Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 352 Time flies

Chapter 352 Time flies
Facing the attitude of the Tang Mansion, the courtiers had no choice but to give up. Three days later, Tang Bohu finally woke up from his coma. Under the eyes of his family, he said hoarsely, "What does my mouth taste like? It's so bitter."

"Ling'er fed you medicine." Qiuxiang explained.

"It's really bitter." Tang Bohu said wearily, "Bring me a glass of water."

Qiu Xiang carefully held the teacup, and rinsed Tang Bohu's mouth, "You are awake, parents are very anxious."

"Didn't I fall asleep?" Tang Bohu still felt a little dizzy, lying on the bed feeling weak.

"You slept for three days and three nights." Qiu Xiang helped Tang Bohu cover the quilt carefully and said, "After the imperial doctor said, don't make such a fuss anymore. Be careful that your life will be lost."

"I slept for three days and three nights?" Tang Bohu wanted to sit up, but the feeling of dizziness hit him immediately, and he couldn't even sit still. He said worriedly, "How is the situation in the court?"

"They were a little uneasy a few days ago, but now they have calmed down." Qiu Xiang said softly, "These days you can only rest at home, and don't worry about the affairs of the court."

Tang Bohu closed his eyes and nodded.

Qiuxiang went on to say: "Now you are no longer what you used to be, and everyone in the world is watching your every move! This country is also in turmoil because of you, so you must take good care of your body, sir."

"I see." Tang Bohu replied with his eyes closed.

Qiuxiang nodded, "I'll tell my parents right now, let them stop worrying when you wake up."

Half a month later, Tang Bohu recovered most of his bones, and handed over the sea charts that he had hidden for many years to Yang Sheng, "You haven't gone back to see this for many years, go to Donghaiwei, and go back to Jiangnan to go home and have a look."

"Yes!" Yang Sheng answered with a nod.

Tang Bohu instructed again: "You should go to the Jiangnan side to find out what their attitude is towards the movement of Haiban. Although Chen Guang has been staring at Jiangnan, I am not at ease. After all, Chen Guang is an outsider."

"I understand." Yang Sheng nodded and put away the chart. Over the years, Yang Sheng was no longer as impetuous as he was back then, and became more mature and stable. He asked again: "My lord, where is Tian San?"

"You asked him what he was doing." Tang Bohu was puzzled.

Yang Sheng said tragically: "Uncle Tian San! It made my aunt Gu's belly bigger."

"I don't know where he is." Tang Bohu shook his head vigorously.

After Yang Sheng left discouragedly, Tian Sancai cautiously appeared beside Tang Bohu, "Thank you, sir."

"You, you!" Tang Bohu pointed at Tian San and said, "Aunt Gu is a half-mature lady, so don't let her go."

Tian San was embarrassed and smiled honestly.

Tang Bohu relaxed his body and said, "Sit down, let's talk about what's on our minds."

Tian San sat on the side cautiously, Tang Bohu looked at Tian San's cautious appearance and said to the servants beside him: "Bring a jug of good wine."

"My lord, if you have anything to say, just talk to the humble official, no need..."

Taking the jug handed over by the servant, Tang Bohu poured Tian San peace and said: "We don't talk about business today, we have been friends for so many years, let's talk heart to heart."

Watching Tang Bohu pouring wine for himself, Tian San also had a hard time relaxing. It's just that he has always had a relationship between superiors and subordinates, and he suddenly said that he wanted to sit down and talk for a while, and he was a little at a loss.

Tang Bohu sighed for a while, "It's been more than ten years since you and Niu Er followed me."

"My lord, it's been 17 years." Tian San replied.

"17 years..." Tang Bohu held the wine glass in front of Tian San, "Time flies, 17 years in the blink of an eye, and I am in my 30s in a blink of an eye."

Thinking of some of the past, Tang Bohu felt empty.

"My lord is almost 40 years old." Tian San said in a low voice: "I am about the same age as Aunt Gu, and we are all alone. Seeing that we are getting older, we just want to find someone to rely on each other in our later years."

"I can understand." Tang Bohu nodded, "When did you and Aunt Gu hook up?"

Looking at Tian San's strong and strong man back then, he is now a middle-aged uncle.

Tian San explained: "It was when I was in Donghaiwei. Aunt Gu was injured at that time. I went to get some medicine for her, and then she went back and forth."

Looking at Tian San's troubled face, Tang Bohu said slowly, "Tian San, I'm the one who delayed you!"

"My lord, please don't say that." Tian San hurriedly said: "If there is no lord, the humble job is still just a small flag of Jinyiwei, how can I ride the country with the lord, please don't say that. "

"I'm getting old, time flies so fast." Tang Bohu drank his wine, "I feel like I haven't done much in this life, and half my life has passed."

"My lord, I will surely live a long life." Tian San said with a smile.

"Tian San, are you tired?" Tang Bohu said, "I feel very tired, so is Zhu Youtang, and so is Zhu Houzhao. They are the ones who overwhelm me in this country."

Tian San was drinking.

Tang Bohu said again: "Tian San, if we persist for a few more years, we will be able to retire to the temple after a few years. Don't worry, I will let you live a peaceful old age."

"Tian San vows to follow you to the death!" Tian San knelt down on one knee to Tang Bohu.

"Get up, don't show your loyalty! You are a lot of age, and you don't have to be ashamed." Tang Bohu continued: "I know you are all tired. Fighting with each other, fighting for power, intrigues, and expeditions from the north to the south , These things are enough, everyone is tired."

Tian San remained silent.

Tang Bohu went on to say: "The time when Li Dongyang said it belonged to them is over, and the next is our era. In a blink of an eye, our era will also pass."

A few drops of drizzle fell from the sky and gradually moistened the ground. Qiuxiang came to Tang Bohu's side holding an oil-paper umbrella, "Sir, don't catch a cold, your body is still not healed."

"Okay." Tang Bohu stood up with difficulty and walked into the house.

Tian San stood in the rain, and the rain gradually lost his vision. There was such a trance that he seemed to see the white-haired Tang Bohu, who was always beside this character. Tian San had a deep understanding. How difficult it is to survive all the way to where you are today.

Others can see Tang Bohu's high spirits and can see Tang Bohu pointing out the country, but they can't see Tang Bohu's tired side, and they don't know how heavy the burden is on this guy's shoulders.

After the rain, it should be autumn. Tian San walked in the rain, wondering if Aunt Gu had eaten at home, and walked farther and farther in the mud.

Wang Shouren stood on the top floor of the academy. From here, he could see Tangzhuang at a glance. After so many years, Tangzhuang is no longer the small village it used to be. Now it is a big city no less than the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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