Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 306 More Fierce Than Eight Tigers

Chapter 306 Worse than the Eight Tigers

Gu Dayong was in a panic that day, and Liu Jin sat in the West Factory only a few months after his comeback, and the number of people in the West Factory was several times that of Jinyiwei and East Factory.

"Master Tang, you should think of a way. Liu Jin is really going to overwhelm the sky with one hand." Gu Dayong looked at Tang Bohu anxiously.

While eating the sauced beef, Tang Bohu said to Gu Dayong: "Eunuch Gu, do you want to eat some too?"

"Our family can't eat it!" Gu Dayong said anxiously: "Liu Jin is a very vengeful person, and our family will definitely not let our family take away his position in the East Factory."

Tang Bohu didn't care what Zhu Houzhao wanted to do, but he knew that as long as Liu Jin took the position of Xichang, then Liu Jin would really be close to death.

The sky was very dark, Tang Bohu looked at the night sky in the distance and said: "Today's night is very suitable for killing people."

That night, people from the West Factory came in and out!The heavy rain drifted down in the capital, and the fans of Xichang came out in full force, stepped on the water splash on the road, and knocked on the door of every official house. There were screams and screams all over the capital. Liu Jin began to take revenge. Killers are being killed everywhere, and all officials who resist arrest will be killed, even the youngest in the family.

There were wailing sounds everywhere that night. Thousands of Xichang fans came to the gate of Dongchang and ordered thousands of people to rush into Dongchang, raised the knife in their hands and killed Dongchang upside down!

Until dawn, there were bloodstains, and only a few ministers came to the court. Wang Shouren held a blood letter to impeach Liu Jin for several major crimes.

Dozens of ministers knelt in front of the Jinshui Bridge in bloody water, begging to see His Majesty like a palace!

Liu Jin swaggered up the Jinshui Bridge, looked at the ministers and said, "Do you want to see Your Majesty?"

All the ministers bowed their heads and knelt on the ground without saying a word. Wang Shouren took out a memorial and said loudly to Liu Jin, "I want to impeach Liu Jin, the chief inspector of the West Factory!"

"Take it up and have a look!" Liu Jin sneered, and several Xichang fans snatched the memorial from Wang Shouren and put it in Liu Jin's hands.

Opening the memorial and posting nearly a hundred words, Liu Jin's forehead burst out with veins, "Take him down for me!"

Jiao Fang whispered to Liu Jin, "He belongs to Tang Bohu!"

"Does our family depend on Tang Bohu's face?" Liu Jin gritted his teeth and said, "Take Wang Shouren down for our family!"

"Hahahaha!" Wang Shouren laughed wildly all the way and was taken away by the people from Xichang.

Gu Dayong returned to his West Factory, but he didn't dare to speak when he saw the blood and dead people all over the ground.

--------------------split line
Tang Bohu received the news that Wang Shouren had been taken away, "Does this Liu Jin really think that I, Tang Bohu, am a well-behaved and easy-going person?"

Tian San stood beside Tang Bohu.

On the afternoon when Wang Shouren was taken away by Xichang, Tang Bohu brought thousands of Jinyi guards of his own, and four huge things covered with black cloth. Thousands of Jinyi guards stood at the closed gate of Xichang, each of them Holding the knife in his hand, Tang Bohu shouted towards the gate: "Commander of Jin Yiwei, Tang Bohu asks to see the admiral of Xichang!"

A young eunuch hurried over and said in a panic, "Master, it's not good! Tang Bohu is here with his army of Jinyiwei!"

"What's the matter with Tang Bohu?" Liu Jin said coldly, "Our family is still afraid that he will fail, so Tang Bohu will kill him!"

The ground was covered with rainwater from last night, Tang Bohu shouted again: "Commander Jin Yiwei, come and ask to see Admiral Xichang!"

There was no response from the closed door, Tian San whispered, "My lord, this Liu Jin doesn't seem to want to pay attention to us."

"It's up to Liu Jin to see me or not." With a wave of Tang Bohu's hand, four new cannons were mounted at the gate of the West Factory. Tang Bohu shouted again: "Commander Tang Bohu of Jinyiwei, please see the admiral of the West Factory!"

There was still no response, as if there was no one behind this door.

Inside the West Factory, Liu Jin said in a low voice: "If Tang Bohu dares to fight hard, I will kill them all, and Tang Bohu is no exception."

Liu Jin said so, but he didn't know what to do. Although his official position was higher than Tang Bohu's, Liu Jin had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Seeing that there was still no response from the gate of the West Factory, Tang Bohu went on to say: "Light it up, let the cannon go!"

Just when the people in the West Factory took out their knives and waited at the gate, boom!boom!boom!boom!Four loud bangs resounded through the Forbidden City, and the gate of Xichang was directly smashed by the artillery bombardment. Countless Xichang fans were dripping blood from the artillery fire, lying on the ground struggling, Liu Jin felt that his breathing had stopped.

After the smoke cleared, he saw Tang Bohu standing aside.

"Come on! Let's show Eunuch Liu our newly developed artillery!" Tang Bohu waved his hand, and the soldiers of Jin Yiwei began to load ammunition, and then quickly ignited the fuse.

"Tang Bohu..." What Liu Jin was about to say just now,
There were four more artillery fires, rubble flew everywhere, and the houses in Xichang were bombarded to pieces. Looking at the chaotic surroundings, Liu Jin roared angrily: "Tang Bohu! Our family will fight with you!"

Tang Bohu ordered loudly, "Play again!"

After igniting the fuse, Liu Jin was about to raise his knife, when four cannons exploded, the shells whizzed past him, and the solid shells crushed the building.

"Play again!" Tang Bohu ordered again.

Liu Jin stared blankly at Tang Bohu, four more cannon shots were fired, and the houses continued to collapse, how insignificant the wailing sound was under the sound of the cannonballs.

Half of the West Factory was destroyed in this way. The sound of these cannons was Tang Bohu's roar, and most of the West Factory was destroyed.

Tang Bohu led Jin Yiwei into the shattered West Factory, looked down at Liu Jin and said, "Eunuch Liu, what do you think of this new artillery?"

"Tang...Tang Bohu!" Liu Jin was trembling as she spoke.

"Liu Jin, Liu Jin, I have never been a person who obeys the rules." Tang Bohu continued: "Whether you are the admiral of the East Factory or the admiral of the West Factory, or want to have power, I, Tang Bohu, will not fight with you." You fight, but I tell you today, Wang Shouren has been with me for five years, and Wang Shouren is covered by me, you can try to touch a hair on him!"

"Those civil servants will reason with you, but I won't!" Tang Bohu continued: "I like to use hands, not like to use words."

"I won't kill you this time, and I'll leave half of you in Xichang, live well! Still the same sentence, try to touch my people!" Tang Bohu waved his sleeves and left.

Liu Jin sat on the ground and couldn't say a word from the beginning to the end. He never thought that Tang Bohu would do this. He wanted that Wang Shouren to try Tang Bohu's reaction, but he didn't expect that the other party would have such a means and directly destroy half of his West Factory.

"Ah...!" Liu Jin roared angrily looking at the wailing Xichang Fanzi, feeling fearful and angry at the same time.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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