Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 112 A Woman's Mind

Chapter 112 A Woman's Mind

Just when Yun Feng came over rubbing his eyes, Qin said to him, "Feng'er, help mother to see why your sister is still up?"

"Okay, mother." Yun Feng replied with a yawn.When I came to my sister's room, I knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside. I thought that I might have forgotten because I was too deep in sleep, so I shouted a few more words, and finally heard a response.

"Who?" The voice was deep and somewhat suppressed, it was the first time Yun Feng heard his sister's tone, and it seemed extremely displeased.

After thinking about it again, it's unlikely that it's early in the morning, maybe I heard it wrong, and said, "The meal is ready, mother asked me to call you."

Are you eating?
Yun Shu in the room was slandering, going out like this would scare people to death, what else would he eat.

"Brother, tell Mom that I'm still a little sleepy, I'll talk about it later when I get up later." The slightly heavy voice continued to come from the room, as if she was really sleepy, Yun Feng outside the door could still hear her sleepiness sigh.

Yun Feng also remembered that his sister did have a problem with snoozing before, so he didn't think much about it, "That's fine."

Immediately conveyed the words to Qin Shi, Qin Shi just smiled helplessly, and really didn't shout anymore.

In the room, Yun Shu couldn't hear the business of people walking around outside, so she sat down on a chair as if discouraged.

She turned her back to the gate, lowered her head, and covered her face with her hands, looking hopeless.

In the end, he opened his eyes slowly, and what caught his eyes was his red hands first, and then his arms were also pink.Even if she didn't look in the mirror, she knew that her face must be red too.

At the same time, my abdomen felt like it was on fire. Although it didn't hurt, it felt very unpleasant.

Yun Shu felt a little ashamed when he failed in making medicine for the first time, and made himself into such a ghost.

Fortunately, the antidote has been taken, the red body should be able to fade before noon, I hope her mother will stop shouting.

Sighing, Yun Shu's eyes became firmer.

Failed once, failed to make her give up, and the feeling of wanting to conquer was even stronger.

Thinking that she couldn't go out in the morning, she simply went into the space to study again.

A few hours passed in a flash, and Ru Yunshu imagined that before noon, the redness of her skin caused by taking the medicine had been resolved.

Standing in front of the spring water, she looked at her fair-skinned self in the reflection, and turned her head to look at the remade medicine.

The appearance is still extremely ugly, but the material has been changed several times. She feels that the same thing will not happen again this time, but she just can't say anything.

Finally decided to let it go.

After having lunch with Qin Shi at noon, Yun Shu went back to the room.

With the same medicinal properties, she changed several kinds of medicinal materials and made four or five kinds of pills, planning to find someone to try them in two days.

That night, Xu Fuyuan did not come back as he said before.

After Yun Shu finished making the pills, he practiced in the space for a while.I don't know if it's an illusion, she seems to have felt the feeling of internal force that Xu Fuyuan mentioned, but it's only fleeting, so fast that she suspects it's just her own illusion.

She practiced for more than an hour, washed up and fell asleep.

The same routine lasted for three days, and on the fourth day, Yun Shu got up early to go into town.

Just before going out, something happened.

"Yun Shu, your Aunt Du is here." Du Qiu came to the house early in the morning. It's not like she hasn't been so early before, but today is obviously different.

When Yun Shu came out of the room after tidying up, she happened to meet Du Qiu's eyes. In the past, she saw Yun Shu, although she didn't like it very much, but she always smiled softly, like a very caring elder, but today she didn't like it. He frowned, and there seemed to be something in his eyes.

"Aunt Du." Yun Shu pretended not to know, and greeted her as usual.

Du Qiu was hesitant to speak, she looked at Qin Shi, as if she had something to say.

Yun Shu also looked at Qin Shi, "What's wrong?"

"This..." Qin looked a little embarrassed, and finally said, "Your Aunt Du is going to enter the town today, and you plan to help me sell my previous embroidery work..."

I didn't say anything up to this point, but Yun Shu understood.

Thinking that it would be difficult for the Qin family to say that she would not let her sell embroidery work, she looked at Du Qiu and explained, "Aunt Du, my mother hasn't had time to tell you about this, the price offered by the embroidery building is too low, I don't intend to let my mother Sell ​​it again, I have troubled you before."

Unexpectedly, Du Qiu frowned, and his tone seemed not very happy, "Why is it so low? Embroidery itself doesn't sell very high. I talked with Xiulou about the price of Sister Qin for a long time, and she agreed to raise the price next time. Alright." The more he said later, the lower his voice.

It sounds very dissatisfied.

Qin smiled awkwardly, but Yun Shu frowned instantly.

"Aunt Du." Yun Shu's voice was no longer as friendly as before, she said softly, "Others can say that, you have seen my mother's embroidery, you should know that her embroidery is no worse than yours. It is also hard work Why do you want her to sell the things you made at a low price? I know you are thinking about my family, but let’s forget about selling things cheaply to support our family. "

Du Qiu's face turns blue and white.

Although the two families help each other because of their karma, as long as they are women, they will always compare with each other.

Du Qiu was outspoken just now, and she didn't say it directly, Qin Shi might not be able to hear it, but Yun Shu could hear her words that were above Qin Shi's.

It is estimated that she has been doing embroidery work for many years, and it is natural for Qin's embroidery work to be sold at a low price, so seeing her not selling it because of the low price is a bit grudge.

Yun Shu could understand her heart, but he wouldn't tolerate it.

Qin Shi was beside her and quickly grabbed her daughter's arm, she could already see that Du Qiu's expression was not very good.

After a while, Du Qiu still opened his mouth, his voice was obviously much lower, "You are still a child, how do you know how hard life is, your mother has not made a decision on this matter, how can you speak for her."

Yun Shu almost wanted to laugh.

This time, Qin was afraid that she would say something bad again, so she quickly took over, "Du Qiu, actually... Shu Er discussed this matter with me, and I agreed."

After saying this, seeing Du Qiu's surprised eyes, she paused and said, "You help me, I am grateful to you, but you also know the situation in my family, Shu'er also loves me so she did this."

Qin's words are much softer.

Du Qiu's expression became much better, and finally she also sighed, "Well, since it's your decision, I can't force it, I'll go to town first."

Mrs. Qin nodded, and sent her out of the door. Before leaving, Du Qiu paused, and looked back at Yun Shu. That look contained many emotions. She seemed to have said something to Mrs. Qin. Her voice was extremely polar, and Yun Shu had already returned When I got to the main room, I only heard a small sentence, "...It would be great if I have this blessing."

I could vaguely see Qin Shi smiling, that smile seemed to be sweetened, happy and satisfied.

Du Qiu didn't mind anymore, he smiled and left.

Yun Shu stood at the door watching this scene, saw Qin Shi turn back, and smiled at her, "Your Aunt Du just said that Envy Mother has a good daughter." After that, a smile appeared on her whole face.

Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, but her mood was a little complicated. She thought that Du Qiu would have something to say about her just now.

(End of this chapter)

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