Chapter 331
Tang Bohu grinned and said, "Give me a child."

The matchmaker's face was completely red when she heard this, she nodded obediently, and gave me a baby!This sentence made the matchmaker feel very happy, it was worth it!All this willingly.

When facing the courtyard full of guests again, the matchmaker's face flushed abnormally and she kept sitting without standing up or walking.

But it didn't attract too many people's attention.

"Your trip to the toilet is long enough." Zhu Hou took care of the open-air stage.

Tang Bohu also looked like he was making a pair.

Chen Hui looked at Tang Bohu's back in men's clothing and always felt something was wrong. Tang Bohu had been away for so long to do something, and he hadn't seen the owner of Taohuazhuang during this period of time. He just walked past her, and Chen Hui smelled Tang Bohu's body. There is a special fragrance, which may be due to the fragrance of peach blossoms all over the courtyard.

The smell was not so real, dispelling the strange thoughts, Chen Hui persuaded herself, how could Tang Bohu have anything to do with the famous owner of Peach Blossom Village.

The guests gradually entered the play, and the open-air stage was singing Liang Zhu's play. Tang Bohu saw an acquaintance, Shou Ninghou, wearing a black suit, approaching Zhu Houzhao with a smile, and said, "Minister, Shou Ninghou pays homage to Your Majesty!"

"Are you still alive?" Zhu Houzhao said while drinking, "Find a seat for yourself."

Hou Ninghou was not too surprised when he heard Zhu Houzhao's words, he just smiled and bowed to Tang Bohu and said, "Long time no see Mr. Tang."

"It turned out to be Shou Ning Hou Dajia, but it was rude for me to be an official." Tang Bohu also returned the courtesy.

"Where is it?" Shou Ninghou said: "How can I bother Mr. Tang, I wonder if Tang Bohu can take a step to speak."

Looking back at Zhu Houzhao who was concentrating on watching the play, Tang Bohu stood up, patted his buttocks and followed Shou Ninghou to leave. Chen Hui kept staring at Tang Bohu, and when he saw him leave, she grabbed Tian San and asked, "What did Tang Bohu do again?"

"Mrs. Chen." Tian San saluted first and then said: "Master Tang has too many acquaintances in the south of the Yangtze River, so it is inevitable that there are some conversations at the wine table to reminisce about the old days."

"No! I'm going to have a look too!" Chen Hui watched Tang Bohu go further and further away unconvinced.

"Madam Chen, can you calm down?" Tian San stopped Chen Hui and said, "What Mr. Tang is planning is the overall situation in the south of the Yangtze River. Madam Chen, please don't add trouble!"

"I'm your lord's wife! How dare you stop me?" Chen Hui was about to follow after staring wide-eyed.

"Is this Chen Hui?" Matchmaker suddenly stopped in front of Chen Hui and said, "I am the owner of Peach Blossom Villa. Madam Chen can tell me anything."

The owner of the villa really has something to do with Tang Bohu!Chen Hui secretly marveled, looking around until the matchmaker approached, all the servants and maids here stared at her, although the matchmaker in front of her looked to be in her 30s, but Chen Hui had to sigh that this woman was very beauty.

And the matchmaker revealed her aura with just one sentence, making Chen Hui take two steps back, the pressure from all around suddenly came, and Chen Hui recovered her figure in a hurry, "Little girl, Chen Hui has met the owner. "

Chen Hui heard from the elders in the family that the owner of this Peach Blossom Village is not easy, and many dignitaries in the south of the Yangtze River dare not offend her.

All her expressions are in the eyes of the matchmaker, "Mrs. Chen comes with me."

Chen Hui followed this woman to a secluded place in Taohuazhuang. The matchmaker said, "Are you Tang Bohu's new wife? Although you are disguised as a man, I can tell at a glance that your immature and jealous eyes are revealing." clean."

"What do you want?" Chen Hui replied nervously.

"I don't want to do anything." The matchmaker went on to say, "Tang Bohu is not an easy person. He has made such a big family business all by himself, and none of the women around Tang Bohu is simple. Although you were accepted by Tang Bohu as his wife, but None of the women around that guy is worse than me, and whether you can live well in the Tang family depends on your own ability."

"What do you mean?" Chen Hui then asked.

The matchmaker looked at the bright moon in the night sky, "Tang Bohu is a normal man, you are really nice, he will naturally be tempted, but it is only tempting, but Tang Bohu will never keep a worthless woman by his side, do you understand what I mean? If you want to have a place among the women around Tang Bohu, you have to reflect your value, if others recognize you, Tang Bohu will naturally recognize you, otherwise you are just a woman around Tang Bohu, just a woman."

The matchmaker sighed and said again: "I also told Tang Bohu's first wife this sentence. What kind of woman does Tang Bohu want? Beautiful as a fairy? Overwhelming country and city? These are not rare for Tang Bohu at all, but what you can do for her. What does this man do? Tang Bohu has a lot of family property in his hands, and in the future, the family property left by this man will naturally be handed over to his descendants, do you understand what I mean?"

"I have the Chen family?" Chen Hui continued, "Our Chen family will help Tang Bohu stop the Jiangnan gentry."

"Hehehehe." The matchmaker went on to say, "You are so sincere. You are just a plaything in Tang Bohu's sideshow. Are you thinking carefully about whether Tang Bohu really needs your Chen family? Even without the relationship between you and Tang Bohu , will your Chen family stop showing love to Tang Bohu?"

Chen Hui thought about what the matchmaker said, and thought a lot. She was right. This thing has been done all the time. It is her cousin Chen Guang, a pawn in the hands of Tang Bohu, and she is just an elder in the family to please Tang Bohu so as to stabilize their status. Even if Tang Bohu doesn't move himself, the Chen family will try their best to win Tang Bohu over.

Seeing Chen Hui hesitate, Hong Niang shook her head and said, "Don't you want to know what Tang Bohu is sitting on again? Let me take a look."

With doubts, Chen Hui followed the matchmaker all the way to a small hill in Taohuazhuang. From here, one can see a light in the quiet peach forest. Looking carefully, Chen Hui saw Tang Bohu talking and laughing. Looking at the people who were joking with Tang Bohu, Chen Hui shivered.

Marquis of Shou Ning from the Zhang family, Mrs. Hua and Grand Master Hua from Washington, Duke Xu, the abbot of Dabaoen Temple, He Ding, Hong Qi from Yangzhou, the second son of the Wu family from Jiaxing Prefecture, and Wu Qingyuan from the prefect of Hangzhou... There are still some that Chen Hui does not know. , but when these people got together, Chen Hui's hairs stood on end. These people could shake half of the south of the Yangtze River, and Tang Bohu was so powerful.

The matchmaker whispered: "Do you know what Tang Bohu is doing now? Do you know how humble your Chen family is in front of Tang Bohu? Although Tang Bohu is not in the south of the Yangtze River these years, Washington, Zhang's family, and Xu Guogong's lineage have always been The Dabaoen Temple, which has never been born, has been quietly attracted by Tang Bohu these years. Maybe even Tang Bohu doesn't know that he has such a big power. These are all from Xu Guogong's lineage, Washington, Zhang Family, and my help Tang Bohu managed it, do you know how humble you are now?"

(End of this chapter)

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