Chapter 330
"Tang Bohu, don't laugh at me!"

Liu Jin angrily threw a letter in front of her. "Tang Bohu, take a good look, it's Jiao Fang who wrote the letter!"

Looking at every word on the letter, Tang Bohu pondered and said: "Just looking at the black and white words, without pictures or truth, how can you make me believe it?"

"Let's talk about it." Tang Bohu continued: "Will the people under my command do such immoral things?"

Seeing Liu Jin looking straight at him, Tang Bohu continued, "Eunuch Liu, don't look at me like that, I'm afraid."

"Hmph!" Liu Jin waved his sleeves.

Chatting with Liu Jin broke up, Tang Bohu then returned to his team, Chen Hui mixed in in Jinyiwei uniform, dressed in men's clothing.

"Tell me about you, just stay at home and wait for me to come to marry you in eight palanquins. Why do you have to come with me?"

Chen Hui looked determined: "I'm afraid you won't admit it!"

"What's wrong with this world? Why does everyone think of me so badly?"

Going all the way, Tian San received a message from Jinyiwei and stepped forward: "My lord, Yan Song has already gone to Donghaiwei."

"Very good." Tang Bohu nodded and said, "Send someone to give Yan Song a message! I will give all the manpower, material and financial resources Yan Song needs in Donghaiwei. I will let Yan Song build Donghaiwei into a coastal city in the shortest possible time. Ayutthaya, there will be a springboard for us to enter the East China Sea."

"I understand." Tian San hurriedly went to pass the message. ,
The matchmaker was sitting among her own peach blossoms. Although there were many guests, they were all handed over to the servants to serve them. She drank alone. A young servant came to report in a hurry: "Master, the emperor's guard of honor is almost here at our Zhuangzi."

Finally came, Hong Niang stood up and said: "Can you come with Jin Yiwei's men and horses?"

"Yes!" The boy replied.

"I'm going to get dressed." The matchmaker smiled and said, "Get ready to meet the emperor."

Zhu Houzhao followed Tang Bohu and his party to the entrance of Taohuazhuang. There are dozens of miles of peach blossoms here. Behind the villa are peach blossom trees all over the mountains. Whenever the spring breeze blows, it will always bring a shower of flowers.

"Grassmen pay homage to Your Majesty!" A group of Taohuazhuang people knelt on the ground. Tang Bohu saw the matchmaker who took the lead in bowing. He smiled and said to Zhu Houzhao, "Your Majesty, the peach blossom wine here is the most authentic. Let's go in quickly."

"Okay!" Zhu Houzhao was very satisfied with the environment here and said, "Everyone is free."

Everyone stood up and walked into the peach blossom dress to meet Zhu Houzhao. Today Zhu Houzhao is the biggest guest here.

Finding a good seat, Tang Bohu, Liu Jin, and Zhu Houzhao sat at the same table. There are not too many guests, and there should be many more. Zhu Houzhao broke off a branch of peach blossoms and said: "It is said that all the people who can come to this peach blossom event are those who are famous in Jiangnan. People, even officials will come.”

Liu Jin nodded and said yes, "Even the dignitaries of all parties in Ming Dynasty will come here admiringly."

Sitting beside Zhu Houzhao, Tang Bohu looked at the guests in the courtyard, even if the peach blossoms in the courtyard fell into the wine, the guests would drink it in one gulp.

The matchmaker gave Tang Bohu a look in the crowd and got up to leave.

A little drunk, Tang Bohu got up and said to Zhu Houzhao, "I'm going to the toilet."

Following the matchmaker all the way to the backyard, she suddenly stopped and looked at Tang Bohu: "I haven't seen you for a few years, you have aged a lot."

"My sister is still the same as before, not too old at all." Tang Bohu replied with a smile.

The matchmaker in red went on to say, "Have you brought Zhong Ling'er into your home?"

"Yes." Tang Bohu replied.

The matchmaker stepped forward and slapped Tang Bohu on the face: "Do you know why I slapped you?"

"I know." Tang Bohu felt the burning pain on his face.

"Qiuxiang has a deep love for you, but you take a concubine! She is a submissive child, and naturally she won't say anything because of you. I will vent my anger for Qiuxiang with this slap."

After the matchmaker finished speaking, Tang Bohu nodded to himself.

A man and a woman just watched like this, and the matchmaker asked again: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"How can it not hurt if I strike so hard?" Hong Niang couldn't help but wanted to reach out to touch his face, but she immediately retracted her hand after she became sober for a moment.

The moment Hong Niang withdrew her hand, she was grabbed by Tang Bohu.

"What are you doing!" The matchmaker struggled, but the other party held her hand tightly, "I am Qiuxiang's sister! Tang Bohu, you are presumptuous!"

"Maybe I missed too much in my previous life. I don't want to miss anyone in this life." After speaking, Tang Bohu frantically kissed her lips before the other party could react.

Until the last ounce of strength in the resistance, Hong Niang's eyes were filled with tears, as if she was joyful or sad.

The two stumbled into a hut in Taohuazhuang while kissing.

The peach blossoms fell all over the ground, and the spring breeze laughed at the old man. After some cloud and rain, the matchmaker gasped and said, "I still have to entertain guests."

"There are so many servants here, it's your turn to worry about it." Let's talk Tang Bohu pressed her down again.


When the night was completely enveloped, the two finally stopped. The matchmaker curled up and said, "I don't want Qiuxiang to know about this."

Lying on the opponent's chest, the matchmaker said, "Tang Bohu, how do you want me to face Qiuxiang in the future, how will I face the aristocratic families in Jiangnan, and how will I stand up, you bastard."

Hong Niang kept beating Tang Bohu's chest.

It is said that there is emotion, but for Tang Bohu, the matchmaker, he feels that there is a layer of window paper between himself and her. It is difficult to say about emotion, or it is a kind of induction and a kind of haze. When the window paper is really pierced between the two, everything It's all out of control.

Tang Bohu didn't expect that this was the first time for a matchmaker who was already married.

"Actually, I've always had a plan in mind." Tang Bohu continued, "Now that the Tang family has a great career, I think it's time to find a way out for myself in the future."

"I remember Qiuxiang said that you wanted to build a peach blossom island."

"Near the South China Sea, there is a high mountain in the north and the ocean in the south. It's called Sanya! No, according to the current saying, it is Yazhou."

"Is it good there? Yazhou? I am also the state capital of Daming Yao." Matchmaker asked.

"The seasons are like spring." Tang Bohu continued: "There are rivers, beautiful animals, fertile fields, and vast oceans."

Tang Bohu hugged the beautiful woman in his arms and said: "Always leave a way out for yourself. I want you to help me build a peach blossom island. When we grow up, we can spend the rest of our lives on the island without shame or impatience."

"Who wants to be ashamed and impatient with you." The matchmaker said with disgust, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Tang Bohu's body. Seeing that the other party hugged her tightly, she said, "You still want to come? I don't want it, oh, let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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