Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 113 Du Qiu's Thoughts

Chapter 113 Du Qiu's Thoughts

In fact, Du Qiu really cared.

She left Qin's house feeling a little uncomfortable.

But thinking about it, I feel that I am not qualified.

In fact, she was hiding something.

The last time I sold embroidery work for Qin Shi, the embroiderer who was in charge of buying seemed to be very interested in Qin Shi's embroidery work, and I mentioned to her that if we can keep in touch like this for a long time, it will give her some benefits.

It was the first time for Du Qiu to encounter such a good thing, and he looked forward to it anxiously, counting the days every day, and when the time finally came, he went to look for Qin's early in the morning, but he didn't know that Qin's didn't sell it anymore.

So she couldn't help her emotions at the time, but thinking about it now, she felt a little despicable.

Sister Qin was very kind to her. In addition, her daughter Yun Shu also saved the little mouse twice, and she only wanted to make her family's life better, but never thought about others.

It's good now, Sister Qin has a good daughter and knows how to love her, but what about me.

Thinking of his young son, the older generation who ate and drank at home, and the husband who didn't want to suffer, Du Qiu felt deeply sad.

But life still has to be lived, she cheered herself up, and couldn't help but quicken her pace.

The little mouse is still at home, and she is worried about the two older ones in the house, so she should hurry back after selling her embroidery work.

On the other side, Yun Shu told Qin Shi to remember to close the door when she was alone at home as usual, and then walked to the town.

On the way, I met Liu Hongshan who was walking from door to door. Seeing his dejected and sighing appearance, I asked a few more questions, only to know that the matter of the school was rejected again.

Yun Shu wanted to laugh.

She had heard that Liu Hongshan wanted to run a school, but she didn't expect him to be very persistent.

None of the many households in Xiaoxu village responded, so he came to do ideological work once every three days as usual.

Even someone like Yun Shu who didn't care about these things couldn't help but admire him.

This takes a lot of patience, right?
"I have any wish in my life. I think that I will be able to see the children in half a school in the village in my lifetime, and I will be satisfied." As expected of the sound of reading, this ambition is different from others.

Seeing his serious face, Yun Shu also accepted the joke, "I think the matter of the school is feasible, maybe Uncle Liu is right not to give up."

Liu Hong's listening eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Yun Shu with a relieved expression. This was the first time someone supported him face to face. If he hadn't watched Yun Shu and others go to the town, he would have the urge to take people back to talk about his thoughts.

Later, when he told Yun Shu to leave, he thought of something again, turned around and said, "Why don't you come and help me when you have time, if you make an agreement, maybe the village will be better, and your family will feel comfortable living here."

It was originally just a joke, but Yun Shu's heart moved.

The scene of her elder brother hiding a book by the bedside suddenly flashed across her mind.

She remembered that Qin Shi once mentioned that Du Qiu said that Liu Hongshan used to be a student. That's it.

Now in his forties, he is still a bachelor. I heard that his only hope is to open a school.

Yun Shu sneered before, but now she believed it.

"I'll think about it." She said, turned and left.

Liu Hongshan was stunned, looking at the unrestrained back, he shook his head and smiled for a long time.

No one else can help with this school matter, how can she be a little girl.

The girl was probably teasing him, so she didn't take Yun Shu's thoughtful words to heart.

Yun Shu rushed to the town, but the sun hadn't come out yet.

She opened the door of the new shop and saw that the room had been cleaned up, so she concealed herself to breathe, and went to the carpenter's shop not far away.

The display stand she ordered was simple, and it was finished yesterday. Seeing Yun Shu coming, the boss returned the money Yun Shuduo gave, and hired a few workers to deliver it to the store.

There are a lot of things, and they were moved a few times before they were arranged. The workers all left. The boss looked at the shelves in this room and asked Yun Shu curiously, "I said, girl, what are you doing for this? I have lived so long. For the first time in many years, I saw the house arranged like this."

It's strange to say that this thing is arranged in a regular and simple way, and the more it looks the more pleasing to the eye.

To say it looks good, he has heard that it is going to open a shop before, so it seems unreasonable to put it like this.

Yun Shu was touching these shelves. The wooden boards were all in primary colors and the workmanship was very good, just as she expected.

Hearing what the boss said, she paused, "It's not useful for anything else, just put some things, and it will open in a few days. If you are interested, you might as well come and see it then."

When Yun Shu made the wooden frame, she was very generous with the money. The boss had a very good impression of her. Hearing that she wanted to show off, he was really curious, and agreed, "That's fine, I'll just wait and see how you do it." If you sell something good, if it is not expensive, I will take care of the first business."

The owner's surname is Zhang, and his grandparents are carpenters. He has worked in the town for many years and is considered enthusiastic.

Yun Shu heard his kindness, and smiled generously, "The joy of getting off to a good start is just waiting for you, Uncle Zhang."

"I want it." The other party nodded with a smile, and strode away.

Yun Shu checked the rest of the house, and it should have been used, but looking at the empty corner, she felt that something was missing.

She locked the store door and planned to go shopping nearby to see if there were any nice bottles.

There are a lot of medicinal herbs in her space that are blooming, and their appearance is no worse than that of ornamental species. They also have the effect of repelling insects and mosquitoes. It is very necessary to get a few pots and put them in the shop.

There was a crowd of people in front of him, so Yun Shu didn't bother to go there, so he looked at the nearby ceramic shop a few times, and finally picked out a few milky white small mouth bottles and bought them.

The bottle was big, and it was difficult for Yun Shu to hold it.

Fortunately, it was not far from the shop, and it was within a few steps, so she walked carefully.

But at this moment, an exclamation came from behind, "Girl, get out of the way."

When she first heard the voice, Yun Shu didn't know it was calling her, so she continued to walk forward.When she was approaching vigorously from behind, she suddenly jumped forward, and the bottle in her hand almost flew out.

Lifting her foot to block it, she took advantage of the situation with her left arm, and Yun Shu caught it in fear. When the bottle was safe and sound, her posture was quite awkward.

The legs are spread out in a split-leg shape, and the upper body is almost thrown on the legs.Sensing the intense gaze around her, she braced herself and stood up on the ground, intending to see who pushed her.

A middle-aged man in a gray loose robe rushed forward in a panic. He pushed Yun Shu just now.

Yun Shu subconsciously raised his foot, and the man was stopped, "You pushed me, didn't you even apologize?"

"I'm sorry, please. Auntie, get out of the way. The plague god is here." The man hurriedly glanced at Yun Shu, turned his head and looked again, his face paled instantly, and he became incoherent.

(End of this chapter)

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