Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 307 Prestige

Chapter 307 Prestige
At this moment Liu Jin was afraid of Tang Bohu in his heart, and he would never forget this scene in his life.

The Queen Mother was the first to know the news. Tang Bohu brought Jin Yiwei to bombard the East Factory. She was shocked at first, and then suddenly felt proud. Breathe under Liu Jin's hegemony, but Tang Bohu can't. As soon as Liu Jin made a move, Tang Bohu bombarded half of the West Factory.

If there is a disagreement, bombard the West Factory!
Tang Bohu's deeds soon spread to the people. This time, Liu Jin was frightened by Tang Bohu, and the ministers in the court and Mingjian were very angry. It was sung among the bookstores, and this matter spread throughout the capital within a day.

Besides the Eight Tigers of the East Palace, there is another tiger that is more fierce, that is Tang Bohu!Evil people still need evil people to grind them. Tang Bohu's bombardment of Xichang directly destroyed Liu Jin's accumulated arrogance.

"Tang Bohu! You really want to fight against me!" Liu Jin yelled in the ruins.

Jiao Fang whispered next to Liu Jin: "Master, let Wang Shouren go quickly! Right now we can't blame Tang Bohu."

"What do you think I should do." Liu Jin continued, "Send Wang Shouren to Tang Bohu?"

"Wang Shouren can't stay." Jiao Fang whispered the plan in Liu Jin's ear.

On the second day, Wang Shouren was demoted to a very desolate place. Tang Bohu ordered Tian San to send Jin Yiwei to escort Wang Shouren all the way. Wang Shouren was a great man in the history of the Central Plains. It has been rumored for thousands of years that Tang Bohu would not let such a person die.

After drawing up a letter, Tang Bohu handed it to Tian San: "Be sure to give it to Wang Shouren."

Naturally, Liu Jin would not let Wang Shouren go. He didn't want to let it go. After Wang Shouren walked out of the capital, the killers from Xichang came. Wipe the knife on the Xichang killer's body, "Master Wang is frightened."

"I thought who it was." Wang Shouren looked at Tian San and said, "So you are Lao Tian."

"I don't know when we'll see each other after we leave." Tian San looked at Wang Shouren regretfully: "This is a letter that my lord has entrusted to you in a humble position. My lord Wang must read it."

Wang Shouren took the letter and glanced at it and said, "Prince Ning is about to rebel?"

"Our Jinyiwei has been paying attention to King Ning's things. Master Tang has long forgotten that King Ning has this dynasty." Tian San continued: "If King Ning really turns against him, our Jinyiwei scattered around Jiangxi by Master Tang can be the first. As time gathers, those are all those who have licked blood in Liaodong."

"Master Tang hopes that Lord Wang can stop King Ning when he rebels! Our Jin Yiwei will be the first to help."

"It turns out..." Wang Shouren breathed a sigh of relief, "Tang Bohu is supporting this vast country. I always thought that Ming was hopeless. So there are still people like us, so I am relieved."

"Master Tang never gave up on this era." Tian San also said.

"These people were sent by Xichang." Wang Shouren continued, "Liu Jin and Tang Bohu turned against each other, and Tang Bohu's situation will not be too good in the future."

Tian San grinned, "Lord Wang, don't worry, everything is under our Master Tang's control, Lord Wang! Go all the way!"

"Okay!" Wang Shouren wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, Daming is still saved!People like us still need to pull up this Daming, like a ray of dawn in the dark night. At this moment, he feels that his body and mind have relaxed a lot.

"Hahahaha!" Wang Shouren laughed as he walked.

----------------split line
Tang Zhuang, Tang Bohu and Liu Jin stood in front of Zhu Houzhao with fake smiles.

Zhu Houzhao also looked at the two and asked, "Tang Bohu heard that you bombarded the West Factory?"

"Actually, this matter is not what they said." Tang Bohu explained: "That day I made a few new cannons, and wanted to give Liu Gonggong a quiet power. The factory was bombed, it’s really secret.”

"Eunuch Liu? Do you think so?" Tang Bohu looked at Liu Jin with a smile.

"That's true." Liu Jin also said with a smile: "It went off for a while. I didn't expect the power of this new cannon to be so powerful. It really opened my eyes."

A confrontation was concealed between the words and smiles of Liu Jin and Tang Bohu, each with their own ulterior motives.

"It's very powerful?" Zhu Houzhao put Tang Bohu's shoulders while talking, "Tang Bohu, you are too uninteresting, and you didn't give it to me immediately after you made it. What does Liu Jin, an eunuch, know? Anyway, I will be your brother-in-law in the future Sooner or later, you will be your own family, and you are too unkind."

Liu Jin followed Zhu Houzhao, watching Tang Bohu talking and laughing as the current emperor, the feeling of powerlessness in his heart rose again, Zhu Houzhao trusted Tang Bohu even more, after all, he was a eunuch, eunuch!This identity has been suppressed in Liu Jin's heart.

Finally he is a head shorter than ordinary people, but Tang Bohu is different, he is a courtier!He can also be Zhu Houzhao's brother.

"This is the cannon you made!" Zhu Houzhao looked at the pitch-black sound of the cannon and said, "This cannon barrel is so long. How powerful is this thing?"

"Not so bad!" Tang Bohu said confidently: "Eunuch Liu was scared to death at that time! Isn't it, Eunuch Liu?"

"Yes, yes!" Liu Jinpi smiled.

"Then I'll try it!" Zhu Houzhao rubbed his hands excitedly, and the cannon was moved to a small hill.

"Your Majesty is watching." Tang Bohu was about to ignite the cannon that had already been loaded with gunpowder.

"Wait!" Zhu Houzhao took the torch from Tang Bohu's hand, "I will come in person!"

Zhu Houzhao ignited the fuse carefully, watched the fire wire of the fuse slowly burn into the gun body, and then stepped back step by step, walking to a safe distance.

boom!There was a loud noise, and even the ground trembled, and the shells spewed out. Zhu Houzhao saw with his own eyes that the moment the shells were fired, the barrels of the guns were all spouting fire.

The hard shells shot directly into the mountain, shaking the whole mountain. There was a huge gap in the hill, and the shells shot directly into the mountain. It can be seen how terrifying its power is when it penetrates several sticks.

"This is really a bombardment!" Zhu Houzhao's face was full of excitement.

By a small stream in the distance, Tangyue was fishing, pouted and looked at the loud noise and shaking of the water surface, sighed, and said in a disappointed voice: "I can't catch any fish today, really! A little bit!" It never stops."

(End of this chapter)

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