Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 115 Pei Yu apologizes

Chapter 115 Pei Yu apologizes
"Apologize?" Pei Yu's bright eyes were filled with turmoil in an instant, but at the moment of the turmoil, he instantly regained his composure, and then the handsome man smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

But in the eyes of others, that smile is more shocking than not smiling.Seeing this scene, the servants of the Pei family lowered their heads in panic, looking nervous, obviously recognizing that this was a sign of their young master's anger.

But only Yun Shu didn't seem to see it, and nodded solemnly, "All professions are equal in the world, and no matter how noble a profession is, there are always people who lag behind. I am here because of the kindness of my master. It is impossible to insult Young Master Pei." I just ignore my master's professional affairs. I can't see that I didn't know people clearly and angered others."

Let me talk about my position first, and then I will sarcasm Pei Yu, Yun Shu is probably the only one who dares to treat him like this in Liangting Town.

"Miss Yun, you will regret your impulsiveness." Pei Yu finally spoke out, but her voice was polar, and the deep voice seemed to imply something.

The people around started talking in low voices, almost sure that the little girl was about to suffer.

Yun Shu was not afraid. She was about to speak when she saw a person rushing in the distance.The man happened to look at him, and his eyes were full of joy. Yun Shu's eyes moved slightly, thinking of something, and suddenly looked at First Young Master Pei, and the corners of his lips parted.

The little girl who had a firm and unsmiling face just now, after solemnly letting go of her harsh words, suddenly smiled at herself as if she was in a better mood?
Pei Yu was also stunned. He looked at Yun Shu's reaction suspiciously and had a vague premonition.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind, "Eldest Young Master, Eldest Young Master is not well, and Second Young Master has a fever again."

The person who came was the housekeeper of Pei's residence. Pei Hao had been suffering from fever for the past two days. After seeing the doctor, he was fine at the time, but suddenly relapsed, so he had no choice but to come out to find Pei Yu.

But he didn't expect to see Yun Shu.

After Pei Yu heard about this, his expression instantly turned weird. He subconsciously glanced to the side, and sure enough, he saw Yun Shu's smile deepened with his lips curled up.

He was about to stop the housekeeper, but it was already too late.

The butler saw Yun Shu from a long distance, and now he turned to look at Yun Shu, "It's great that Miss Yun is here, I've searched for all the doctors in the town, but there's nothing I can do, can you help me to have a look. "I didn't realize the changing expressions of the people around me.

Yun Shu took a special look at Pei Yu's face and gave him a provocative smile.

In the end, he said kindly to the housekeeper, "But the whole body is hot, and the stitched wound is a little cracked?"

The butler nodded repeatedly, staring at her like a fairy, "Miss Yun, can you do something?"

"Yes, there is, that is..."

As soon as the housekeeper said that Pei Hao had a fever, she knew the reason.

There is no rigorous disinfection procedure like modern ones here. Unlike the laborers in the village, these wealthy children have poor resistance. In addition to the hot weather, many factors combined to cause inflammation.

"What is it?" the butler asked.

Yun Shu looked up at Pei Yu, and sure enough, his expression was even worse. She had a bad expression, but Yun Shu felt happy in his heart, "It's just that Young Master Pei wouldn't want me, an apprentice who is a doctor, to see Second Young Master Pei. Yes, although I also want to help, but for the sake of my own life, I'll let it go, but poor Second Young Master Pei..." After she finished speaking, she shook her head regretfully.

The housekeeper looked confused, "You doctor?"Miss Yun's master is a traveling doctor?He really didn't know, he and the young master had always thought they were barefoot doctors in the village, wasn't that the crowd that their young master hated the most?

When he brought the deed back last time, the young master of his family even asked a question. When Miss Yun said that his master was going to open a pharmacy, he frowned at that time.

Although this wandering doctor is different from a barefoot doctor, his elder and younger masters are not.

"Miss Yun!" If Pei Yu didn't see what Yun Shu was up to, he would have lived in vain for so many years.

Those clear eyes flickered, and it seemed that they had already seen through everything.

But I have to admit that she played it very well.

Yun Shu pretended not to know, and simply raised his head and asked, "What's the matter, Young Master Pei? It's fine if you don't want to apologize. I, a small family, dare not fight against the Pei family. In the worst case, my master and I will go around, anyway. There is no guarantee that everyone will like the industry of traveling medicine, right?"

The corners of Pei Yu's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the smile that was blooming like a hundred flowers, the tone in his heart was either not or not, and finally he was defeated first, "You don't have to do this, I admit that what I said earlier was a bit serious, I I can apologize."

The people around gasped because of this sentence. Is this still that Young Master Pei?

So people who hate wandering doctors agree to apologize to wandering doctors?

She thought too much and knew that Pei Yu was doing this for her younger brother, and she sighed about the deep brotherhood; but most people thought that little girl was really amazing.

"There's no evidence for what I say. How do I know if Young Master Pei will settle the score after the autumn?" Yun Shu said aggressively. After she had said everything, she naturally had to answer for the effect she wanted.

Pei Yu obviously knew her purpose, the brows twitched slightly, and then turned to face the crowd behind her.

Everyone thought it was about to be angered, subconsciously raised their feet and prepared to leave, but Pei Yu's subsequent reaction left him stunned.

He glanced at everyone with his clear eyes, neither happy nor angry, only the voice like a clear spring said slowly, "Because of my father, Pei is indeed very mean to you doctor, here today, I am sorry to be hurt by Pei's family." If you feel unwilling, you can go to Pei's house to ask for compensation, Pei will not make things difficult, including...in the future."

Everyone sighed, Young Master Pei really changed his mind.

On the other side, he was slandering, as long as he was smart, he would rather die than go to Pei's house to ask for compensation.

"Miss Yun, are you satisfied?" Pei Yu looked at it.

Yun Shu raised his eyebrows, thinking that the heir to the Pei family was even more of the Pei family. Not everyone could develop such a flexible character, but it was enough to show that the other party's city was extremely deep.

Knowing that any embarrassment would be too much, she simply walked towards the butler, "Go and see the second young master first, my master taught me how to deal with the problem you mentioned, so I don't have to bother him this time."

The butler came back to his senses when he heard the crisp voice, and he realized what a stupid thing he had done.His probing eyes flicked across the face of the little girl in front of him, and admiration flashed across his eyes.

He has been in Pei's mansion for so many years, and she made his young master put down his figure like this, that is, she did it.

The middle-aged traveling doctor was panicking when he saw that Yun Shu was about to leave, but he was stopped by the servants of Pei's family just as he was about to go, one of them said coldly, "Didn't you understand what the young master said, I don't want to trouble you, Don't go yet."

The man was stunned for a long time, and then fled at a gallop.

Pei Yu watched this scene silently, he let go of his hands, and the emotion on his face seemed not as heavy as before. Seeing the whispering around him, he swept his eyes lightly, and everyone quickly dispersed.

Although what happened just now is not the style of Young Master Pei, but Pei Yu is Pei Yu, they dare not provoke her so boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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