Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 130 Malicious Provocation

Chapter 130 Malicious Provocation (Add more votes)
Yan Yutao's mouth can speak as always, even though everyone has their own thoughts, she still makes them laugh.

Even Qin's mouth was slightly curved, even in his heart, he still felt that his daughter was better.

"Aunt Qin, where has Yun Shu been these few days? I still wanted to play with her, but I always missed it." Yan Yutao changed her words behind, and called Qin's in a cute voice, but she was cute on the surface .

The women also had nothing to do, and echoed, "That's true. I haven't seen your girl for a few days. The war is quite chaotic recently. You have to tell her to go out less. Yun Shuchang is a It's always good to be on the defensive." The tone was genuinely concerned.

Hearing someone praise her daughter, Qin's smile deepened, "Shu'er has always been assertive, and she worshiped a master a few days ago, and she went to the town to learn some medical skills. I don't worry about having her master protect me."

"Study medicine." Yan Yutao's voice was slightly elongated, with some hesitation, "Yunshu is a girl's family, is studying medicine a little..." The following words are self-evident.

The women also stopped their movements when they heard that Yun Shu was studying medicine. No wonder they thought too much. In today's era, studying medicine is mostly a man's business. incredible.

What's even more unbelievable is that Qin seems to be very supportive.

The smile on Qin's face faded a lot, she lowered her head while pulling the embroidery thread, and said in a slightly low voice, "That's okay, I'm a mother who has no ability to let my children suffer, and now my daughter is running around to learn for me. Yi, I'm naturally sad too, but thinking about it, it's good to study medicine, if you have a headache and brain fever, you can save money, and Shu'er seems to be a good master..."

The women understood it, and suddenly felt that the idea just now was a bit too much.

The Qin family's life was really hard when they came here. Thinking of their daughter going to learn medicine from a teacher in order to support the family, it must have been an ideological struggle.Besides, that medical skill is not easy to learn, and I have to go up the mountain to dig medicine every day.

Thinking about it this way, apart from sympathy, I became envious.

Qin's daughter is filial and kind-hearted.Now that life is finally getting better, I don't forget that they are fellow villagers who haven't been there for a few days, not to mention helping them buy herbs before.

At that moment, someone comforted her, "Sister, don't think about it too much. If I have such a daughter, I should be thankful."

Another person also said, "Yeah, what's wrong with studying medicine, no one said that only men go to study."

"It's enough for children to be filial, no matter what others say."

Qin's mood was a little low, but after hearing everyone's words of comfort, her heart gradually warmed up, "Thank you everyone."

"It's all polite from a village. Besides, we didn't come here because of girl Yun Shu."

The atmosphere was better than before in an instant, Qin's face was smiling, and the women comforted and joked with each other.

There is only one person who smiles on the face but feels embarrassed in his heart, and this person is Yan Yutao.

She had guessed what Yun Shu was doing before, but she didn't expect that she was studying medicine.These days, the villagers always compare her with Yun Shu, an outsider, and she has heard a lot of gossip about her. She thought that what she said on purpose just now would make everyone think badly about Yun Shu, but who would have thought that these people would actually Play out of the ordinary.

Later, in order not to let people see her intentions, she also praised Yun Shu a few words.


Yun Shu walked a long way after entering the town.

The business at Qinglonghang has stabilized, and Wang Caifeng's production has also kept up with the progress, and the daily purchase and sales are not small.

The shopkeeper of Qinglonghang mentioned that after several times of joint production was rejected by Yunshu, he simply developed it.

Ironware made of raw stone can be seen everywhere in the town, and they are selling very well.

Although the price is a bit higher, people who have used it will follow up with the advertisement, and the sales will come out.

Every time Yun Shu went to Qinglonghang, the shopkeeper and even the apprentice who was his partner were very kind to her.Give some benefits today, and give some special products tomorrow, which can be said to be a guest of honor.

Delayed until the afternoon, Yun Shu changed his disguise and went to the red building.

Du Yunniang almost praised her as a fairy, knowing that Yun Shu didn't like women, but instead of looking for a few beauties in cool clothes to wait for her, she changed to serve them with delicious food and drinks.

As long as the medicines recommended by Yunshu are exported, dozens of bottles are ordered, and the time is not rushed.The deposit directly turned into full payment, and there was only one requirement, which was to help the girls diagnose their pulse every time they came.

Yun Shu is good at pulse diagnosis. There are less than 100 girls in the red building, and she can give advice after completing all the diagnoses in an hour.

At the beginning, I thanked Yun Shu for her beauty, but I always stayed at the end, asking Yun Shu for prescriptions for 'replenishing the body', and asking for some weird medicines by the way.

Yun Shu helped if he could, the other party was happy, and Yun Shu also made a lot of money.

It was too late to leave the Red Mansion, and Yun Shu went to Wangzhuang again, wanting to ask Zhou Zhong how the matter of Yan was going.

A few days ago, Zhou Zhong kept saying that Zhu Da closed the door to thank guests. It is said that he was frightened by being arrested last time.I thought I was going to die, but I didn't know that Fu Ya went up the mountain and returned empty-handed. He was released for no reason, and after being monitored for a few days, nothing happened.

Strolling from the edge of the cliff once, he was probably frightened. Zhu Da stayed at home for more than ten days without moving.

Fortunately, a few days ago, I was finally relieved.

After all, I was in this line of work, and my ambition quickly rose, and I heard that I was helped by a "capable person" last time, so I gritted my teeth and decided to continue working.

As soon as the matter was decided, Zhu Da first discussed with his accomplices, and went to Zhou Zhong first.

Yun Shu remembered that the time agreed by the two parties was yesterday, and it stands to reason that they had talked yesterday, but yesterday she promised to stay at home with Qin Shi, so she didn't go.

When she went to Wangzhuang, Zhou Zhong was not there, Ah Fu came over to lift the stone again, Yun Shu was speechless.

This guy has become more and more motivated since he knew that Yunshu was collecting stones non-stop. The place he dug last time was almost emptied by the people of Wangzhuang, and Yunshu's space was almost moved into a mountain.

But it's always good to have more of this stuff.

"Then I'll find someone to move." Hearing that Yun Shu came to collect it at night, he didn't accompany Yun Shu anymore, and turned around and ran away, as if he was afraid that no one would want his things.

After waiting for about half an hour, Zhou Zhong's figure came slowly.

Just as Yun Shu was about to speak, he saw that his expression was wrong, and when he looked down, the collar seemed to be raised a bit high, so he felt a pang in his heart, and pulled his clothes away before the other party could react.

A bloodstain of more than ten centimeters was on Zhou Zhong's neck. The wound was not deep, but the area was not small.

Yun Shu immediately lowered his face, "What's going on?"

Zhou Zhong's face was a little pale at this time, as if he hadn't recovered yet, he raised his head in a daze when he heard Yun Shu's voice, and then as if he had just seen Yun Shu clearly, all emotions surged up, "Genius doctor , I was just arrested by Hu Sankui's men!"

 Many friends think that the update of pigeons is slow, but in fact they all come according to the editor's requirements, because they have to wait for recommendations, and the speed can't be fast.I just came back from traveling in the past two days, and I didn’t write much. I added one update yesterday and today, and it will depend on the situation later, because the pigeons will return to their hometown next week.Don’t worry about these things, basically four thousand will definitely not be less, I hope everyone can understand, the serialization of the text is slow, I will try my best to compensate


(End of this chapter)

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