Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 325 Confrontation in the Dark Night

Chapter 325 Confrontation in the Dark Night

Su San and Tetou intercepted a group of troops, and holding a bloody knife, Su San came to a little eunuch who was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and said to Tetou, "My lord has ordered us to keep one alive."

"It's really aggrieved." Tie Tou said disdainfully: "Third Brother, why can Second Brother not be left anywhere, we must leave a living here."

"Want to kill?" Su San raised his eyebrows, and threw the knife to Tietou, "Then you kill him, and see if the Lord will put you in confinement."

"You two masters, the one who came down is just a messenger." The little eunuch knelt on the ground, crying with snot and tears.

"Look, what kind of people are the people raised in this West Factory." Su San asked annoyedly: "Take them away and hand them over to the adults for interrogation."

"I hope this time I can finish things sooner!" Su San's chin now has a beard, and he has grown from a teenager to an adult, and the iron head is the same. After so long, the two are still teenagers. From Beijing to Jiangnan, these two children grew up killing people.

"Third brother, could it be that you miss your sister?" Tietou asked.

"I don't want to!" Su San threw the little eunuch tied up on the horse's back, "I wish that bastard Zhishan a happy and happy life in the capital, this time I want to bring my sister and my three-year-old nephew to the capital together , This is also what my brother-in-law ordered."

"Actually, I think it's good to stay in Jiangnan." Tietou said again: "In case something happens in the future, you can also come to Jiangnan to live."

"Master Tang recently is a bit strange." Su San said again: "Master Tang has inadvertently mentioned a way out these days. Even Mr. Tang has to find a way out. It always feels weird."

"But with our current status, we adults don't need to think about retreating." Tie Tou said as he walked: "Nowadays, the court says that apart from the emperor, it is Liu Jin and our adults. It can be said that one person is under ten thousand. superior."

"That's why it's dangerous. Generally, this kind of people don't have any good results." Su San said slowly while riding on the horse, "You should read more books. The things in the books are quite interesting, and they will be beneficial and harmless to you in the future."

"I don't even know a few words." After killing someone just now, the iron head was excited, "When I was a child, I took a group of younger brothers and sisters to wander around. First, I met Wude, but life was not easy until I met Tang Life is easier for grown-ups, and at that time, in order to eat and fill their stomachs, there was no time to read."

"I also read late." Su San continued: "But Mrs. Qiuxiang said in the academy that it is never too late to read as long as you want to read. I am most interested in reading some historical records. Someday you learn to read and I will teach you." Look."

"Okay!" Iron Head nodded.

Su San said to himself: "After reading the book, you will know how to do things, and you will understand a lot of truths. It is really a wonderful thing, and you will like it."

"I don't know what's going on with the second brother." Tietou looked at the terrain and said, "Let's ambush here. I guess the manpower from the West Factory will be sent over."

"You! You!" Su San pointed to the two captains and said, "You two send people to Mr. Tang, and the others continue to ambush! We will spend the next few days here, so we should take a rest quickly. This time There must be a lot of people to be killed, and some of them have tossed, so get ready for a protracted war."

On the other side, Niu Er also cleaned up the corpses on the ground, and continued to ambush in another location.

In the Chen Family Manor, Liu Jin woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, looked at the empty night and said, "Come here!"

A little eunuch stepped forward and said, "Eunuch, wake up. I'm going to fetch water now."

"No need!" Liu Jin put on her shoes and got out of bed and asked, "What time is it now!"

"The child's hour has just passed!" the little eunuch replied.

"It's time to be a genius." Liu Jin put on her clothes and walked into the cold night, "Is there any news about the person you sent out?"

"Not yet!" The little eunuch replied: "There will be no news about this trip until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. If the father-in-law is sleeping for a while, someone will watch."

The cold night breeze made Liu Jin tighten his clothes, "Our family is worried, and we are sending a group of people to check."

"Little one understands."

Liu Jin planned to connect with those aristocratic families. Tang Bohu definitely wanted to set foot in the south of the Yangtze River. As long as he could hold more aristocratic families, he could suppress Tang Bohu to a certain extent, and he was thinking about what Tang Bohu planned to do.

The next day, at dawn, Niu Er killed another group of people and startled a large group of chaffinches sleeping in the forest. Tang Bohu wanted to lock Liu Jin's hands and feet in the Chen family.

As soon as Tang Bohu woke up, after washing Tian San, he came to report and said: "As expected, Liu Jin sent people to contact the aristocratic family. Both Niu Er and Su San intercepted the people. Su San left a living, and now I am waiting for your lord." Go and interrogate."

Chen Hui cleaned up the dishes and knew that Tang Bohu had already started killing people from the words.

Looking back at Chen Hui, Tang Bohu said, "I'll go and have a look."

The little eunuch knelt on the ground and muttered to himself for mercy, he was very afraid of the guards in front of him, sobbing hard, Tang Bohu came to him and said, "Are you from Liu Jin?"

"Master Tang, please don't kill me." The little eunuch said with a look of embarrassment, "I'm just helping Eunuch Liu to pass on a message."

Tang Bohu narrowed his eyes and asked, "What did Liu Jin ask you to pass on?"

The little eunuch immediately replied: "Eunuch Liu wants to invite a few people from the Jiangnan family to meet, saying that he wants to join hands to deal with Mr. Tang. This little one only knows so much."

"Which companies does he want to unite with?" Tang Bohu continued to ask.

The little eunuch took out a letter and said: "Liu Jin wrote everything in the letter, please read it, Mr. Tang."

Tang Bohu took the letter and glanced at it, handed it to Chen Guang and said: "Go to meet those aristocratic families according to the name on the letter, and you must have a sense of proportion in your heart. If you can do it and don't kill people, just beat it. If you want to follow Liu Jin, it doesn't matter if you kill a few."

"I understand!" Chen Guang said excitedly, Tang Bohu was finally about to make a move.

Tang Bohu turned around and nodded!Tian San understood the meaning, immediately raised the knife in his hand, and skillfully stabbed the little eunuch into the heart, causing him to die.


Chen Hui, who happened to come over with tea, was so frightened when she saw this scene that she dropped the tea set in her hand to the ground.

Tang Bohu stepped forward to help her tidy up and said, "My world is like this, very dirty and dark."

"I'll get used to it." Chen Hui said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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