Chapter 329
"How dare you!" said the guard beside Hong Lu, "Get these people out!"

"Lu'er! Get back!" Hong Qi was furious.

Hong Lu didn't listen to his father's advice at all, "Our Hong family's status in Jiangnan should be afraid of their few little brocade guards? Half of the Jiangnan officialdom is on our side."

Dozens of guards rushed forward, Niu Er and Su San stood alone, and more than a dozen Jinyi guards behind them were holding knives, but they didn't intend to do anything.

"Call me!" Hong Lu ordered.

Niu Er and Su San did not give in to dozens of strong men. The two of them faced dozens of strong men with the instincts they had cultivated on the battlefield over the years.

Let them understand how to make the opponent lose their fighting power in the first place. There is nothing redundant about Niu Er and Su San's bare fists. Dozens of strong men were knocked down in just one cup of tea. Su San and Niu Er fought together. He walked towards Hong Lu without stopping.

"What do you want to do?" Hong Lu said while stepping back, "You can't kill me!"

Su San quickly raised his foot and kicked Hong Lu's knee, the sound of bone breaking came immediately, Niu Er raised his fist and punched Hong Lu down again, his mouth was full of blood, lost many teeth, rolled over Crying in pain on the ground.

Hong Qi knew in his heart that the current Jinyiwei was Tang Bohu, and his methods were very hot. Even King Ning was in Tang Bohu's hands back then, and there would be no good fruit to go against Liu Jin, but he would never live long if he went against Tang Bohu. The Jin Yiwei, who were all stubbles killed on the battlefield, immediately said loudly: "Please forgive me, my lord, I will immediately drive this unfilial son out of the house, and I will follow the example of Master Tang in the future!"

Chen Guang said again: "Remember what you said today, if one day our Master Tang is unhappy, the end will not be so simple!"

"Caomin understand!" Hong Qi replied.

Standing up, Chen Guang continued, "Let's go! Let's go to the next one."

If Tang Bohu wants to open the sea ban, he must first lead Jiangnan from afar. Chen Guang became Tang Bohu's spokesperson in Jiangnan, and with one move, he took down all the Jiangnan families that Liu Jin wanted to win over.

The news of Chen Guang's actions spread quickly. Although Tang Bohu did not do it himself, Chen Guang's words have already explained who he represents, and all parties in Jiangnan understand that the Chen family in Jiangnan has been tied to Tang Bohu. They got on a boat, and the naked threats and coercion made these Jiangnan families cooperate.

Officials and civilians have always had a relationship between top and bottom, no matter how huge the Jiangnan aristocratic family is, they are just civilians!Some people were indignant, some were angry, the officials of the prefect of Yangzhou knew what Chen Guang said, and they knew what happened!Tang Bohu finally made his move and was about to ask Chen Guang for an explanation, but a frightening thing happened the next day. All the people in the prefect's office in Yangzhou were killed overnight by Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yi went to Jiangnan to make everyone tremble.

As soon as the Hangzhou mansion left the government office, people from the Wu family and many local officials gathered together, "Everyone must know what happened in Yangzhou."

The crowd was silent, Tang Bohu's swift and resolute actions scared many people, the new Commander of Jinyiwei wanted to make a hole in the sky barrel, everyone present here are veterans who have worked hard in the south of the Yangtze River for several years. There are so many things in their hearts that no one will say.

Tang Bohu's actions are not only demonstrations and threats, but also disrupting the long-term peaceful Jiangnan. When Jiangnan is in chaos, some people should come out and have been in charge of the people behind the sea ban.

"It is said that the grand event of Taohuazhuang is about to begin." Someone said

"It's rare to see it once a year." Another person said.

"I heard that the current emperor's itinerary will soon arrive at Taohuazhuang."


Everyone was discussing that they planned to go to Taohuazhuang this time. If Taohuazhuang was Tang Bohu's last trip this time, then some people should also go to meet Tang Bohu.

Everyone didn't say this idea clearly, and they looked at each other and didn't know what to think in their hearts.

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The cabinet and the officials are discussing things. Li Dongyang received the news from Qiuxiang that he was going to send Yan Song to Donghaiwei to govern the sea area. Hearing this news, although Qiuxiang is only a woman, she is the person closest to Tang Bohu. That's what Tang Bohu wanted to do.

Ma Wensheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, said: "This Yan Song is not qualified enough. He has just entered the Imperial Academy. This appointment is a bit abrupt."

When Emperor Hongzhi was alive, Li Dongyang knew about the arrangement between Tang Bohu and the first emperor. Li Dongyang only knew a little about how many secrets there were. It has been too long to make a move, and this time letting Yan Song rule the East China Sea Guard is a very obvious signal. Tang Bohu is finally going to take action on the East China Sea. This move will change the Ming Dynasty for a hundred years.

"Why let Yan Song take over the East Sea Guard." Li Dongyang continued: "Da Ming has its own style evaluation system, so it is enough to put Yan Song in Yushitai, and then let him inspect the local situation as a party of Yushitai."

"Li Dongyang!" Ma Wensheng stared at the other party and said, "You and I are both veterans who have been officials in the same dynasty. What do you mean by Tang Bohu's actions? Yan Song is sent to Donghaiwei, do you also want to cling to Tang Bohu?"

"A man can do something and not do something." Li Dongyang said with a smile: "The Daming sea area needs to be governed by someone. Haven't you had enough of the Japanese pirates' intrusion these years?"

A few days later, Yan Song's trip to Donghaiwei was compiled by the Ministry of Officials, and then approved by the cabinet. Yan Song inspected the place on behalf of officials from Yushitai and was about to go to Donghaiwei.

Before Yan Song left, Tang Zhuang gave Yan Song a lot of new firearms, including a large number of grenades, and in addition to the accompanying officials, Jin Yiwei and Tang Zhuang each sent 3000 people to Yan Song. Where is going to patrol, this is simply going to war.

A few days later, all parties in the south of the Yangtze River quarreled again, and Tang Bohu pressed on every step of the way. Everyone knew that Yan Song was brought out by Tang Bohu. This time he went to Donghaiwei and brought so many people with him. Everyone understands the central idea .

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Zhu Houzhao and others left. The Chen family will go to the capital after a stroll in the south of the Yangtze River. Now is the season of peach blossoms, and the grand event of Peach Blossom Village has begun again. Zhu Houzhao heard that there is such a grand event and naturally he does not want to miss it. The West Factory was burned The news immediately reached Liu Jin's ears.

"Tang Bohu, how did our family offend you!" Liu Jin found an opportunity to question Tang Bohu along the way.

"Hiss..." Tang Bohu gasped, "Where did Eunuch Liu say that?"

"Our West Factory was burned!" Liu Jin was so angry that the three corpses jumped violently.

"Ahahahahaha!" Tang Bohu couldn't help laughing out loud, holding his stomach and laughing in pain, and kept patting his thighs, apparently showing signs of internal injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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