Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 107 Step by step

Chapter 107 Step by step
Quickly asked, "Can this medicine increase internal strength?"

"Increase internal strength? You can really think about it." Xu Fuyuan sneered, "Taking a pill can increase internal strength. What should I do if I don't take it myself?"

He squeezed the pill, and there seemed to be a flash of pride in his eyes, "The old things in the genius doctor valley couldn't catch me, so they made a poison to suppress the internal energy. A little while."

Thinking of it, Xu Fuyuan felt distressed and sad.

Even so, it took him countless energy and medicinal materials, and he is sure that no one else in the world can make it.

Yun Shu was originally excited, but his words poured cold water on his head.

Seeing Xu Fuyuan touching the pill back and forth, wondering if his hands had been washed, she felt even more disgusted.But at the same time, I am a little bit excited. I am afraid that there is no one who does not want to experience such a magical thing as lightness kung fu.

She picked it up by accident.

Then, under Xu Fuyuan's displeased and dissatisfied eyes, he swallowed it with disgust.

In less than half a minute, the abdomen became hot like a flame.The rising heat is like an enlarged balloon, expanding from bottom to top. Although it is weird, it is not uncomfortable, but there is a feeling of instantaneous increase in power.

Yun Shu experienced this process, and her eyes changed back and forth. This feeling is really familiar.

At this time, Xu Fuyuan's urging sounded in his ears, "Follow the formula I taught you to run quickly, and try to raise your energy!"

Xu Fuyuan didn't expect her to react so quickly, and he was afraid that the medicine would not work after it had expired, so he hurriedly guided Yun Shu on what to do.

Yun Shu didn't know that her face was flushed at this time, as if she was drunk, but her eyes were extremely clear.

Hearing Xu Fuyuan's words, she followed suit. At first, she was not very good at it, but thinking of the movement of her body's muscles and veins she had learned, she suddenly thought of merging the routes she liked to walk during silver needle treatment.

Ten seconds passed, and she felt nothing, Yun Shu didn't give up and continued to try.

Xu Fuyuan's voice in his ear was already anxious, "Don't stand still."

He gritted his teeth to dig out this medicine, and he was usually reluctant to part with it. Seeing that half of the medicine's effect time had passed and Yun Shu hadn't moved yet, he became anxious and wished he could take it for her.

Yun Shu's head ached from the noise, and his brows trembled even more, but he forced himself to calm down.

Finally, a wonderful feeling emerged, her heart moved, she grasped this feeling, thought of what Xu Fuyuan said repeatedly to keep calm, and followed suit.

She moved cautiously, her eyes were slightly narrowed because of nervousness, and her small face was full of seriousness.

Until her toes lightened, her body suddenly floated up like a frivolity, Yun Shu suddenly opened her eyes wide, and looked down, her bright eyes were full of joy.

She flies!
The distance is not high, but it looks like one or two meters.

She was so excited that she was about to continue raising her breath, but her feet sank, her expression changed, and a strong sense of weightlessness came over her, and she fell firmly to the ground, "..."

Sitting on the ground in a daze, she didn't care to feel the pain under her body, Yun Shu was full of only the wonderful feeling just now.

Is this gone?too fast!

Xu Fuyuan ran over in small steps, his face full of excitement, "How is it? What I said is not bad, tell me about how you felt just now?"

"Just now I..." Yun Shu subconsciously opened his mouth, and in the middle of speaking, he saw Xu Fuyuan's expectant eyes, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

When she realized something, she narrowed her almond eyes suddenly, and her eyes turned cold instantly, "You haven't used it?"

Xu Fuyuan was stunned for a moment, and laughed, "Of course, of course I used it, didn't I say it was the medicine I made." His eyes were full of guilt.

Yun Shu almost couldn't hold back a piece of mud from the ground and threw it on his face. How could he not understand that he was being used as a guinea pig for the experiment.

She stood up suddenly and walked away.

"Are you angry?" Xu Fuyuan saw her calm face and left, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to catch up, "I didn't lie to you, I tried this medicine with someone, and it was fine, except..."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that he had slipped up, but it was too late.

Yun Shu stopped suddenly, and stared at her coldly, "Except for what?"

Xu Fuyuan looked left and right, his eyes wandered wildly, and he moaned, "What's the matter, whoever made the medicine didn't make a mistake, and they are all living well anyway." But he didn't say anything about the fate of those people.

Yun Shu was so angry that it wasn't right, and it wasn't good if he didn't, so he cursed, "Old liar!" He walked home.

"How are you talking, girl, who is an old liar!" Xu Fuyuan was also stunned by the scolding, and when he realized it, his old face turned red and pale.

But seeing that Yun Shu didn't even turn his head, he chased after him in a spineless manner, "Okay, okay, I was wrong..."

Under the night, one old and one young, one behind the other, in this silent night, triggered a series of persistent dog barking.

For the next few days, Yun Shu would still follow Xu Fuyuan to learn lightness kung fu every night.

Although they quarreled and bickered every time, one was willing to learn and the other was teaching seriously, so they lived in peace.

She has never been able to figure out the source of her internal strength, and she is still studying it while studying, and her life is extremely fulfilling.

Occasionally, I will discuss embroidery with Qin Shi when I have time.

In the past few days, Qin has made various adjustments to the patterns given by Yun Shu, but he has also created a lot of individual shapes, and he has accumulated a lot of good purses.

Yun Shu didn't tell her that the shop she mentioned had already been bought, and the price was even more expensive than the yard she bought for Wang Caifeng.

I made two keys, and went to the town yesterday to order some display stands. I plan to make some more things for the Qin family to open.

When it was almost dusk, Mrs. Qin had already gone to the kitchen to prepare meals, because Yun Feng would be back soon.

It seems that with the passage of time, Yunfeng's working hours have become more regular.

Yun Shu obviously saw that his elder brother's eyebrows were getting less tired every day, so he must have gotten used to it.But his face lost the vitality of the past, and he looked a little silent.

She was sitting on a small bench in front of her house, propped her chin in thought, and suddenly saw a person approaching from a distance, and subconsciously looked over.

Ever since Yan Yutao told Qin Shi that she wanted to come again that day, she took this sentence to the extreme.

Before Yun Shu woke up in the morning, she heard her talking to Qin Shi, and then picked her up at home to meet her by chance.

Even if Yun Shu didn't give her a good face, and hardly spoke to her, she still talked and laughed.

The last time I met Liu Hongshan, he also asked when Yun Shu and the Yan family got on better terms. He said that people in the village have been saying these days that Yun Shu's family is so close to the Yan family, which is unbelievable.

So Yun Shu wanted to see if that woman came again.

But it was not this time. The so-called Cao Cao was Cao Cao's arrival, and the person who came was not Yan Yutao, but Liu Hongshan.

Maybe it was the previous few times when Yun Shu paid too much attention to the book in his hand. Liu Hongshan came empty-handed. When he saw Yun Shu at the door, he laughed. Before he came over, he heard his voice coming first. "You are here, I came to talk to you about something."

(End of this chapter)

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