at the field being cultivated and said, "It won't take a few years, and I won't need them in the future."

"Alright, it will be good for them to practice more while they are young." Wude sighed.

"How do you know the movement of the six doors, and what is their purpose?" Tang Bohu asked again.

"There is news that Liu Jin is going to break the sea ban, and is still building the sea piercing privately." Wude said in a low voice: "There are people in the court who are worried. While Liu Jin is investigating them, the six doors have also started."

"What an idiot." Tang Bohu said.

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Liu Jin also knew about the actions of the Six Gates. The profit of the sea ban was huge enough to attract Liu Jin. Sea-going ships began to be quietly built near Tianjin Wei. It didn't take long for this news to be hidden, and there was movement in the DPRK and China.

That day, Zhu Houzhao was on his way back to the palace. Nearly a hundred ministers stopped in front of the Forbidden City. Before reaching the gate of the palace, Zhu Houzhao hurriedly changed his way and wanted to enter the palace by another road, but all the ministers knew about it.

"How do you know that I'm leaving the palace today?" Zhu Houzhao felt dizzy facing a large group of courtiers, obviously he was leaving the palace in a low-clothes and few people knew about it along the way.

"Impeach the East Factory Admiral Liu Jin's [-] crimes!" The ministers said loudly.

When Liu Jin heard the whole person's figure violently, "You are presumptuous! Someone come and take them all for our family!"

"Wait!" Zhu Houzhao said, "I want to see what crimes Liu Jin has committed, and tell me!"

An old official knelt in front of Zhu Houzhao and said loudly: "The first crime: Liu Jin received bribes worth 300 million taels of silver! No matter what the grade is, he has to pay hundreds of taels of tribute when entering the palace for pilgrimage."

"You talk nonsense!" Liu Jin said loudly.

"The second crime is to spread wings, and his heart can be punished. Liu Jin, who is a vacant local official, single-handedly controls the government and bypasses the Ministry of Officials to directly issue officials."

Liu Jin became anxious, "You are lying!"

"The third crime is to check the money, food and taxes in the world, and actually use this matter to make a lot of money in various places."

"The fourth crime is to disregard the principles of ethics and make the widows of the world remarry! There are no more chaste wives among the people!"

"The fifth crime is that Liu Jin built a sea-going ship in disregard of the ancestral system..."

"You fart!" Liu Jin cursed loudly: "When will I go to sea when I return to shipbuilding!"


"Enough!" Zhu Houzhao realized the seriousness of the matter, and more and more people gathered to point and point at him. He glared at Liu Jin and said, "Give me your memorial, and I will take a look."

Back at Qianxiang Palace, Zhu Houzhao threw all these memorials on Liu Jin's face, "Look at what you've done!"

"I am wronged." Liu Jin knelt on the ground, "These are unfounded charges. It is said that the old slave is greedy for money. The old slave is just a eunuch. What is the use of these money? It is said that the old slave builds ships. The old slave just wants His Majesty's leisure time. You can travel by boat at that time, old slave..."

"Shut up!" Zhu Houzhao stared at Liu Jin and said, "You don't need to be the eunuch who is the supervisor of ceremonies, and the admiral of Dongchang."

Zhu Houzhao's words made Liu Jin feel cold all over. The eunuch is a slave of the Tian family, and honor and disgrace can only be thought of in one thought.

Standing beside Zhu Houzhao were a few eunuchs from the East Palace. They looked at Liu Jin with excitement besides teasing, and the position of Admiral of the East Factory was vacant!

Zhu Houzhao went on to say: "Since the position of the admiral of the East Factory is vacant, then you, Gu Dayong, will do it."

"This old slave is willing to ruin His Majesty's heart!" Gu Dayong immediately fell to his knees and said loudly.

Liu Jin trembled all over, with remorse in her heart but a lot of it was jealousy!
The fact that Liu Jin was deprived of the admiral of the East Factory and the Supervisor of Rituals spread the word that the palace entered the ears of many people. For a while, both the court and the people were applauded. Tang Bohu sighed, and then In a few years, Liu Jin's hatred will be so great, Yan Song stood aside and said: "Master, this Liu Jin is really a fool."

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King Ning, who was far away in the fiefdom, let go of the pigeon in his hand. He received a message from the capital that the current court has been messed up by Liu Jin, so let's continue to mess up!The soldiers and horses under him are getting stronger and stronger, and King Ning feels that his chance is not far away.

"He's stupid but he's also ruthless." Tang Bohu said while washing his hands by the stream, "Liu Jin is not dead yet, don't think he will fall like this."

Yan Song stood aside, Tang Bohu went on to say: "How is the stay in the Imperial Academy?"

"Everything is fine." Yan Song replied.

"I remember that Xu Zhenqing is still in the Imperial Academy, you should pay more attention to this person." Tang Bohu wiped his hands, "Xu Zhenqing is not an easy person."

Angrily, Liu Jin threw the things in front of him, and Jiao Fang came to him and said, "Mr. Factory."

"I'm no longer the boss of the factory. These old bastards dare to impeach me like this!" Liu Jin was very angry.Tang Bohu reminded himself before that if he touched the sea ban, his corpse would be broken into pieces!This warning is still echoing in his mind, but he is not convinced, very unconvinced.

"Why doesn't Eunuch Liu take retreat as an advance." Jiao Fang said again: "Hand over the position of Dongchang, and Eunuch Liu can reopen a professional field."

"What do you mean?" Liu Jin calmed down.

"Xichang!" Jiao Fang uttered these two words, "A Xichang who takes over the power of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, as long as Mr. Above Dongchang, as long as Eunuch Liu wins His Majesty's favor again, he will be under one person! Above ten thousand people!"

"Xichang, Xichang!" Longing appeared in Liu Jin's eyes.

A few months later, Liu Jin stayed by Zhu Houzhao's side. After many times of offering his favor, and Liu Jin's deep understanding of His Majesty's love, only three months later, Zhu Houzhao announced a news that shocked the government and the public, and the reopening In the West Factory, Liu Jin served as the admiral of the West Factory.

In order to pursue his favorite Tangyue, Zhu Houzhao put his residence directly in Tangzhuang. Fortunately, he didn't build a leopard house like in history, but lived in Tangzhuang in a low-key way, and all the affairs of the court were handed over. Handled by Liu Jin.

Liu Jin sat in the West Factory, looked at the people kneeling beside her, and whispered to Jiao Fang beside her, "Do you still remember those old ministers who impeached me?"

"It's all on the case book."

Liu Jin's eyes were gloomy, "Our family will get everything back today! We have to wait, and no one will run away."

(End of this chapter)

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