Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 114 I owe an apology

Chapter 114 I owe an apology
God of plague?

The man looked flustered, and Yun Shu looked curious.

Coincidentally, passers-by gathered and chatted, it seemed that someone was coming, so she looked over, wanting to see who was frightening him like this, she was stunned when she saw it.

The crowd will automatically move out of the way, and a few figures in the middle of the road rush over, dressed surprisingly familiar, they are the servants of Pei's mansion.

Then another person came out, that person was dressed in a plain white robe, with a slender figure, with his hands behind his back, and his lips were slightly pursed.

Seeing Yun Shu, the other party was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a polite but faint smile, "Miss Yun."

That face was so handsome and eye-catching, many women around had already looked at him with admiration, obviously they all recognized that this was Pei Yu, the young master of the Pei Mansion, and wished that those gazes could stay on him for a while.

Yun Shu didn't expect that the plague god mentioned by the middle-aged man was Pei Yu.

After all, in her memory, Pei Yugen was like a slender young man, polite and gentlemanly, and he didn't seem to match up with the word plague god.

She looked at the two of them, and finally asked, "This is?"

Under her questioning gaze, Pei Yu saw the man who was stopped by Yun Shu but was trembling at this moment. His face, which had rarely smiled, fell like dark clouds in an instant, and his eyes lost the warmth of the past. It was gloomy and terrible.

His voice was cold and deep, "It's just a trick and abducted bastard, Miss Yun, please leave for now, so as not to hurt you."

Seeing Pei Yu like this for the first time, Yun Shu was stunned for a long time.

After realizing it, she was about to nod, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a corner of the thing in the middle-aged man's arms. When she saw what it was, her heart moved, she raised her foot forward, and before the man could react, she pulled out that thing.

The black and white cloth strips swayed and swayed, and the four words on it were extremely familiar: Hanging Pot to Help the World.

Yun Shu was stunned, but at this moment she noticed an extremely sharp gaze. She looked subconsciously, and saw Pei Yu's cold eyes move away from the man, and finally fell on the thing in her hand.

That gaze seemed to be colder than before, and the disgust in his eyes was not hidden at all. It was not so much aimed at the thing in Yun Shu's hand, but rather at its owner.

Suddenly, she felt a little upset in her heart, and her face became weird.

Seeing that she didn't leave for a long time, Pei Yu frowned, "Is Miss Yun still doing something?"

Yun Shu was about to speak, but the middle-aged man saw Pei Yu's pleasant expression towards Yun Shu, and suddenly stepped forward, hiding behind Yun Shu, and said in a low voice, "Girl, help me, I really didn't do anything, You plead with Young Master Pei for me, and I promise I will never come to Liangting Town again..."

"Hmph!" Pei Yu snorted coldly, interrupting the man, a mocking arc appeared on the corners of his lips, and he looked at the man coldly, "You committed the crime knowingly, and didn't take my Pei family seriously, thinking you were the first offender. I can give you a chance, but you must promise not to do this deceitful business in the future."

But the man begged for mercy, "But the villain relies on this little ability to support his family, absolutely not."

Pei Yu sneered again, "What is it? You've said that you are noble by being a swindler and abducted, disregarding human life."


"Come here!" Seeing that he didn't repent, Pei Yu lost his patience, and after he finished speaking, the servants of Pei's mansion who came with him stepped forward and surrounded him.

Sensing the approach of the person behind him, Yun Shu subconsciously took a step forward, only hearing the man's begging for mercy.

She was already burning with anger, so she put down the bottle in her hand and stretched out her arms to block the coming servants of the Pei family.

This move surprised everyone who saw it.

Pei Yu was also puzzled, "What does Miss Yun mean?"

"Master Pei, before answering your question, can you answer a few questions for me?" Yun Shu said calmly.

Pei Yu has been able to read people's faces since she was a child. She has cultivated a pair of fiery eyes and carefulness over the years. She can't see any changes in Yun Shu. She thought she was going to intercede with the other party, so she frowned subconsciously, "What's the problem?"

"The miscellaneous things in your mouth mean wandering doctors?"

"...That's right."

"So in your opinion, all the doctors in the world are scammers and swindlers?"


"So, even if this person begs for mercy, you won't forgive him unless he gives up this business?"

"Miss Yun, if you have something to say, you don't need to be like this." After answering several questions one after another, Pei Yu had already sensed something. He stared at Yun Shu, as if seeing through everything.

"Since you said that, then I won't turn the corner." Yun Shu didn't want to waste any time, she met Pei Yu's gaze, ignored the sharpness in her eyes, and said word by word, "I'll take care of Mr. Pei's targeting of traveling doctors." No, I have to deal with credible slander and insulting this profession."

Seeing that Pei Yu seemed to be about to speak, Yun Shu didn't give him a chance, "I admit that there are many scum in the industry of traveling doctors, but it's too arrogant to use generalizations to give you a bad position. , Young Master Pei has read poetry and books since he was a child, so he should know how to distinguish right from wrong, but what he is doing now is puzzling, is this how the Pei family teaches their children and grandchildren?"

After the words were finished, there was complete silence all around.

Probably never thought that someone would be so bold as to question the Pei family's tutor in front of the whole street.

And she was a young girl who looked young.

In the past cases, those who questioned and rebelled against the Pei family did not end well. Now everyone is holding their breath, waiting for Pei Yu to get angry.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, the protagonist of the matter didn't have an attack except that his eyes darkened and his complexion turned cold.

"Miss Yun, for the sake of you saving my brother, I can pretend that I didn't hear what I said just now." After a long time, Pei Yu finally spoke out, and it could be heard that the voice was suppressed.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the news that they didn't know. It turned out that the little girl had a connection with the Pei family, no wonder she was so bold.

Yun Shu smiled, "You don't have to look at whose sake it is. I will never take back what I said. You can target people, but you can't target the profession of traveling medicine. You were born in a wealthy family and don't know how hard it is to make a living. , but I know the hardships of my master. He is just a wandering doctor, but he is not a bastard or a liar, and I am proud of him."

The surrounding atmosphere has already solidified.

Countless people were astonished, it turned out that the little girl's master was also a wandering doctor, no wonder she dared to yell at Pei Dada like this.

When admired, there are many people who regret it. With Young Master Pei's personality, as long as he is a doctor who knows about it, no one can escape it. This girl's master is probably going to be in trouble.

Everyone could see that Pei Yu's eyes were full of emotions, and the smile that was always on his face disappeared completely.

But it was like this, everyone could see that Pei Yu was angry, but the little girl acted as if she hadn't seen it, but was still provocative, "Young Master Pei, you owe Doctor You an apology."

(End of this chapter)

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