Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 324 Confrontation in the Dark Night

Chapter 324 Confrontation in the Dark Night

"Please." Tang Bohu stretched out his hand to invite.

He Ding also nodded and said to the children beside him: "Look around by yourself, don't cause trouble!"

"Yes, foster father!" He Jun nodded.

Walking all the way to another courtyard of the Chen family, this is the residence of Zhu Houzhao. When entering the courtyard, he saw Liu Jin reprimanding a young eunuch from a distance. He Ding stood and called, "Liu Jin?"

Liu Jin looked up and was taken aback when he saw He Ding, then said, "Eunuch He?"

"It's me!" He Ding looked at the other party and said, "I haven't seen you for many years, but you have become a lot more powerful. You have become the admiral of the East Factory, and you have re-opened the West Factory. You have made me much stronger."

"Don't dare to be, dare not be!" Liu Jin smiled and stepped forward, "Eunuch He is the monument in the heart of this old slave."

"I heard that several big families want to invite you recently!" He Ding asked, his words flickering as if to say, will you try to win over these families.

Liu Jin said with a smile: "The old slave has to serve His Majesty back and forth these days, how could he have the skill."

Tang Bohu observed Liu Jin, unexpectedly this guy did not contact those aristocratic families. The same is true of Liu Jin who can grow up. Does this dead eunuch want to see his next move?

"How is Eunuch He's health recently?" Liu Jin said to He Ding, but her eyes were still on Tang Bohu, always paying attention to Tang Bohu.

Since the bombardment of Dongchang, Liu Jin and Tang Bohu have torn their faces.

He Ding said with a smile: "Is the old man in good health? As the head of the eunuch, you should take good care of His Majesty. If there is nothing else, the old man will leave first and leave!"

"Forgive me!" Liu Jin bowed and said.

He Ding turned around, Tang Bohu and Liu Jin looked at each other, after a long time of expressionless looking, Tang Bohu nodded, and then left with He Ding.

Liu Jin fell into deep thought. He Ding was blown out this time. I'm afraid that this trip to Jiangnan was really not so easy to deal with. Tang Bohu didn't see anyone behind closed doors for a few days. This time he came out suddenly. Are you ready to start action?Liu Jin said to the little eunuch beside him: "Immediately order to arrange a meeting with those aristocratic families. Our family wants to meet them!"

Liu Jin then instructed: "Remember to beware of Jin Yiwei!"


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After walking away, He Ding said softly to Tang Bohu: "This Liu Jin doesn't seem to make any moves, but this shows that he cares more. It seems that he is waiting for your actions, Tang Bohu."

"I can tell." Tang Bohu continued, "It's not that Liu Jin doesn't want to touch this big fish, he's the one who wants to get in."

"What are you going to do!" He Ding asked again.

"What else can I do! Kill him!" Tang Bohu continued, "Kill until no one dares to approach Liu Jin!"

"The same Liu Jin will definitely do the same, you have to be careful." He Ding said again: "Have you always been very interested in the people behind the shipping?"

Tang Bohu raised his spirits, "Do you know the clue?"

A few bamboo leaves fell on He Ding's bun and said: "I can guess one or two, but I can't be sure. I have always suspected that they are Yao Guangxiao's descendants, but they don't look like them at first glance. I really can't figure it out." , the people among them disappeared after more than 100 years, so it is difficult to track down, and Emperor Hongzhi also wanted to look into it."

"But using all the power of Jinyiwei and Dongchang back then would lead to nothing!" He Ding went on to say, "The people who control the shipping behind the scenes only came after Emperor Yongle, and the one who wanted to open the sea was also in the Yongle Dynasty, the sea ban. It’s also Yongle Dynasty, if you really want to find out the source, you have to start from here.”

"Hundreds of years have passed, it's really not easy!" Tang Bohu felt powerless.

Seeing the other party's expression, He Ding continued: "I remember you have a confidante in the south of the Yangtze River. I remember it was called Hong Niang. This woman's identity is very mysterious. You can start with her, and I don't think you can avoid her." .”

"It's easy to say, but difficult to do." Tang Bohu felt the spring breeze and said, "Why did you choose to stay in Jiangnan after we left?"

He Ding explained with a smile: "It's also because Jiangnan is a good place to retire. The weather here is calm, there is no danger of the court, and there are fewer killings."

"Indeed!" Tang Bohu nodded, "Should I also find a way out for my future?"

"Do you need it?" He Ding asked with a smile.

"I need it, why don't I need it." Tang Bohu shook his head and sighed, "Although I am very prosperous now, how many people have been criticizing me for Tang Bohu's atrocities, and there are many people who want to see me down, but I know that they want Liu Jin to die There must be more people."

"Hahahaha!" He Ding said with a smile, "That's right!"

"What are you going to do next?" He Ding asked.

"It's too late to plan." Tang Bohu said again: "My subordinates are already doing it. This land in the south of the Yangtze River is too quiet. It's time to shed some blood!"

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that night
Niu Er, Tietou, Su San, and a large group of guards in brocade clothes shuttled through the dark night, ambush in several important passages unexpectedly in the Chen family's mansion.

Dozens of young eunuchs rode out on fast horses and headed towards Yangzhou. From a distance, a figure could be seen standing in the middle of the main road!
"I'm doing business in the West Factory! Get out of the way quickly!" The leading eunuch shouted loudly!
Standing in the middle of the road was none other than Niu Er, carrying the Xiuchun Knife on his shoulders, standing under the moonlight, blocking the way with a sneer and saying: "Under the commander of Jin Yiwei, Niu Er! Dare to ask a few father-in-laws to go out late at night What is it?"

It's from Jinyiwei!Holding the rein, the little eunuch tentatively shouted again: "You Jinyiwei can't control the affairs of our West Factory."

"I don't want to care about it either." Niu Er stood under the high beam, and from the other party's point of view, there was only a black shadow that couldn't be seen clearly. "It's just that our commander wants us to guard the safety of the surrounding area."

There was some fog all around, and the situation on both sides of the road could not be seen clearly in the night. The little eunuch whispered to Xichang Fanzi behind him: "He is only alone, I feel like killing him! It is important to do the business on behalf of the public!"

Niu Er also watched the Xiuchun knife gradually unsheathed in the opponent's hand.


The two parties shouted in unison with a tacit understanding. The Jin Yiwei who had been ambushing on both sides of the road shot countless arrows from the woods, and quickly swallowed up these Xichang fans. Niu Er inspected these corpses. Once again stabbed at the vital point to ensure that the other party was completely dead.

The mist engulfed everything here, and the figures of dozens of Jin Yiwei disappeared again, leaving only corpses all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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