Chapter 342

The first dialogue between Tang Bohu and the cabinet began. Yan Song was unable to come to the capital in Donghaiwei. Yang Tinghe and Xu Zhenqing sat together, looked at the two and Tang Bohu said: "I want to set up troops!"

Tang Bohu said straight to the point, and Yang Tinghe also answered straight to the point: "Liu Jin just fell, and now the finances of all parties are empty and there is no such national power to send you troops!"

"Lack of money, lack of food, right?" Tang Bohu thought about it and said, "This is easy to handle, and we, Tangzhuang, will bear everything."

"Your Tangzhuang has become so rich that it can rival the country in just ten years, but now it really has this strength." Yang Tinghe then said: "The former emperor asked you to be the regent, and now your position is very sensitive. You want to garrison troops. You will cause suspicion and accusations in the world, now that you, Tang Bohu, are already the regent, what do you want to do if you have great power and then take military power?"

"I want Daming to be able to fight a war at any time." Tang Bohu answered.

Wenhua Palace was very quiet, Xu Zhenqing listened to every word between Yang Tinghe and Tang Bohu.

Yang Tinghe said: "If you want to garrison troops, you can call Yang Yiqing back and be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War, and the Minister of the Ministry of War will take charge of it."

Thinking of Yang Yiqing, Tang Bohu pondered again. What Yang Tinghe said was not unreasonable. Now his position is very sensitive, and the emperor's art pays attention to checks and balances. Yang Tinghe and Yang Yiqing are here to check and balance himself.

"Yes, I agree!" Tang Bohu nodded.

"The next question is simple." Yang Tinghe continued: "According to what you said, all materials and salaries will be paid by your Tang family. What about the soldiers? How do you recruit soldiers? Where are the soldiers? How many soldiers are there?" How to determine the military salary, if you don’t fight these soldiers, you can’t raise them for nothing, right? These issues need to be discussed.”

Yang Tinghe was brought up by Li Dongyang and Liu Jian to make up for the loss, and he thought of one of his ideas in a few words.

Thinking deeply, Tang Bohu said: "Soldiers can start voluntary service. Adults who reach the age of 23 can voluntarily participate in military service, with a salary of 100 taels per year. After three years of service, if the soldiers can voluntarily choose to stay and continue to serve, they will serve for more than three years. The veterans have their salaries and military officials raised."

Hearing Tang Bohu's words, Yang Tinghe's eyes lit up, "Voluntary military service, do you want to break the hereditary military guard system and let common people become officers? This matter has a lot of resistance, but your method is a good one. The annual salary is higher than the previous official's annual salary. Naturally, the children of the common people will flock to it, and in the long run, Ming can have a group of troops that can fight at any time every year, and new soldiers can continue to flow. be supplemented."

"But there will definitely be people in the court who object!" Yang Tinghe said.

"Is this a good way?" Tang Bohu said.

Yang Tinghe nodded.

"That's it!" Tang Bohu continued, "Since you think it's a good idea, let's do it! As for the voices of opposition from the court, we Jinyiwei will deal with it."

"That's good." Yang Tinghe continued: "Tang Bohu, I've never heard of this idea in my life. Have you read military books?"

Tang Bohu smiled strangely, "What do you think?"

Yang Tinghe shook his head bitterly, "If there is nothing else, the old man will leave first."

"Walk slowly!" Tang Bohu said with a smile, and noticed Xu Zhenqing who had been sitting on the side all the time and asked: "You seem to have something to ask me."

Xu Zhenqing looked at the other party and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet."

"Don't!" Tang Bohu waved his hand and said, "For me, I am very reluctant to be regent of Daming."

"I have a question." Xu Zhenqing said hesitantly, "Why do you want me to join the cabinet?"

"Xu Zhenqing, we played together when we were children. I know that there are some things that make me feel uncomfortable. You and I know all the old problems in the past, and you know what you did." Tang Bohu looked lazily Lie Yang of Summer, "I just want to hear voices of dissent. At least one day when I am confused, someone can stand up to me. I want to hear voices of dissent."

"Is that all?" Xu Zhenqing asked again.

"That's all." Tang Bohu replied.

"Then I have no problem, leave!" Xu Zhenqing got up and left.

Yan Song, who was far away in Donghaiwei, received the news from Jingzhong. In a blink of an eye, he had become one of the cabinet officials, but he did not have much joy in his heart. This matter did not have much joy for him, except for his own There are also Xu Zhenqing and Yang Tinghe, Yan Song knows that this is Tang Bohu's intention.

I was brought out by Tang Bohu, so I naturally stand on Tang Bohu's side, and Yang Tinghe is Hongzhi's stay from Zhengde to the present. Yang Tinghe belongs to the most neutral side, and Xu Zhenqing belongs to Tang Bohu's opposite. Xu Zhenqing has done a lot in secret these years Regarding Tang Bohu's matter, there is one thing, can't you see through it?The three pillars of the court and the central government are the best state of the cabinet. It seems that Tang Bohu is determined to be a good courtier.

In fact, Yan Song hopes that Tang Bohu can usurp the throne. In this world, the surname can be Zhu or...

After receiving this season's peaches, the matchmaker also received a letter from the Tang Mansion in the capital while standing in Taohuazhuang. The letter was written by Qiu Xiang herself. Tang Bohu is now the regent of Daming. Home, Hong Niang's heart fluctuates, and the most important people in Tang Bohu's family are Qiu Xiang and Zhong Ling'er.

Qiuxiang is his god-sister, and Zhong Ling'er is the woman he cultivated at the beginning. These two women are inextricably linked to him. It is very difficult for Hong Niang to face the two most familiar women at this time. The woman, ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the peach trees have also experienced ten years of blooming and falling.

Sooner or later, what should be faced must be faced, and this evil fate must be admitted sooner or later. The matchmaker said to the servants beside her: "Pack up your bags and let's go to the capital."

"Yes! How long will it take for the master to go, and the servants are ready." The villain asked.

The matchmaker pondered for a long time and replied: "Maybe I won't come back again, or I may come back, pick a few loyal gardeners to take good care of this place."

"I understand." The servant nodded and said: "I will make arrangements now, whether or not people from Huafu will take care of Taohuazhuang. After all, Huafu and us have always been very close, and now Washington is growing stronger."

"It's indeed a good idea." The matchmaker nodded, and came to the tombstone again after she finished speaking, "Husband, I have collected Taohuazhuang for you for so many years. Still a woman."

 The relationship between Tang Bohu and Zhu Yi, in the future, the father is the teacher and even the enemy. What is the ending?Let’s keep it in suspense. Recently, I’ve been writing late into the night every day. I’m quite tired. I’m preparing new books and tossing old books.I'm about to throw up my coffee...

(End of this chapter)

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