Chapter 101

Chen Feng stared blankly at her daughter and nodded subconsciously.

Sometimes she really felt that her daughter was not born by herself, and none of the sons was promising, but this daughter always helped her make up decisions.

It's just that a son is always a treasure, and Chen Feng still favors his son from the bottom of his heart.

But compared to other families that favor boys over girls, she is considered excellent for not abusing Yan Yutao.


The butler returned to Pei's mansion, and met Pei Yu who was about to go out, Pei Yu walked a few steps, thought of something, stopped and called the butler, and asked him about the situation when he delivered the things there.

"...Miss Yun doesn't look happy or angry, but she accepted the things neatly."

Pei Yu nodded, his expression was as expected.

Things are chosen by him, and he is always accurate in judging people.She is not like those ordinary village girls who either retreat or rejoice at something.The person who can be carried by Wei Chengfeng forcibly has a temper, so he didn't choose the eye-catching one, but the practical and ordinary one.

"Is the Yu's Medical Center cleaned up?" After Pei Hao was arrested and went up the mountain, Pei Yu asked Qi Wenshan to seal up the pharmacy and took Yu Rongzheng away. He disposed of all the things there. He planned to use it for business, but just now thought.

Half of these trivial matters are handled by the housekeeper. Hearing this, he said, "I took care of it earlier."

"Find out the house deed, and send it to Miss Yun in Xiaoxu Village early tomorrow morning, and say that the Pei family wants to develop a drug dealer, and see her attitude." Pei Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he lightly raised his lips. leave.

The butler froze in place.

Give Miss Yun the deed of Yu's Pharmacy?Is it a gift or is it?

He was a little confused, and planned to think about it. If he couldn't figure it out, he would wait for the young master to come back and ask.

It was night, and Yun Shu had just fallen asleep when he heard something outside the window.

Because of the previous examples of someone sneaking in through the window, she would use the table to press another one every time, and now the sound seemed to be coming from under the window.

Once or twice is enough, when the news came many times, Yun Shu sat up, intending to see what happened.

Outside the window, Xu Fuyuan tossed about for a while, only to find that the window-opening skill that had always worked hadn't worked.

He already knew that Yun Shu had no internal strength, so he was not afraid of leaking his breath, but he was as careful as ever in his movements.

At this moment, the window suddenly loosened, Xu Fuyuan was overjoyed that the secret passage could still be opened, but when he stood up and opened the window, he was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he sat down on the ground!

At the window, a white shadow was fighting, the body could not be seen, only a white cloth covered the head from the top to the bottom, just as the wind was blowing, the white cloth swayed and oozes people.

Xu Fuyuan was shocked for a while before he recovered, his eyes widened, and he didn't know he was being tricked until the 'ghost' suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled off the white cloth to reveal a familiar little face. up.

Before he could get angry, Yun Shu took the lead in sarcasm, "I've played poisoning and sneak attack, are you going to break the window today?"

Without waiting for Xu Fuyuan to refute, she looked at the window with cold eyes, raised her lips and mocked, "It's a pity that the technology is not up to standard."

"Nonsense, you did the tricks, otherwise I wouldn't be able to open it. I never..." Xu Fuyuan, who was halfway through speaking, suddenly stopped talking. Seeing that Yun Shu was still looking at him, the topic changed, and then He hesitated and got up, "I said, did your master tell you?"

Yun Shu saw that he had a bad face, as if he was embarrassed to speak, and deliberately pretended not to know, "What did you say?"

"Didn't your master come to see you this afternoon?"

"My master comes and goes without a trace, it's so easy to meet. What's the matter with you? If it's okay, I'm going to sleep." Yun Shu made a gesture to close the window, but Xu Fuyuan suddenly lay down by the window Come on, with an anxious face, "Don't worry, I have something to say."

Yun Shu saw that he was preventing her from closing the window like a tortoise, so she folded her arms and looked at him, "To make a long story short."

"Hmph, I have the same bad temper as your master." Seeing that Yun Shu's tone was not good, Xu Fuyuan muttered, afraid of being heard by her, he hurriedly said, "Today I talked to your master. Knock, let you give me the antidote."

As he spoke, Xu Fuyuan made a serious look.

Yun Shu sneered in his heart, he really knew how to pretend, did he think he was the only one who could.

She also pretended to be surprised, "But Master never gave me the antidote, you lied to me, right? Otherwise, he should have given you the antidote."

The lie was exposed, Xu Fuyuan was not at all embarrassed, but said calmly, "I didn't lie to you, your master promised to give the antidote, just to do him a favor."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Yun Shu looked disinterested.

"What else is there, your master hasn't taught you lightness kung fu yet, he asked me to teach you for a while... Hey, don't close the window, do you know how honored you are? I don't necessarily teach you when people ask me. Before Xu Fuyuan finished speaking, seeing Yun Shu about to close the window, he quickly lay down on the window again.

"Get up! I'm not interested in your light kung fu, you can go to those who beg you to teach them."

"That's no good. If I don't teach you, your master won't give me the antidote?" Xu Fuyuan was also anxious. Before, he only thought that he didn't want to teach, but he didn't know that this stinky girl was still unwilling.

"That's none of my business. You provoked me first." Yun Shu sneered.

But Xu Fuyuan refused to let go, "Yes, please, please, please? Just learn from me for a few days, Qinggong is very fun, and when you feel bad after learning it, can we stop?"

Yun Shu herself deliberately manipulated him, she must learn this light skill, but Xu Fuyuan must not let Xu Fuyuan see that she wants to learn, otherwise the other party must be impatient.

Hearing that he was in a hurry, Yun Shu knew that the opportunity was just right, so she pretended to be embarrassed and thought about it for a while, and finally nodded, "Since you begged me, then I will agree, as you said, if you teach poorly, you will stop."

Obviously she took advantage of it, but she was wronged instead, Xu Fuyuan was so angry that he wanted to growl at her.

The smelly girl didn't even know how cheap she was.

His Xu Fuyuan's lightness kung fu is not the low-level lightness kung fu in the Jianghu.

Ordinary people really can't learn it, even if he has set rules, it's not that his apprentices don't teach, but now he doesn't care so much.

He went back yesterday, but was besieged by his own people for a long time, and he was so angry that he couldn't sleep.

So he decided that no matter what the price was, this face must be restored.

"Let's go quickly, we'll learn tonight." The more Xu Fuyuan thought about it, the more excited he became.

He turned around and walked out, waiting for Yun Shu to come out, but he heard the soft sound of closing the window, and turned his head to see, was there anyone behind?
Only the voice came lazily from inside, "It's too late tonight, let's talk tomorrow."

A yawn could be heard vaguely inside.

Xu Fuyuan stood there in a daze, and it took him a long time to realize that his face was blue and then dark, black and then red.

Sooner or later, he would be pissed to death by one of the pair of master and apprentice!

(End of this chapter)

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