Chapter 104
It was rare for Wei Chengfeng to find her cute.

He moved the corners of his lips, his eyebrows stretched, and there was a strange emotion in his eyes that he didn't even know.

To be honest, he didn't even know why he came to this road suddenly, and just happened to meet her.

Thinking of leaving a day later, he unconsciously lingered on this face that was becoming more and more pleasing to the eye, until those cat-like eyes looked at her, with her usual aura of not losing to anyone, he It was retracted just now, but the arc of the corner of the lips never fell.

But he didn't know that his scrutinizing eyes looked different to Yun Shu.

The man looked at him with ignorant scrutiny, and Yun Shu subconsciously looked on guard. This man always caught her by surprise every time, and she was worried that she would be unlucky again when she ran into her today.

Surprisingly, when she looked back, she retracted her gaze, and then she saw the man move his mouth, turned and left, his back was still calm and distant, but not as depressed as last time.

Is this gone?

Yun Shu stared at her almond eyes, her face full of bewilderment.

Immediately, she looked at that figure's back a few more times, but the other party had already gone away, so she was relieved and walked towards the village.

But he said in his heart, he would just give the jade pendant, and if he didn't give it to her, he wouldn't want it either.

When Yun Shu returned to Xiaoxu Village, it was just after noon, and everyone had already had a lunch break, and they were going there if they had something to do.

Meeting a few familiar faces on the road, Yun Shu stopped to say hello. They were not familiar with Yun Shu, so they simply said "I'm back" and didn't chat much, but their voices and eyes were all kind.

When Yun Shu was almost home, he stopped and turned to another direction.

Temporarily decided to go to the village to take a look.

Yesterday, Liu Hongshan had given her all the land deeds, and as promised, she concealed the fact that the land was bought by her. Everyone only knew that it was related to Yun Shu, not even her master Liu Hongshan.

She intends to plan in the next few days, but the ground situation has not been checked yet.

Most of the land in Xiaoxu Village is in the depression behind the house.

The terrain is low, but it can bask in the sun. When Yun Shu passed by, he saw only a large piece of land lying bare, and the soil was abnormally brown.

She went over and twirled some soil, smelled it, the smell was a bit sour, but not strong.

It seems that the one-year damage has not reached a serious bottom, so it is not too troublesome to adjust.

Standing up and flicking the clods of dirt off her clothes, Yun Shu looked around and only saw a small half of the ground in the title deed.

It can be said that the purchase was impulsive at the time, but now she is a little worried that the land will be difficult to take care of if there is too much land.

Thinking about her own affairs, Yun Shu didn't see a figure passing by in the distance, and then turned back after seeing her.

"Yun Shu, what are you doing here?" A delicate voice came from not far away.

Yun Shu came back to her senses suddenly, turned her head to look, and when she saw who it was, her clear eyes moved slightly, and an unclear emotion flashed inside, "Miss Yan."

Yan Yutao couldn't hear the indifference in her words. Seeing that she didn't answer her own words, she glanced across the pink and white face in front of her, concealing her jealousy, and said with a smile, " You don't mind what happened before, my mother and I have some misunderstandings about your family, but those are all things in the past, I think since we are in the same village, we should walk around more in the future, what do you say, Yun Shu .”

Before she could speak, she uttered her doubts and results.

Not to mention, it was the first time Yun Shu saw such a patient person who changed his face so quickly.

She didn't forget that when Qin's family was bullied that night, what Yan Yutao said angrily, didn't she treat her as an enemy, but now she came to please her?
Yun Shu didn't intend to let her make a decision so lightly, she looked at it with a half-smile, "I didn't expect Miss Yan to be such a magnanimous person, but it's a pity that I don't let go so easily, in order to avoid similar troubles in the future, Let's go around, everyone."

Yan Yutao came over when she heard the first sentence, but when she heard the latter sentence, she immediately understood that Yun Shu was mocking her cheeky self-talk, and her face immediately turned red. She opened her mouth to say something, but thought of her and The relationship between the Pei family has endured forever.

In the end, he suppressed a smile, "I don't think it's that serious, it's good to get along more in the future, then you play first, and I will go back to help my mother with things, and I will go to play with you when I have time." After finishing speaking Also smiled mischievously.

The corners of Yun Shu's mouth twitched slightly as he watched.

She couldn't believe that Yan Yutao couldn't hear her disgust, and wanted to come to her in the future.

It seems that after going back, I have to explain to her mother that if she is not there, no one from the Yan family should be put in, it is too eyesore.

It's just that this idea has not been implemented, and it has already failed.

Yun Shu walked around the top of the mountain again, packed some soil and went back, planning to do an experiment first, but was delayed for a while.

When she got home, she saw that there was someone new at home.

That person was none other than Yan Yutao who had just met.

Seeing Yun Shu, Yan Yutao stood up happily, seeming to have forgotten what Yun Shu said about 'walking around' not long ago, and said excitedly, "Yun Shu, Aunt Qin is amazing, I have never been to the capital since I grew up , I didn’t expect your family to come from the capital.”


Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Yan Yutao's excited little face, his heart sank.

Did the family deliberately send Yan Yutao to find out about her family?

He didn't show it on his face, and said lightly, "Really, sit down first, I'm a little tired, so I went back to my room."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yan Yutao to speak, she looked at Qin Shi again, frowned and said, "Mother, don't sit for too long. Didn't the doctor say you can't blow the air too much, so go back to your room to rest later."

Qin was stunned, when did the doctor say this?
But seeing her daughter's serious face and seeing Yan Yutao's indifference, she guessed something and nodded in cooperation, "...Mother knows."

Yan Yutao didn't expect Yun Shu to really abandon her.

She came to Qin's herself to get acquainted with her and get close to Yun Shu. She laughed for a long time before chatting with this woman and finally waited for Yun Shu to come back. How could she know that it was such a treatment.

Seeing her daughter leaving, Mrs. Qin turned her head and apologized to Yan Yutao, "Shu'er usually doesn't like to talk to people, so Miss Yan doesn't need to apologize to her face to face, let's forget about the previous things."

Just now Yan Yutao came in with this excuse.

As she spoke, she stood up, obviously meaning to see off the guests.

The smile on Yan Yutao's face could hardly be maintained, but she still pulled out a smile, "As long as Aunt Qin doesn't mind, then I'll go back. By the way, Aunt Qin,... can I still come in the future?" She stared pitifully at Qin's, it's unbearable.

" can come if you want." Qin didn't know how to resist at all.

Yan Yutao smiled sincerely this time, the plan has successfully taken the first step.

(End of this chapter)

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