Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 351 to Chapter 418 Bad News

Chapter 351 to Chapter 410 Eight Bad News

Qiuxiang sighed, "Sure enough, I'm still desperate for money."

The court of the Ming Dynasty was running in an orderly manner. Some of the students in the new imperial examination came from Tangzhuang Academy. Tang Bohu was discussing with the cabinet about the matter of Tangzhuang Academy students with excellent grades skipping the imperial examination and directly entering the imperial court. This matter Yang Tinghe and Yan Songzhi There was a stalemate between them, and they couldn't discuss a result.

Tang Bohu sat and listened to the verbal battle between the two people, Tian San ran over in a panic, Xu Zhenqing said displeasedly when he saw the person coming, "Didn't you see that we are discussing the government affairs?"

Seeing Tian San's flustered expression, Tang Bohu stood up, walked out of the Huagai Hall and asked, "What's the matter, I'm in a panic."

"My lord!" Tian San remained silent and said in a low voice, "Old Duke Xu and Li Dongyang have passed away!"

Hearing the news that the fan in Tang Bohu's hand slipped, his whole body turned cold, and the hairs all over his body stood up unconsciously, "When did it happen?"

"Three days ago!" Tian San said, "Our Jinyiwei dispatched the news in a hurry. Now the funeral of the old Duke and Mr. Li Dongyang will be held in Nanjing City."

"Quick, prepare the horse for me!" Tang Bohu said in a panic.

Tian San: "It's... a humble job..."

"Hurry up!" Tang Bohu roared angrily, and kicked Tian San's ass.

Turning over on the ground, facing Tang Bohu's anger, Tian San turned over and hurriedly prepared. Seeing that Tang Bohu was about to leave, Yang Tinghe stepped forward and said, "Tang Bohu, there is no charter for this matter. Where are we going?"

"I can't take care of it anymore!" Tang Bohu hissed.

The moment Tang Bohu turned his head, Yang Tinghe saw the other party's red eyes and didn't know what to say for a while. Tang Bohu had always been in his impression that Tang Bohu was a very confident person. It was the first time he saw the other party with such an expression. What happened? something happened.

Jin Yiwei cleared the way, Tang Bohu rode his horse and relaxed in the capital.

"Who is riding a horse in the capital!" A large group of officers and soldiers stepped forward to block the way.

"Tian San!" Tang Bohu said in a low voice while riding a horse.

Knowing what his lord meant, Tian San led dozens of guards in brocade clothes, knocked them all to the ground, and Tang Bohu quickly galloped past.

Liu Daxia, who was knocked to the ground, led the officers and soldiers and said with an aggrieved expression: "What kind of world is this, dare to contradict the government!"

"My lord!" A small official stepped forward and said, "That seems to be Mr. Tang."

"Tang Bohu?" Liu Daxia stood up while supporting his old waist: "Where did this Tang Bohu come from? Who would dare to stop him in this capital city after he reported his name? Is it worth beating someone?"

"Drive!" Tang Bohu rode out from the capital and headed towards Nanjing. He galloped for three days and two nights without sleep and finally came to Nanjing. Three horses were exhausted.

Nanjing City was full of mourning. Tang Bohu walked into Nanjing City with heavy steps, and first went to see Li Dongyang's mourning hall. The black coffin was in the center of the hall, supporting his body exhaustedly. Looking at the coffin, Tang Bohu said tremblingly: " Li Dongyang, why are you... like this..."

"You haven't seen the prosperous age of Ming Dynasty, why did you leave!" Tang Bohu said loudly.

Kneeling on the ground with a plop, he kowtowed heavily three times, and said tremblingly, "You haven't listened to me calling you teacher in your whole life, and now you're fine."

Tang Bohu kowtowed and shouted loudly: "Teacher! Have a good journey!"

The teacher of the famous Tang Bohu turned out to be Li Dongyang?Tang Bohu was brought out by Li Dongyang?The guests who came to pay their respects were very surprised. The news spread like wildfire and spread outside Nanjing.

When they came to the old man's mansion, Xu Pengju knelt beside the coffin without saying a word. Tang Bohu knelt down and kowtowed three times, "Old man, Bohu is here to see you!"

Hearing this, Xu Pengju finally couldn't hold back his tears. He knelt in front of the coffin and cried, "Grandpa, have you seen it? Bohu is here to see you!"

"Grandpa!" Xu Pengju said sadly.

Tang Bohu said to Xu Pengju: "Is the old man going well?"

"Yeah!" Xu Peng raised his head, "Grandpa walked very well, with a smile! He walked right in front of my eyes."

Xu Pengju's voice choked up, "My grandfather said he doesn't expect me to stand up to the sky, but hopes that my life will be safe!"

Tang Bohu let out a long breath, and Xu Pengju suddenly raised his head resolutely, "Tang Bohu, are you going to fight Donghai?"

Nodding stiffly, Tang Bohu replied, "It won't be long, we will enter the East China Sea in a short time."

"Okay, I'll go too!" Xu Pengju stood up and said, "I haven't done anything good in my life, and I've done nothing to make grandpa proud. This time I'll be a hero and make grandpa proud all the way. He, his grandson has grown up!"

"Good!" Tang Bohu nodded.

After the sad funeral, Tang Bohu finally fell ill after returning to Tang Zhuang after receiving the first seven. The imperial doctor rushed to diagnose and treat him. Qiuxiang asked Tian San worriedly, "Why did it happen like this?"

Tian San said: "Mr. Li Dongyang and the old man have left, Mr. Tang hasn't slept these days."

The imperial doctor took his pulse and got up and said to Qiuxiang: "Madam, Duke Cheng has been working so hard these days, and he has experienced great grief and pain. He is exhausted. People have limits. Although Duke Cheng has no life Worrying, but he needs to rest during this time, so don't disturb him."

"Thank you, doctor." Qiuxiang bowed.

The imperial physician went on to say: "The old man is going to write a prescription. They are some calming medicines. Give Cheng Guogong some. These days, don't let Cheng Guogong worry about it. If you fall ill again, I'm afraid the gods will be sick." Difficult to save."

Qiuxiang almost fainted when she heard this, but Zhong Ling'er hurried to support her.

Tang Bohu fell ill, and the news was known all over the court. Everyone was paying attention to Tang Bohu's condition. Zhong Ling'er said to Qiuxiang who had been guarding Tang Bohu's bed, "Sister, go and rest for a while, I'll come Guard your husband."

Qiu Xiang looked at Tang Bohu and said, "I used to just watch over him when my husband was sick."

Seeing that Qiuxiang had no intention of leaving, Zhong Ling'er also sat down beside the bed and said, "My husband has gone through many hardships, and this time he will be safe and well."

"Yeah!" Qiuxiang nodded, her eyes were blank.

A servant of the family said outside the door: "Madam, the cabinet and the six ministers want to see Mr. Zhu Yi, saying that they are discussing state affairs!"

"Not at all!" Qiu Xiang said coldly.

Zhong Ling'er stood up and sneered, "My husband isn't dead yet! Are they in a hurry to cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"Ling'er." Qiuxiang said in a low voice: "I beat those people away with sticks. Tangzhuang is not a place for them to run wild. If they want to force the current Zhu Yi to take the throne, I will kill all the ministers of the court. Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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