Chapter 354
"But the ancestors of the sea ban set by the previous emperors cannot be broken." Tang Bohu continued: "But my Ming Dynasty will not allow these bandits to invade. Now the Japanese pirates are rampant. We send ships to patrol the East China Sea, but they do not attack."

There is no objection in the court. For some reason, the current public opinion is accusing the Japanese pirates, and even requires the court to take an attitude. Do have an attitude.

An ancestral system that does not go into the sea?The officials in the court understood clearly why Tang Bohu rebuilt the East China Sea Guard and why he drilled the navy. People with a heart really wanted to object, but when Yushitai impeached Tang Bohu, the entire Yushitai was uprooted by Tang Bohu. Under the absolute power , no one dares to impeach Tang Bohu today.

Liu Jin is a villain, but Tang Bohu is a villain with brains, Liu Jin is the mighty Dong Zhuo, and Tang Bohu is the hero who coerces the emperor to make the princes.

"Then why don't we help form Korea?" Zhu Yi asked doubtfully.

"Help! Of course we want to help." Tang Bohu continued: "Our Ming Dynasty has always been a state of etiquette, and we must always stand on the side of justice. How to help, we want to help justifiably."

Yan Song, standing under the court, knew that Tang Bohu had been conspiring against Japan and Goryeo for a long time, and he would never patrol the East China Sea lightly.

Tang Bohu had a smile on his face, "Goryo will naturally help, but we did not promise Goryo to send troops, please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely calm the East China Sea."

The young Zhu Yi sat on the dragon chair, frowned at his father, and did not speak, but now he could feel the pressure from his father. Tang Bohu had the final say on the affairs of the court. It is still powerless.

On the way home, Zhu Yi sat in the carriage and said to Tang Bohu, "Father, will you give me the power?"

"Yes!" Tang Bohu replied decisively.

Zhu Yi nodded and said nothing more.

Tang Bohu looked at the child with a smile and said: "In the future, you can follow Yang Tinghe to learn how to deal with government affairs. Don't hide your little thoughts. I am your father! I know you best in the whole world."

"Thank you father." Zhu Yi said with a smile.

Back home, Tang Bohu wrote a letter and handed it to Tian San, saying: "Find a few reliable people and give the letter to Chen Guang and Yang Sheng. The contents of the letter cannot be seen by others, and must be handed over to them personally." Hands, watched them finish reading until they burned the letter." "Understood." Tian San replied with a bow.

Winter is coming, and Tang Bohu, who is in his 30s, is sitting by the coal stove and cooking tea eggs with his own hands, feeling very relaxed.

In the spring of the second year, there were hundreds of sailboats on the East China Sea with Yang Fan sailing towards the East China Sea. There was no sound from the Jiangnan side. When it came to sea bans, no one spoke up. Public opinion among the public Tang Bohu took advantage of the general situation. After Zheng He's voyages to the West during the Yongle period, Daming went to sea again!
Hundreds of sea-going ships are loaded with the most advanced anti-aircraft cannons of the Ming Dynasty, countless grenades, and even the firecrackers are converted into bursts. This time, the Ming Dynasty wants to show the world the strongest military power.

Chen Guang stood on the deck, he had already received Tang Bohu's letter, he couldn't help but lament that Tang Bohu's scheme was well played, even after hundreds of years later generations would think it was the fault of the Wa Kingdom, and Daming would definitely stand on the side of justice , This is the colonization that Tang Bohu wants, drive away tigers and wolves, trade restrictions, Chen Guang has never heard of these things in his life.

I don't know how Tang Bohu learned these things. I used to think that Tang Bohu was just a little smarter than others, but now I feel that Tang Bohu's resourcefulness is comparable to that of Guiguzi in the Warring States Period. Chen Guang also wonders how a mediocre Tang Bohu can have such great wisdom. , Could it be that someone is secretly pointing Tang Bohu?
According to Tang Bohu, this kind of conspiracy is called a political conspiracy.

Chen Guang smiled and said to Qian Ning: "How are you learning the Japanese language?"

"&*()...%&..." Chen Guang spoke Japanese dialect proficiently, "My lord, I have already mastered it."

"Very good." Chen Guang continued, "There is something for you to do."

On the coast of the country of Wa, the heavy fog on the sea cleared away, and large ships flying the Daming dragon flag wandered a few kilometers away from the coast of the country of Wa. The people of the country of Wa once thought that Daming was going to attack, and they were ready for it.

The Japanese people were very nervous. The 13-year-old Tokugawa Ieyasu said to the elders in his family: "The Ming Dynasty is just wandering in the sea and has no intention of attacking. As long as we don't attack Ming's ships, they have no reason to attack us. We are a country of etiquette, and we are a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, so well-mannered people of Ming Dynasty will not attack us easily."

Tokugawa Ieyasu just finished speaking.

There was a sudden sound of a cannon, and the Japanese fired the cannon. Tokugawa Ieyasu immediately said, "Who fired the cannon."

Qian Ning, who was disguised as a Japanese country, walked away step by step with a fire bag and lit a few cannons casually. The surprised Japanese country did not respond before jumping into the sea.

The Japanese artillery shells did not hit Daming's ship at all, and the shells fired by the old-fashioned artillery with a short range fell into the sea and were still a few feet away from hitting the ship. Xu Pengju, who was on the expedition together, hissed and shouted, "What a thief! Dare to attack our Da Ming's sea-going ship, this is going to turn against me, Da Ming! Brothers, have you seen it? The Wa country no longer treats us as a suzerain country!"

Xu Pengju personally came to the huge anti-aircraft gun, aimed at the coast of the Japanese country, and fired the cannon himself.

The sound of cannons rang out, the ship was shaken in the sea by the recoil force, the sharp shells whizzed out, and the moment it hit the coast, flames exploded into the sky, and the huge destructive force blasted the Japanese army formation. It's a mess.

The Japanese side suddenly became quiet, and everyone was speechless seeing the huge power.

Chen Guang and Yang Sheng waved their flags, and hundreds of anti-aircraft guns aimed at the coast of Wa Kingdom. Yang Sheng shouted: "Fire! Blast the gate of Wa Kingdom!"


The deplorable firepower cleared away the thick fog on the sea. Facing the thunder-like cannons, the Japanese people were frightened and frightened. The ships of Ming Dynasty lined up and pointed at the coast of the Japanese country , Continuous bombing, less than an hour, the Japanese coast defense line has been moved to the ground.

"This thing is really powerful!" Xu Pengju laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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