Tang Bohu Marries Qiuxiang

Chapter 357 Zhu Yi 3 Questions

Chapter 357 Zhu Yi Asks Three Times
"Nothing can be hidden from your eyes." Tang Bohu sighed.

"Go to sleep." Qiuxiang murmured, "It's getting late, there are still a lot of things at home tomorrow morning."

"En!" Tang Bohu also closed his eyes.

The cock crowed in the morning, and the next day came. Zhu Yi stared at the dark circles under his eyes and stood excitedly at the door of his house. When he saw Tang Bohu came out, he said happily, "Father, I have already made a decision."

"Tell me."

The father and son got into the carriage.

On this day, Zhu Yi issued the first imperial decree in his life to open up ocean routes, all the way to the ocean. A few months after the ocean development, Daming made a wrong decision this time, and the vast sea ships went away, and it took more than half a year Then the fleet of ships that opened the channel came back.

He explained that he had entered a windless sea area and was in a dilemma. He didn’t come back until the wind was blowing. Fortunately, everyone was safe. Zhu Yi touched his nose. Daming’s navigation skills were still not as good as Franji’s. Tang Bohu persuaded Zhu Yi , "It's all caused by inexperience. We will be smoother in the future. This matter needs to be figured out slowly."

"My son knows." Zhu Yi was dejected.

"Don't be discouraged, there is one more thing for you to do." Tang Bohu took out the arrears he signed with Gao Li back then and said: "The money that Gao Li promised us back then has never been handed over to us, now it's time to fulfill this contract .”

"What does the father want the child to do?" Zhu Yi said immediately.

"Be tough, we must take back what should be ours." Tang Bohu patted him on the shoulder and said, "This matter is much simpler than opening a waterway."

Zhu Yi looked at this IOU, and it still showed the enjoyment of the two countries, "Father, Goryeo is not a rich country. At that time, I wanted Goryeo to take the money from the Wa country to pay back, but now most of the money from the Wa country has come into our hands. , Is it too..."

"It should be ours or ours." Tang Bohu persuaded painstakingly, "Never be kind to women, your sympathy for them is too cheap for them."

"Is this the ambition my father told me about?" Zhu Yi suddenly realized, "Did my father know that this day would come, so that Gao Li signed such a huge amount of arrears? The real purpose of going down to the Wa Kingdom has already coveted Korea!"

"Father wants both. Father has long known that Goryeo has no strength to fight against Japan, let alone compete with us." Zhu Yiyue said that his heart became clearer.

"It's pretty good that you can see this." Tang Bohu continued: "The opening game has been laid out for the father, and you only need to move the remaining pieces."

"Yeah!" Zhu Yi nodded thoughtfully.

In the past few days, Tang Bohu did not go to court, but with the help of Yang Tinghe and Yan Song, Zhu Yi began to reach out to Goryeo. Under the military pressure of Ming Dynasty, Goryeo had no choice but to cede the land. Hearing the result, Tang Bohu nodded and asked Tian San: "How is that Qian Ning doing recently?"

Tian San replied with a smile: "This guy is flattering Yan Song recently."

"Send him to Ryukyu." Tang Bohu continued, "The construction of Ryukyu has been slow recently."

Tian San: "The humble job understands."

Tang Bohu hadn't spoken yet, "Is there a lot of ocean-going fleets that have come to my Ming trade recently?"

"According to the report of our Jinyiwei, there are not many, but Ryukyu spices sell very well in our Daming." Tian San replied.

Glancing at Tang Bohu, Tian San hesitated and said, "Recently, His Majesty and Yang Tinghe are getting closer."

"Go down." Tang Bohu waved his hand, sighing in his heart that the ambition in Zhu Yi's heart had finally begun to germinate.

That night, Zhu Yi came to Xu Zhenqing's residence, "Old Xu Ge."

"Sir, Xu Zhenqing pays homage to His Majesty!" Xu Zhenqing hurriedly saluted.

Zhu Yi waved his hand and said, "There's no need to salute, I'm also out to relax this time, I heard that your health has not been very good recently."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Xu Zhenqing said hastily, "I'm in good health."

"That's good." Zhu Yi said flatly, "Xu Ge is always worried about state affairs, and I should also be sympathetic to my ministers."

As he said that, Zhu Yi beckoned a servant to bring a ginseng plant, "This is an old ginseng plant, I don't need it when I'm young, but Xu Ge must take care of himself, I still need you."

I still need you, these words were recalled in Xu Zhenqing's brain, and she looked up at Zhu Yi, the aura displayed by this ten-year-old child was very similar to Tang Bohu, it was exactly the same, he could speak like this at a young age, so Xu Zhenqing thought about what kind of child Tang Bohu had raised, and Zhu Yi was a copy of Tang Bohu at all, what was the meaning of this beating.

Zhu Yi said slowly, "I heard that you used to be an editor of a small Imperial Academy. After Liu Jin's rebellion, Cheng Guogong promoted you to the cabinet. I have to say that your luck is really good."

Xu Zhenqing's back was already covered with cold sweat.

Zhu Yi asked: "Old Xu Ge, what kind of person do you think Duke Cheng is?"

"A good person who is not bad." Xu Zhenqing replied.

"Then I'll ask you again." Zhu Yi continued, "What is the biggest thing in this world?"

"It makes the most sense." Xu Zhenqing replied.

Zhu Yi asked again: "How old is I this year?"

"Your Majesty, live forever!" Xu Zhenqing solemnly replied again.

"Very good, you answered very well." Zhu Yi turned his back and didn't look at him, "You have to remember that Jiangshan's surname is Zhu. Duke Cheng gave you the present, and I can give you the future."

Zhu Yi's intentions were already obvious. The little emperor was trying to recruit him. Yan Song belonged to Tang Bohu, and Tang Bohu used him as a check and balance. With such thoughts, Zhu Yi wants to take over Jiangshan.

Seeing that Zhu Yi was about to leave, Xu Zhenqing stepped forward a few steps, "Your Majesty, please stop and ask Your Majesty, if His Majesty knew about Cheng Guogong's visit this time."

Zhu Yi's footsteps paused slightly, but only for a short while, "It's my own idea that I came to visit you this time."

After the emperor of the Ming Dynasty left, Xu Zhenqing stood there for a long time without recovering, and suddenly laughed, "Tang Bohu, Tang Bohu, you never thought that you would cultivate an opponent as difficult as you. gone."

Back home, Zhu Yi saw Tang Bohu reading Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, "Father, I have read this book."

"What do you think of this book?" Tang Bohu asked.

Zhu Yi smiled, "Although the content in the book is good, this book was written by Lu Buwei's three thousand disciples. Lu Buwei is just a merchant, and he still wants to be a master? He is just trying to save face."

(End of this chapter)

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