Chapter 129

On the way home, Yun Shu was still thinking about whether Pei Yu would become angry if she rejected him later.But she has nothing under her command, and she is not afraid of being suppressed by Pei Yu.

If the other party comes to force her, she is not a vegetarian.

Thanks to Xu Fuyuan's repeated plots, she also researched several poisons, and she might be able to use them at critical times.

Thinking of this, Yun Shu suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Xu Fuyuan for two days.

She didn't want to see him the day before yesterday, but he leaned in front of her instead, and today she had something to look for, but she didn't even see a shadow of him. She still wanted to ask for some advice on some aspects of lightness kung fu.

I can't help but wonder, is it because the injury on the buttocks hasn't healed yet, and I don't have face?
But that old thing seems pretty thick-skinned.

Suddenly seeing no one on the road and the sky getting dark, Yun Shu's heart skipped a beat.

She looked around and stopped.Feeling it for a while, and bringing it up as usual, she felt a sense of lightness under her feet, her eyes were quiet and she jumped forward, and the next moment her body was already flying.

The sound of the wind brushed against his ears, and there were more gravel-like things hitting his face, but the excitement in his heart was hard to calm down, Yun Shu raised his breath, flew up and down over and over again.

It continued like this until the exit of the village, before Yun Shu stopped.

She was almost certain that apart from relying on internal strength to maintain lightness kung fu, it also had nothing to do with daily practice.

In the future, as long as I practice every day, I should be able to gradually improve, and... that medicine, maybe it can be improved.

As if he had thought that he would be able to come and go without a trace like those masters in the near future, the excitement that Yun Shu had just calmed down rose again.

In the next few days, things developed beyond Yun Shu's expectations.

She thought it would take at least ten days for the sachets of Yunxiu Pavilion to be distributed, but on the third and fourth day, the shop was covered by crowds.

Everyone clamored to become a "fragrant person", and the inventory of Yunxiu Pavilion was robbed in less than two days.

But recently, there have been a lot of things going on, so it wasn't a big deal, and more people were discussing the war.

This is the news that was spread a few days ago, and the content is rich beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

For example, the border war broke out again, and the city near the battlefield was annexed by the Nanyan Kingdom. The ferocious prince of Nanyan slaughtered thousands of people mercilessly.

Another example is the Nanyuan envoy who came here last time, died suddenly after returning home, and the escort General Feng Zhen was temporarily detained, and the peace between the two countries was in jeopardy.

Another example is Yu Wang's personal conquest, stopping Nanyan from continuing to advance, temporarily calming down the war situation, and being loved by the people.

Every time Yun Shu went to the street, he could hear people talking about how brave and powerful the King Yu was, and how the prince Nanyan was so arrogant and perverted.

She has also learned about the war, and knows that the inside story may be different, so she only listens with a half-belief.

The shop was sold out, so Yun Shu had no choice but to close the shop.

Her mother's ability is limited. She thought that the things made in the past few days would last for at least half a month. Now there are not one left, and she is still wondering whether she should find processing later.

After all, there is no shop that says it is out of stock and closes.

Thinking about letting Qin manage the shop when the business is more stable, she still has other things to do.

When I went back in the afternoon, Qin Shi was still busy, as if staring at her for too long, her eyes were blurred, so she put down her embroidery work and wiped her eyes, Yun Shu couldn't bear to watch.

Qin's idea of ​​making money was too eager to listen to anyone.

She went over to talk on purpose, Qin just paused for a while, but turned around and started working again.

This made Yun Shu more determined.

In the evening, Yun Shu found Liu Hongshan.

Hearing Yun Shu's thoughts, he was surprised, with uncontrollable joy in his expression, and finally a little sad, "You mean to ask the village embroiderers to help make things? But will anyone want the things? "

Just now Yun Shu mentioned that there are only purses and sachets for the time being. Although Liu Hongshan doesn't know about these things, he knows that these things are everywhere on the street, and he has never seen such a good business.

"Don't worry about this, Uncle Liu. You just need to help me find a few with good craftsmanship. The wages are negotiable. It's best to confirm it tomorrow." Yun Shu said lightly.

"Well, I'll take a trip tonight. There seem to be a few in the village who have done embroidery work." Liu Hongshan said to himself.

That night, Liu Hongshan ran around the village and actually called five or six people, but they didn't quite believe what Liu Hongshan said.

Just embroidering a purse can earn ten pennies, which sounds a little bluffing.

"I don't know much about this. Yun Shu by the river mentioned it. You can go and ask tomorrow. But remember, at least they gave you a chance to make money, so don't forget to thank them." Liu Hongshan did not forget to give Yun Shula likes it.

Those women nodded hurriedly, this is natural.

Recently, they and the Qin family have been walking around frequently, and after getting to know this new 'widow', they feel a little bit of sympathy.

At dawn the next day, Mrs. Qin was startled by frequent knocks on the door. Hearing that they were here to make purses, she was stunned for a long time. Why didn't she know?
It happened that Yun Shu came out when he heard the movement, and when he saw the people at the door, his eyes lit up and he walked over, "Aunts, are you the one Uncle Liu sent to help my mother? Please come in."

Qin looked at her daughter bewilderedly beckoning everyone to go in, and then blinked at her. She didn't know why, but still followed.

It wasn't until she heard her daughter explaining the affairs of the people that she realized that these people were actually hired by her daughter to share with her.

But isn't ten pennies too much?So many people have to embroider how much in a day, what does Shuer need so many purses?
Yun Shu still hasn't mentioned anything about the store. Although Qin doesn't understand, she doesn't tear it down.

After Yun Shu finished speaking, she was almost half-confused and told others how to do it.

"I saw this pattern a few days ago. It is exquisite. We don't know if we can embroider it well." The women were very modest.

Hearing what they said, Qin also temporarily forgot about the current situation, and said patiently, "It's actually very simple, you just need to do this..."

The room was surrounded by the voices of people asking for advice on embroidery work. At first, Qin was a little reluctant to let go, but then it went smoothly.

The patterns Yun Shu drew were relatively complicated, and Qin Shi taught everyone based on her own experience, patiently and carefully, and in an instant, all the people in the room were busy drawing lines.

Seeing the peace, Yun Shu told Qin Shi, planning to go to town.

Unknown to her, just after she left, Yan Yutao came over after hearing the sound.She happened to see a group of women coming to Qin's house before, and by the way, she knew it was a job to make money, so she went to find Liu Hongshan.

Liu Hongshan is mainly looking for married people this time. After all, if a girl who has not left the cabinet helps embroider things, it will not be good if someone catches her.

He didn't go because of Yan Yutao's sake, but he didn't expect the other party to offer to help instead.Thinking that Yun Shu never said that he would not let the Yan family go, and that Yan Yutao had a good impression on him, he let her go.

"Yutao, you're here too, come in quickly." The women in the village spread the word very quickly. They knew something about Yan Yutao's behavior before, but they should still smile when they see people.

Only Qin Shi was a little hesitant. She remembered that her daughter didn't like Yan Yutao, but seeing that no one objected, she didn't say anything. Anyway, when her daughter came back, everyone would leave, so they shouldn't be able to touch her.

 Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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