Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 103 Ruyi Embroidery Building

Chapter 103 Ruyi Embroidery Building
Seeing Qin's serious eyes, Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat. For the first time, she didn't know how to answer her words.

I've heard similar rumors that the Pei family doesn't like visiting doctors before, but I didn't expect it to be as serious as Qin's said. According to this, his status as a "master" is quite embarrassing?

But Yun Shu felt that such a thing might happen.

Last time she saw that Young Master Pei was very shrewd and resourceful, but he was quite tolerant to those who were kind to her.

And didn't I say that the more ruthless a person is, the more principled he is.

Even if he doesn't like traveling doctors no matter how much he targets her, he can't ignore his life-saving grace to Pei Hao and target her and her 'master'.

Seeing that Mrs. Qin hadn't mentioned this matter, Yun Shu didn't want to continue the discussion with her, so she quickly changed the subject, "By the way, mother, didn't you ask Aunt Du to bring the embroidery to the town to sell last time? What's the price?"

"It's for sale. The price...is less than Du Qiu's, but mother is already satisfied. Those are enough for this month's household." Qin seemed to be asked, and she reacted by mentioning a few words lightly, as if I don't want to say more.

Yun Shu frowned slightly, a little surprised.

Cheaper than Du Qiu's?
Du Qiu came to the house before, and Yun Shu was lucky to see her embroidery work.

How should I put it, as far as she is a layman, the embroidery work of both of them is very good.But Qin's is the kind that makes people like it at a glance, while Du Qiu's is a little ordinary.

It's obviously good or bad, but how come her mother's price is lower after selling it?
Before Yun Shu could ask, Qin Shi sighed and said to herself, "All the embroidery products collected in Xiulou have to go through the selection process. If the mother is a newcomer, how can she compare with others. Fortunately, that person said, after working for a long time, she will The price will be raised, and in short, I can get a job, so I want to do it slowly."

Just because he is a newcomer, the price of something made by working overtime will be lowered?

Yun Shu feels that even though the times are different, there are still some things in common.

If the person in Xiulou had foresight, he would never say such a thing, unless there was some purpose.

She guessed that the other party might have taken a fancy to Qin's embroidery work and said this on purpose.

Yun Shu rubbed her chin, after thinking about it, she still felt that her mother's things could not be sold so cheaply in the future.Last time Du Qiu mentioned that each pair of embroidery she owns is only a few tens of coins, and her mother's must be lower, which is equivalent to selling at a low price.

He said, "Mother, don't give Aunt Du the rest of the embroidery. I'll go to town and ask, and I'll talk to you when I get back." Yun Shu had an idea in mind.

Qin didn't know what her daughter's purpose was, so she froze for a while, but didn't say anything.

It's getting dark early recently, and there's not much time, so the things she makes are few. Du Qiu said, too little can't be sold, so Yun Shu doesn't say anything, and she won't sell them in the near future.

Yun Shu left Xiaoxu Village and went straight to the town.

There are only a few embroidery buildings in Liangting Town, so she went to the Ruyi embroidery building with the best business and walked around.

Maybe it was because Yun Shu was dressed in an ordinary way, and no one greeted her, so it was convenient for her to look around.

The embroidery building mainly sells embroidery products, including handkerchiefs, embroidered fabrics, and accessories made of cloth. There are many types, but there are many patterns.

When a customer came in, Yun Shu stepped back to listen to their price, and heard that the price they raised was four or five times higher than what Du Qiu and the others sold, and the customer seemed to accept it.

Is there really enough water?
Yun Shu looked at it for a while, and was about to leave, but at this moment, she accidentally glanced at the seller who had just brought out the so-called new product, her eyes were even more complicated.

Because it belongs to the Qin family!
Yun Shu watched Qin's embroidery a few times in total, and the one she remembered most was this pair of daffodils, which were beautiful in color and exquisite in detail. The reason why she could be sure that it belonged to Qin's at a glance was because a leaf on the head of the flower was slightly underlined. Bending shyly like a budding girl.

That was her suggestion to Qin Shi, Qin Shi still felt that painting was like living.

Yun Shu studied Chinese medicine in her previous life, and knew a little about calligraphy and painting, but she didn't know embroidery. The stroke she added was the finishing touch. The prototype remained the same, and it would only increase the agility.

But she also remembered that Du Qiu said that this embroidery was sold to an old embroidery shop on the East Street, how could it come here in a blink of an eye?
It is obvious that these embroidery buildings are all connected, no wonder the prices are lowered at will.

Hearing the high prices offered by the buddies, Yun Shu had already calmed down.

It's really not worth selling this embroidery work.

After leaving Xiulou, Yun Shu looked at other places to be more sure of her guess.

There must be a unified line behind the Xiulou in Liangting Town.

She pondered for a while, and planned to go back and tell Qin her guess. When she passed by the exit, she saw a small shop packing up her things. Her heart moved, and she went up...

It was almost noon when Yun Shu left the town, and vaguely saw a familiar figure in the distance, resembling a strong and shameless man, her heart tightened, and she lowered her head subconsciously, intending to turn a blind eye.

It's just that luck is not very good. When he was about to miss that person, the eyes of the person beside him who had been looking at the distance suddenly squinted, and the cold and distant eyes glanced slightly. Yun Shu didn't look up, and he could feel where his gaze was falling himself.

As soon as she lifted her foot, the deep voice followed her like a shadow, "Pretend you can't see me?"

With the same cold and deep voice as always, but with a hint of ridicule, Yun Shu stopped walking, as if he had just noticed that there was someone else, his black eyes looked surprised, "...it's you, Mr. Wei."

His tone was full of surprise, as if he really didn't see it.

However, Wei Chengfeng saw the shrewdness flashing past those jet-black pupils.

He glanced at the woman who was only up to his shoulders, his chin slightly retracted, and the face that stood out even more was stern and threatening. His burning gaze passed across Yun Shu's face, and he suddenly snorted, clearly seeing through her disguise, and his voice Incomparably cold, "Pretend!"

Yun Shu's face was full of black lines, since he saw that he was faking it, what did he do to make fun of him.

There was no embarrassment on the face, but a casual greeting, "Is your arm okay?"

"Hmm." He spat out a word like gold.

Yun Shu saw that he hadn't left yet, so she had to find another topic, "Mr. Wei seems to have a good relationship with the Pei family? I don't know how much you know about Yunshan, what happened to those bandits?"

Wei Chengfeng glanced at her lightly, and just when Yun Shu thought it was because he thought he was talking too much, the other party actually replied, "It's not very good." It was just because Pei Yu was in contact.

Then he glanced at Yun Shu again, "Are you concerned about those bandits?"

"I live here, so I should be concerned." Yunshan was not far from the town and the village, and Yun Shu was startled when he heard that there were bandits.

"Then you can rest assured." Before Yun Shu understood the meaning of this sentence, she saw that the man seemed to be deliberately pulling up the corners of his lips, and said in a long and gentle voice, as if threatening, "The bandit is dead, Pei Yu moved." hand, you should see that gut-piercing picture."

After he finished speaking, he saw Yun Shu staring at him blankly, as if he didn't react.

(End of this chapter)

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