Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 341 The First Regent of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 341 The First Regent of the Ming Dynasty
Tian San excitedly came in front of Tang Bohu: "My lord! Liu Jin has been arrested and taken into Dali Temple. Liu Jin is about to die. His Majesty has really fired up. This time Liu Jin has really played too big. Can we do it now?"

Nodding calmly, Tang Bohu blew away the tea leaves floating on the tea and said, "I see, how many people are there in Xichang?"

"There are still more than a thousand people." Tian San replied.

Tang Bohu took out a list from his pocket and said with a cold look: "It's time for our Jinyiwei to take action. This list is full of Liu Jin's henchmen. The Jinyiwei are all dispatched to search the world! Take all Liu Jin's henchmen, if there is any resistance Those who kill first and then play! No tolerance!"

"Yes!" Tian San replied loudly.

Niu Er, Su San, Zhu Zhishan, Yang Sheng, Tian San, the Jin Yiwei who had been silent for a long time came out in full force. There were Jin Yiwei from all directions in the capital. Xu Zhenqing lamented that after being silent for so long, Tang Bohu was finally about to pull out the knife again.

"It's a shot, Tang Bohu finally made a shot." Yang Tinghe breathed heavily, and then received a message from Tang Bohu, asking cabinet scholar Yang Tinghe to go to Tianjin Wei with [-] soldiers and horses and new firearms to fight the chaos.

Yang Tinghe put on the official robe that he hadn't worn for a long time and said, "I thought I would never dare to wear it again in my life."

Wude has been watching the movement of all parties in the capital these days, Tang Bohu finally made a move, Jin Yiwei searched the world, and wanted to kill all Liu Jin's followers, but he also had doubts in his heart, Liu Jin fell, Tang Bohu would have no opponents, So will Tang Bohu become the second Liu Jin?

Tang Bohu came to the palace and saw Zhu Houzhao who was lonely and drunk, and sat in front of him and poured himself a glass of wine.

Raising his head, Zhu Houzhao saw Tang Bohu coming, he hesitated and said, "Why did Liu Jin become like that?"

"The minister told His Majesty a few days ago." Tang Bohu continued: "People's hearts are always separated from the belly, and a person's desires are endless. Your Majesty gave Liu Jin great power, and Liu Jin also used this power ruined himself."

"What's going on, is the Tianjin government really rebelling?" Zhu Houzhao said.

Tang Bohu nodded, "Fortunately, the form is not big. Yang Tinghe has already gone to suppress it, but now the people are full of complaints, and what needs to be done is to calm the hearts of the people."

"Yang Tinghe?" Zhu Houzhao hiccupped, "I almost forgot that there is such a person."

"Tang Bohu, I'm so tired!" Zhu Houzhao leaned on the table and said, "Tang Bohu, you said you would help me carry this country, right?"

"I said it!" Tang Bohu said, "The late Emperor entrusted you to me."

"Okay!" Zhu Houzhao nodded, "I won't need your care from now on."

Tang Bohu suddenly looked up at Zhu Houzhao.


Zhu Houzhao stayed in his palace for three days and three nights without moving an inch. On the fourth day, Zhu Houzhao issued an imperial decree that shocked the world. Liu Jin poisoned the country and harmed the people!Sentenced to death by a thousand swords!I know that I am ashamed of the world for my talents and virtues, so I abdicated the throne and my brother, Zhu Yi!
Choose a day to ascend the throne!

Tang Bohu conquered Liaodong, King Pingning, expanded the border grassland for more than a thousand miles, built an academy to benefit poor students, and recited his achievements, he will be made a prince from now on!When the new emperor was young, Tang Bohu acted as regent. When the new emperor became an adult, Tang Bohu would not be allowed to enter the Forbidden City again.


The first regent of the Ming Dynasty was born, that is, after Liu Jin, Tang Yin became the first regent of the Ming Dynasty in ten years from a small Jinyiwei family. Regent alone, Liu Jin is the real Liu Qiansui, so He is the justifiable Tang Qiansui.

Tang Zhuang, Tang Bohu looked at the figure in the night and said, "Are you really going to do this?"

"Hmm! I've made up my mind." Zhu Houzhao held Yue'er's hand and said, "Tang Bohu, Liu Jin has let me down so much, don't let me down."

"Don't worry!" Tang Bohu said, "Take care of my sister."

"Brother!" Yue'er said with a smile, "Houzhao and I are in Tangzhuang, we won't go far!"

"Yeah!" Tang Bohu looked at his younger sister with relief, "I wish you happiness as a brother. If one day Zhu Houzhao bullies you, tell brother, and brother will help you teach him a lesson."

"He dares!" Yue'er said with a smile.

"Let's go." Tang Bohu said: "An emperor who puts so many burdens on me, and a younger sister who makes me worry. Seeing you two makes me upset."

The two people in the night turned and left. Tang Bohu looked at Zhu Yi who was still babbling and said, "I'm going to be the emperor's man, why are you still drooling?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Yi said indiscriminately.

"Sir." Qiu Xiang hugged Zhu Yi and said, "Is Zhu Yi really going to be the emperor?"

Tang Bohu nodded, "In the future, we will say that our Tang family raised the emperor, how majestic it is."

"Yes." Qiuxiang nodded, "But this child's background."

"Let's tell him when he grows up." Tang Bohu continued, "We'll raise him well and take things one step at a time in the future. It seems that if I want to retire, I will stay here for more than ten years."

Qiuxiang also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Tang Bohu is the Duke of the state, she is not happy at all, but even more worried.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "Let's take the matchmaker over in a few days. I originally wanted the matchmaker to open up a new home for us, but now it seems that we can only let her come closer."

"Bohu." Qiuxiang looked at her husband and said, "I know everything about you and your sister. I asked Tian San, why didn't you tell me directly? I don't want there to be a estrangement between our husband and wife."

"I see." Tang Bohu hugged Qiuxiang and Zhu Yi and said, "Qiuxiang, if I betray the world, I won't betray you."

"Hmph!" Qiuxiang said with her nose upturned, "there are more and more women in the family, and they say they didn't blame me. The men are always duplicity."

"Who made your husband so good." Tang Bohu raised his eyebrows and said.

"Smelly shameless!" Qiuxiang continued, "You sleep alone tonight!"

"Don't!" Tang Bohu immediately begged for mercy and said, "Your punishment is a bit cruel! Believe it or not, I will show you my family law!"

Qiuxiang turned her head away, "Go find your Ling'er and Chen Hui, anyway, I won't touch you tonight!"

Tang Bohu suddenly picked up Qiuxiang and said: "It's against you, I must practice my homework tonight!"

"Don't make trouble!" Qiuxiang exclaimed, "Let me put Yi'er down first, you bastard!"

A month later, Liu Jin was dragged to the market and tortured to death. Along with Liu Jin's death, there were dozens of heads, all of whom were Liu Jin's henchmen over the years.

(End of this chapter)

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