Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 102 He is unreasonable

Chapter 102 He is unreasonable
Yun Shu slept very well that night.

Woke up in the morning, washed up and was still thinking about Qinggong.

In fact, she was more anxious than Xu Fuyuan, just in order not to show it, she suppressed it.

Qin Shi also found that her daughter was out of mood. Although she didn't say it, she knew it in her heart.Ever since my daughter changed her temperament, if she didn't speak and smile, her little face would be tight, as if she was a grown-up looking at strangers.

But this morning, the corners of her lips were raised a little.

Qin always cared about her children, and she could clearly see the curves more or less. Naturally, she also saw this change. Seeing her daughter's rare expression of happiness, her mood improved.

Yun Feng rubbed his eyes, walked down the main room, saw his younger sister was there, and asked, "Last night, I always felt that someone was talking, mother, did you get up with your younger sister?"

The speaker had no intention of listening, but Yun Shu didn't expect that she would still disturb Yun Feng last night by lowering her voice, so she didn't say a word.

Qin was stunned for a moment, "No, did you hear it wrong, the wind was a bit loud last night, it sounded like you were talking to someone."

Yun Shu's eyes brightened slightly. This explanation is very good.

Sure enough, Yun Feng also believed half of it and didn't pursue it.

He doesn't seem to be able to sleep well these days, and his eyes are bloodshot when he wakes up in the morning.

Seeing that he was staggering as he walked, Yun Shu thought about preparing some tranquilizing medicine for him.

After casually eating breakfast, Yun Feng didn't see Yun Shu, so he told Qin Shi and left, "Mother, I'm leaving."

As soon as he left, Yun Shu walked out of the room.

When she saw her elder brother leaving from the back, she suddenly thought about it. Seeing Mrs. Qin busy in the kitchen, she turned around and went to Yunfeng's room.

Because there are no valuables in the house, the rooms in the upper house are not locked, and it is enough to lock the door occasionally when going out.

With a slight push by Yun Shu, the room opened, and when she walked in, a smell of medicine came over her.This is the smell of the medicine she made.

Sure enough, her elder brother was injured again?

Yun Shu went in patiently, Yun Feng's room was simpler than hers.

Except for a table, there is a short shelf next to it. There are several clothes on the shelf, which are not folded very much and are in a mess.

Yun Shu took a few glances, and wanted to back out, but glanced inadvertently towards the bed, but saw something protruding from under the mat.

She went over to take out the thing, only to find that it was a book.

The book is very old, some handwriting is blurred.Yun Shu didn't have any information about books in this country, and the book didn't have a name. At first, he thought it was a novel, but after flipping through a few pages, he found some instructive sentences. understand.

She vaguely thought of something, but wasn't sure, she put the book back where it was, and exited the room gently.

Mrs. Qin had just washed the dishes when she turned her head and saw her daughter standing behind her, looking at her without saying a word, then smiled, "Why are you silent?"

"Mother, did you say that elder brother liked to read?" Yun Shu was preoccupied, but when she heard Qin's voice, she asked casually.

"Study?" Qin was stunned for a moment, then she turned her head and continued to work, but her voice came over, sounding a little helpless, "Mother should take care of him at that time, because you can't even go to the academy if you fight, your grandma didn't say much about him , It's a pity that there is no chance now, otherwise I will be able to take the scientific examination this year..."

The rest of the words are completely Qin's soliloquy.

When she came to her senses, Yun Shu was no longer there, and her melancholy mood disappeared immediately, with a helpless expression on her face, "This girl is really, she comes when she says she wants to, and leaves when she says she wants to go."

Yun Shu is currently snapping her fingers in the room, and she heard what Qin said just now.

That is to say, based on time, if Yunfeng does not leave that 'home', he will be able to take the imperial examination this year.

Is it a coincidence?Yun Feng, who doesn't like reading, secretly reads with a book.

She can understand those who are forced by reality and pursue knowledge strongly, but she doesn't know if it is what she thinks.

Just as she was thinking, she heard a knock on the gate of the yard, as well as Qin's unexpected voice.

Yun Shu was going to enter the space, but when he saw this, he walked to the door, opened the door and looked, but saw that it was the housekeeper of Pei's house.

Didn't you come here yesterday, why come again?

On Pei Hao's side, she knew that he was awake without inquiring, and she didn't need her as an 'apprentice' for follow-up care, so it's hard to find yourself or come to give gifts?

Yun Shu originally thought about it casually, but she didn't expect to guess it right.

Seeing the butler handing something to Qin Shi with a smile, Yun Shu couldn't hold back and walked out.

"Miss Yun, you came out? I just want to give you something." The butler reached out his hand halfway to see Yun Shu, and then walked over, "This is the lease of the Yu Family Pharmacy in the town. The young master asked me to give it to you .”

He held out his hand, but Yun Shu didn't pick it up this time.

"What does Young Master Pei mean?" Yun Shu frowned.

Send her directly to a hospital?

"Well, my young master asked me to tell Miss Yun that he intends to develop a drug dealer, so he didn't say much." In fact, the housekeeper went to ask Pei Yu specifically last night, but the other party didn't say anything.

He thought that as soon as he taught something, Yun Shu would accept it, after all, it was almost the same last time.

Yun Shu frowned, she didn't understand what the young master meant.

Give her a house deed and tell her that she intends to develop a drug dealer, which means that she will help her work?

Thinking of this, Yun Shu pushed, "Tell your young master for me, no master nods, I won't join any drug dealer, but my master has an idea to open a drug store by myself, if the price is moderate, my master should Happy to buy."

"But..." The butler was a little puzzled, yesterday he thought Miss Yun was pretty easy to talk to, why is it different today.

His young master asked him to deliver things and said those words. He understood that it should mean cooperation, but she said that her master wanted to open a pharmacy. Isn't this against the Pei family?

He was afraid that Yun Shu would say something difficult to convey, so he nodded, "Okay then, I'll go back and ask."

The butler left rather hurriedly. Qin Shi watched the whole process and opened his mouth as if to say something. After seeing Yun Shu's serious expression, he didn't speak.

"Does mother have something to say?" Yun Shu noticed this and asked proactively.

"No, it's just that my mother heard a rumor when she was working in the town before. The Pei family doesn't seem to like traveling doctors. Shu Er, your master is a traveling doctor. If you tell him like this now, will Young Master Pei take your anger out on you? ..."

It turned out that Qin was worried about this.

Yun Shu shook his head at her, and comforted him, "There are good and bad doctors, so Young Master Pei wouldn't be so unreasonable." Besides, she was kind enough to save his brother.

"But he seems to be so unreasonable!" Qin looked at her daughter and said quietly.


"The wandering doctors who came to Liangting Town before were all driven away. Usually, those who met Young Master Pei would end up worse, so he... doesn't seem to be reasonable." Qin said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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