Chapter 106
After another hour, Yun Shu was already sweating profusely. She shook her hands and feet and gritted her teeth to persevere.

Xu Fuyuan originally wanted to taunt her, but seeing her forbearance but not giving up, he took back what he had said, looked back and forth at that thin figure, and cursed in his heart, that old man also had some eyes.

The little girl's qualifications are not too good, but they are not bad either. The key is that she learns things very quickly. What he said was quite vague, but she has already figured out the essentials.

But he would never say these words.

Usually this girl doesn't respect him as an elder, if she compliments her, she might be so embarrassing.

As if he had seen Yun Shu with his hips akimbo looking down at the arrogance, Xu Fuyuan quickly shook his head.

"Let's stop here for today, if it's too late, it will be full." Xu Fuyuan saw that it was getting late, and planned to continue tomorrow. Although he wanted to teach early, if he taught someone badly, that old thing would definitely cause trouble for him.

Yun Shu's body relaxed after hearing what he said.

At this time, her whole body was sore and weak. She knew she couldn't sit down, so she rubbed her main joints.

"How long will it take to start practicing lightness kung fu?" Yun Shu asked smoothly.

"What are you in a hurry for? When you can learn, you will feel it yourself." It was a rare opportunity to train her, and Xu Fuyuan spoke bluntly.

"Okay." Yun Shu was so tired that he didn't bother to argue with him. After making an appointment with him to meet here at the same time tomorrow, he turned back.

She filled some spring water in the space, wiped her body with a rag, and changed back into her clothes. When she lay on the bed, Yun Shu felt more comfortable than ever.

She woke up early the next day, and when she thought about it, she couldn't remember when she fell asleep.

When Mrs. Qin knocked on the door, she simply washed up and changed into clean clothes.The dark red plain cloth skirt is heavy and heavy in color. Although it is newly bought, it looks like old clothes.

Yun Shu only bought it for one purpose, to be comfortable, simple and unobtrusive.

The family had a simple breakfast. After Yun Feng left, Qin's work was over, and Yun Shu handed over the blueprints drawn yesterday to Qin's.

"Mother, study it first, and you can ask me if you can't see clearly."

Qin took the drawing and looked at it for a long time. She could see the embarrassment on her face, "Shu'er, this mother can't draw well."

Although the things in the picture were colorless, Qin was amazed. She had never seen this flower before, and it had many layers. Although she liked it, she felt that she couldn't draw it well.

Yun Shu thought for a while before realizing that she was talking about the base map.She had seen before that Qin's embroidery would draw a bottom line and make a rough arc.

She thought it should be the same as the painting on it, and said, "I want to draw it for you before mother embroiders."

Maybe she really likes it. After drying her hands, Mrs. Qin found a cloth to measure the size and set it up for her daughter to help.

The paintbrush is a flat object specially designed for embroidery. The imprint is very shallow and can be wiped off. This is the first time Yun Shu paints on a soft object. At first, the lines are always curved, but it will be fine later.

It was a quarter of an hour after she finished the painting. After taking it, Qin asked about the color and then looked for the thread.

The first finished product came out incredibly fast.

Yun Shu was still in the room experimenting with the soil in the village, so Qin came to knock on the door with an excited face, and saw her daughter open the door, and couldn't wait to hand her the purse to her.

Yun Shu looked subconsciously, and was also a little surprised.

The pink wild mountains and rivers are layered and undulating like paintings on the off-white fabric, which is surprisingly harmonious.Qin's craftsmanship is not bad, and the things he made are as lifelike as Yun Shu expected.

"Very beautiful." She praised sincerely, and was also very happy to see Mrs. Qin, and added, "The main reason is that mother's craftsmanship is good."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's a good pattern. If others can embroider like this." Qin himself was relatively modest, and his face turned red when his daughter praised her.

When returning back, Yun Shu saw that the top of the sachet had not been cashed out, so she suggested that she lock the opening and weave a corresponding knot to make it movable.

Qin Shi hadn't seen it before, so Yun Shu folded the opening and showed it to her. She understood and was eager to try.

She had also bought a few purses before, but they were all tied with strings outside. She had never seen what her daughter said could be retractable. After understanding what she meant, she couldn't wait to go back to her room to study.

Yun Shu saw her mother's face as a little girl, and shook her head with a smile.

In fact, Qin Shi is not very old, if it is not for the sad complexion during this time, she looks very young.

She thought about the season of herbs she had harvested some time ago, and planned to make some skin-improving ointment for herself, so she thought that she would prepare some for her mother by the way.

Women are the ones who please themselves.

It was night again, Yun Shu was busy halfway, seeing that it was almost time, she jumped over the wall and left home, and she saw that Xu Fuyuan was already waiting.

It's still the procedures of yesterday, but the so-called feeling has never been there.

On the contrary, Xu Fuyuan asked her how the formula was, and after hearing her write it down, his eyes kept looking back and forth at her strangely, which made Yun Shu want to dye his long face blacker several times.

"Feel it again, there is a small airflow in the dantian, try to use it." After Yun Shu's failed attempts many times, Xu Fuyuan also frowned to express his doubts.

His lightness kung fu is different from others, even if his inner strength is not deep, he can use it, it's just a matter of flying height and distance.

The two studied for a long time, but Yun Shulei was sweating profusely, but there was no result.

She thought it must be because the time was too short. Didn't it be said in novels and TV dramas that the internal strength is based on the number of years and months, and she only learned it on the second day, so it shouldn't be so fast.

But after telling Xu Fuyuan his thoughts, the other party sneered, "Hmph, don't compare anyone to me, I've told you all, the lightness kung fu I learned is different, most people don't teach me if they beg me." Tsundere and stinking.

Yun Shu heard that he was bragging again, so he didn't bother to answer.

Seeing that the time was about the same, she stood up straight and rubbed her shoulders, "Why don't you continue tomorrow, I think the learning time is too short."

"Nonsense, you just don't believe me." Xu Fuyuan was actually angry, with his beard raised, looking insulted.

"This is the truth." Yun Shu said lightly.

Maybe it was because she understood that she was in a hurry and did not come, her heart was not as excited as before, but settled down instead.

"You wait first." Seeing her like this, Xu Fuyuan couldn't stand it. He thought about it, and then showed a flesh-cutting expression. He took out a dark pill from the washed clothes, and motioned Yun Shu to take it.

Yun Shu looked disgusted, "What? I won't eat it."

"You still don't want it?" Xu Fuyuan stared at her in disbelief, as if the thing in his hand was a magic elixir, "Don't you want to learn lightness kung fu? After eating it, you can experience the feeling I said."

Yun Shu regained his energy in an instant. Looking at the dirty pill, his eyes flickered. Could this be the legendary magic pill that can increase internal strength?

(End of this chapter)

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