Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 356 Sacrifice

Chapter 356 Sacrifice
"What are you talking about?" Tang Bohu stepped forward and said, Qiuxiang grabbed her husband's ear and laughed and cursed, "Tell me about you, you know state affairs all day long, state affairs, whether you are fighting Japan or Franji! Even your sister has I don't even know I'm pregnant!"

"What? Yue'er is pregnant!" Tang Bohu jumped up and pulled out a long knife from nowhere, and shouted loudly: "My mother, where is this bastard Zhu Houzhao!"

The girls: "..."

"elder brother!"

In the dim night, Tangyue stood not far away with a lantern in her hand, and cried out aggrieved.

In the night, Tang Bohu saw a sneaky figure with sharp eyes. This height, this figure, without a word, he raised his knife, "Zhu Houzhao, don't run away!"

"Mom!" Zhu Houzhao pulled back and fled.

Under the night, the two figures of the Tang family fled and killed each other, Zhu Houzhao shouted loudly: "Good Tang Bohu, it's unreasonable for you to try to murder your own brother-in-law!"

"You made my sister's stomach bigger, you're right!" Tang Bohu chased after her.

"Tang Bohu! If you continue like this, your sister will become a widow!" Zhu Houzhao ran desperately, with the wind whistling in his ears.

After galloping for more than half an hour, the two of them leaned on the wall and gasped for breath, like a break, Yue'er hurriedly stepped forward to support her elder brother and said, "Brother, younger sister is already Hou Zhao's wife, and sooner or later she will have children." matter."

"Ha...ha...ha..." Tang Bohu calmed down his breathing after strenuous exercise, and waved to the exhausted Zhu Houzhao, "Come here, let's talk."

"I'm not coming." Zhu Houzhao said decisively.

"Don't worry, come here, I promise I won't kill you." Tang Bohu breathed out.

"I just can't come!" Zhu Houzhao panted, and said hastily: "You are not allowed to come either."

"Zhu Houzhao, come here!" Tang Yue stomped her feet.

Hearing Tang Yue's words, Zhu Houzhao reluctantly moved his steps, and walked towards Tang Bohu cautiously. Before he reached Tang Yue, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed his ear, "You are so worthless! Even my brother dare not face it!" ?"

"Yue'er, you saw it too." Zhu Houzhao stood on tiptoe, "Your brother is going to kill his brother-in-law, can I not run away?"

"Would my brother be such a person?" Tangyue still clung to her.

"Does your brother kill fewer people?" Zhu Houzhao burst into tears of pain.

"That's true." Tangyue immediately said: "Brother, you are not allowed to kill him! Otherwise your sister will become a widow."

"What kind of friendship do we have?" Tang Bohu said to Zhu Houzhao with a smile.

Zhu Houzhao sneered, Tang Bohu's eyes were terrifying, why did he smile so sinisterly.

"A few months." Tang Bohu asked.

"The doctor has seen it, it has been four months." Tangyue whispered: "I think it must be a daughter."

Calmly, Tang Bohu and Zhu Houzhao sat facing each other, "I didn't expect you to be a father too."

Zhu Houzhao nodded, "You have done a lot of things over the years, and I can see that you only want to make Daming better. I have to say that beating the Wa country is really exhausting."

"Come on, finish this cup."

The two toasted, and Zhu Houzhao said again: "I have figured it out over the years. It's good to live an ordinary life with Yue'er. I like the life now."

"En." Tang Bohu nodded.

The two looked at each other again speechless, after a long time Tang Bohu said: "It's been a long time since you and I sat down to drink like this."

"Yes." Zhu Houzhao also said: "You have been very busy these years, and it is rare that you are as leisurely as before, and you don't go fishing anymore."

"You entrusted the country to me. This burden is really heavy." Tang Bohu drank his wine.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Zhu Houzhao asked.

The friendship with Zhu Houzhao is like brothers. Tang Bohu also said: "I have thought a lot about the future. Yier has already started to get in touch with state affairs. Yang Tinghe has taken care of him for a while. This child is too gentle and needs to be tempered. What he wants to lead in the future is this Great Ming, and it is not enough just to be able to govern the country, in addition to allowing him to master the art of emperor, he also needs to have the heart of an emperor."

"I heard Yue'er said before that it is difficult to build a house, but it is very easy to destroy a house. This sentence is not unreasonable." Zhu Houzhao sighed and said: "Zhu Yi has been raised by you, you want to cultivate he."

Seeing that the pot of wine was about to be finished, and the servants did not come to refill the wine, Tang Bohu said again: "It's funny to say, but the best whetstone is myself. If Zhu Yi can monopolize me one day If the powerful regent is overthrown, maybe he can become a real emperor."

"The emperor is the one who enjoys all the wealth and honor in the world, and he is also the loneliest person." Zhu Houzhao said, "Fortunately, I have you here. Without you, I don't know what I will do in the future."

Qiuxiang came up with a small step and said: "Yue'er has already slept at home, she said she wants to stay with her parents for a few days."

Tang Bohu nodded, Zhu Houzhao stood up and said, "It's getting late, I'll go to bed too, and I have to go to work in the fields tomorrow morning."

"Go and stay with Yue'er."

Hearing Tang Bohu's words, Zhu Houzhao was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled knowingly. Tang Bohu still accepted the matter, "Where does Yue'er live?"

"Come with me." Qiuxiang took Zhu Houzhao to Tangyue's residence.

Tang Bohu walked back to his room, and saw that Zhu Yi's room was still brightly lit, and the young figure was sitting in front of the table. He stopped and whispered to the servants beside him, "Make some supper for Yi'er."

"Yes, master." The servant replied.

Tang Bohu was lying on the bed thinking about many things. The emperor's heart is cruel and cold-blooded. All interests come first. He could bear in his heart that the child he raised with his own hands would become like that.

Qiuxiang walked into the room and closed the door carefully.

"Yue'er is okay."

Qiuxiang took off her coat and shrank under the blanket, "Very well, that eccentric little girl is going to be a mother now, time flies so fast."

"Yeah, it's really fast, it feels like a blink of an eye." Holding his wife in his arms, Tang Bohu continued: "In my mind, Yue'er has always been innocent, and suddenly until she is going to be a mother Yes, I can't accept it, it's really uncomfortable."

Qiu Xiang leaned on Tang Bohu's arms, "Anyone can grow up. You used to be a proud scholar, but in a blink of an eye, you have become an invincible Duke Regent with power over the government and the public."

Seeing that Tang Bohu didn't speak, Qiuxiang closed her eyes and said, "I have heard the conversation between you and Zhu Houzhao. You want to sacrifice yourself to make Yi'er right? You can accept it. Have you ever thought about how Yi'er will be?" Will not accept."

(End of this chapter)

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