Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 353 The First Sound of the Court

Chapter 353 The First Voice of the Court

The sound of the rain was getting louder. Tang Bohu came to Zhu Yi. The kid was playing chess. Looking at the complicated chessboard, he said, "How about playing chess with you for my father?"

"Okay!" Zhu Yi replied, "Father first."

Tang Bohu took the white piece and dropped it on the chessboard. The two made dozens of moves in a row. Zhu Yi sighed, "It's my son who lost."

"Although your chess skill is steady, it lacks some murderous intent." Tang Bohu said slowly to him, "It's the same with being a human being. Blindly giving in will only make the opponent gain an inch."

Thinking about Tang Bohu's words, Zhu Yi cleared the chessboard, "Father, let's play again."

Qiuxiang has been standing aside watching the father and son go down. In her eyes, compared with Tang Xin and Tang Xue, the child Zhu Yi has matured very quickly. This is all caused by Tang Bohu's subtle influence over the years. It seems that Tang Bohu is more interested in Zhu Yi than Tang Xin, Tang Xue and other children.

Qiuxiang also understands that Zhu Yi is very important. He is the future emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he has to bear more than ordinary people.

The sound of the rain did not affect the chess game between the father and son at all. Tang Bohu looked at Zhu Yiluo and nodded, "This is a good player."

The two played for an hour, and the chess game on the chessboard came to an end. Tang Bohu's big dragon was about to be eaten away by Zhu Yi. Seeing Zhu Yi smiling confidently, Tang Bohu made a move on the other corner of the chessboard. Zhu Yi's expression was solemn again, and this step made the offensive behind him be dragged.

The father and son played dozens of moves in a row again, and the chess game changed again and again. Bai's big dragon was revived, and Zhu Yi's black was beaten to pieces. Zhu Yi sighed, "I lost again."

"Do you know why you lost?" Tang Bohu asked.

Zhu Yi replied solemnly, "I also ask my father to teach me."

Tang Bohu looked at the chessboard and said: "Although your attack is very fierce and you are very sharp and pressing every step of the way, you have not considered the overall situation. The chessboard is limited, and every piece has its own use on the chessboard. You should try your best to Take advantage of them, they are like courtiers in the court, some are the backbone of the court, and some are just dawdling."

"But each of them has their own usefulness and the meaning of their existence." Tang Bohu put away the chess pieces one by one from the chessboard, and said: "I think it is good to keep improving, but in the overall situation Some insignificant chess pieces often decide the outcome, or they will be used by others."

"Is this why father let Xu Zhenqing into the cabinet?" Zhu Yi asked.

Tang Bohu nodded, "Now, for my father, I will talk to you about checks and balances. The cabinet ministers have a lot of power. They can refute the emperor's opinions. There is a cabinet between the emperor and the six ministries. This is the checks and balances in the court, but the cabinet is also It belongs to the civil servants, and the six ministers also belong to the civil servants. After that, there will be Dongchang and Jinyiwei, which are independent and outside the court, so as to check and balance the rights of civil servants. It will be properly concentrated, and for the emperor, the court is a chess game and a steelyard."

"You never have to be a weight of any specific gravity, what you have to do is the lever of the scale, and you have to keep the two weights in balance."

"Thank you father for teaching, my son understands." Zhu Yi replied.

Qiu Xiang smiled knowingly, and Tang Bohu continued to ask, "What have you understood from what you said today?"

Zhu Yi replied in a loud voice: "Everyone has his value. For the emperor, he is a person who is doing nothing, but also has the meaning of his existence. We must use it as much as possible. In terms of the relationship between the court and the court, I want to be a check and balance." , instead of thinking about supporting that side, I want to be a person who plays chess on the board, not a pawn who fights with others."

"Very good." Tang Bohu nodded and stood up, "I'm tired for my father, let's go rest first."

Qiu Xiang helped Tang Bohu, who was still weak, to go back to the room. Zhu Yi concentrated on replaying the game of chess just now, and then figured it out. Tang Xin hurriedly said, "Brother, let's go play together!"

"Hmm!" Zhu Yi smiled brightly, "What are we going to play today?"

"Recently, the factory made a new thing called a bicycle, which is very interesting." Tang Xin grabbed Zhu Yi and ran out of the house in the drizzle.

Zhu Yi said with a smile: "Father is so kind to you, you can play as you like."

"Look at you!" Tang Xin put his arms around Zhu Yi's shoulders and said, "You are the most stupid among us brothers and sisters. You are either studying or listening to your father's teachings all day long. You are almost becoming an idiot."


Silver bell-like laughter came from afar, and a group of children rode bicycles in the drizzle, playing crookedly beside the factory.

Zhu Yi's mind was no longer on the bicycle. He looked at the huge factory and thought about what Tang Bohu said to himself. This factory is the core of the Tang family, and the academy is the facade of Tangzhuang.

"Zhu Yi! What are you doing in a daze." Tang Xue came pushing a small bicycle, "This bicycle is for you to ride."

"Thank you sister!" Zhu Yi smiled and took the bicycle.

In the distance of the rain curtain, a nun held an oil-paper umbrella and looked at a large group of children with a gentle smile, "It's true that these children are not afraid of catching cold in a light rainy day."

The maidservant next to Zhu Yun was arranged by Qiuxiang. The maidservant said in a low voice, "The children like to play. This age is really a time for growing up."

Zhu Yun nodded. Among the group of children, she also saw her own woman. "Go and prepare some hot ginger tea and give it to these children, so as not to catch a cold. Tang Bohu is the same, and even a group of children will not send a few people to take care of them."

Zhu Yi was playing with a large group of children, although he blended into it, Zhu Yi thought more about it than these innocent children.

A year later, under the discussion of the cabinet, Tang Bohu, in order to plot against the East China Sea, made the Donghai Guard, which had been prepared for a long time, hold back.

The court meeting started again, and Tang Bohu took Zhu Yi to the court hall. Someone asked Tang Bohu why he had been holding back when he promised to support Goryeo.

Yang Tinghe remained silent, Tang Bohu told him the reason, the so-called political conspiracy, Daming wants to stand on the side that decides justice, and goes out without authorization to give future generations a handle.

Tang Bohu watched the courtiers talking a lot, and at this juncture he suddenly turned to Zhu Yi and said, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

The discussion in the court suddenly stopped, and the six-year-old Zhu Yi was also caught off guard by Tang Bohu's question. He had always been an observer, but this time he let himself speak.

"How about we still send troops?"

Zhu Yi immediately regretted this sentence. This was the first sentence Zhu Yi said in the court as the emperor. Tang Bohu nodded and smiled, gave Zhu Yi a reassuring look, and then said: "Your Majesty said that you want Send troops, we must support Korea, but we have a better way."

(End of this chapter)

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