Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 131 The Sneak Attacker

Chapter 131 The Sneak Attacker
Although he tried his best to hold back, the trembling in his tone leaked out, and the look of fear and fear flashed across his lifeless eyes for an instant. Although it was short-lived, Yun Shu could see it clearly.

After a while, Zhou Zhong calmed down again, apparently not wanting others to see his fragility.

Looking at all this, Yun Shu didn't know what to say, and said after a while, "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully about this matter, those people must have known about the people on the private salt line, and they probably arrested you just to find me , if you... are really afraid, you can quit!"

Yun Shu said this after thinking about it.

Zhou Zhong was neither courageous nor small, and the situation must have been very urgent when he was so frightened this time.

She knew that Zhou Zhong was not afraid of dying, but worried that his family would have no one to take care of him in an accident. Although she was short of manpower, she could not force others to do what she wanted.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhong shook his head, "I'm not going to quit, I just thought I was really going to die just now." Probably because he said a few words to ease it up, or seeing Yun Shu's relationship, Zhou Zhong's voice also changed. Gradually calm down.

Then he told Yun Shu the details.

It turned out that Zhou Zhong had something to go to the street today, but when he entered the town, his head was covered from behind. He was taken to a dark room in horror, and then his neck was stabbed with a knife. He almost forgot what happened. He stumbled to answer the other party's questions, until those people asked him if he had cooperated with a mysterious person and did private salt business with Hu Sankui, and he nodded.

It was only later that he found out that these people belonged to Hu Sankui. After they laughed at Zhou Zhong for being too timid, they left laughing and laughing. Only Zhou Zhong was still in panic. Yun Shu, he was probably still immersed in the sudden sneak attack just now.

Yun Shu's eyes flickered when he heard this, and looked at him, "Are you sure you don't want to quit, if you miss this time, you won't have a chance to regret it later?"

"I won't quit." Zhou Zhong shook his head resolutely instead. Although what happened just now exceeded his expectations, but thinking of the happy smiles of his family after eating and drinking these days, he hopes to keep this state forever.

Yun Shu nodded, "It's better for you to make such a decision. Don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again. If there is a day when you will inevitably suffer disaster, I promise you to keep your family safe for the rest of your life."

"Genius doctor..." Zhou Zhong stared at Yun Shu in a daze, his eyes gradually turned red.

Yun Shu couldn't see a big man sad in front of her, so she reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Cheer up, I just took the time to come here today, first tell me what Zhu Da said."

Zhou Zhong nodded vigorously, feeling warm in his heart.

Then he said, "Zhu Da said that as long as we can take the goods, and promise not to expose and implicate them, he will only do this business for our family." This is equivalent to buying them out.

At that time, Zhou Zhong kept Yun Shu's explanation in mind and was confident in his assurance. Zhu Da and the others said to try a few strokes first.

"He can watch it if he wants to. Big and small businesses can make money. Is it time for Zhu Dake to make a deal?" Yun Shu asked again.

Zhou Zhong nodded, "They said it will take about ten days, and they have cleared all their inventory."

That's what the other party said at the time, Zhou Zhong just thought it was sold.

However, Yun Shu guessed that it should be the batch of goods that he cut off, and those were the stocks that Zhu Da and the others had prepared for a long time.

The source of private salt, she roughly understood, was that Zhu Da had someone make it from the coast on the other side of the border. The management there was lax, and the transportation was much safer than here. The ten days he said were mainly spent on the road.

She then made an appointment with Zhou Zhong to pick up the goods, and left another hundred taels of silver.

She has made a profit in the past ten days, and she has five or six thousand dollars in her hands. If Wang Caifeng rushes to send another batch of goods to Qinglong Bank, then she will be a ten thousand yuan household.

During this period of time, Zhou Zhong took over more and more money day by day, and he seemed calm.He accepted it without changing his face, and discussed some details with Yun Shu, and the two went back to their respective homes.

It's just that Yun Shu didn't go back to his home, but when he was about to get home, he turned a corner and went to the intersection of the village.

After waiting for these days, she was really impatient.

She changed back into women's clothes near Xu Fuyuan's house, and when she came out, seeing that the sky was getting darker, she couldn't help speeding up her pace.If it wasn't for worrying about coming early and the other party wasn't there, I wouldn't have waited until now on purpose, because I came here in the morning before, but it turned out to be empty.

Xin Dao must meet someone this time, it is best to ask your own questions early and go home before dark.

Her elder brother suddenly said yesterday that he had something to discuss with everyone tonight, and he didn't know what it was, but Qin told her to go back earlier.

The further he went, the closer Xu Fuyuan's humble house became.

I don't know how this person chose it, it's just that the location is remote, and he built the house in a grassy field.There were already a lot of mosquitoes in this season, and before Yun Shu walked in, there was a 'buzzing' sound in her ears. She walked into the simple hut while waving her hands to drive away the flying insects.

There was a strange movement in the room.

Yun Shu's ears stopped when he heard the sound of something rubbing against each other.

His brows furrowed, and many emotions appeared in his eyes.

If Xu Fuyuan was at home and heard someone approaching, he would definitely come out.But she obviously heard the movement, but no one in the room came out and said nothing, but became quiet.

Yun Shu felt that something was wrong.

At this time, she already had a dagger in her palm, and the snow-white blade seemed to be attached to it like a streamer, as if it could harvest the lives of anyone who approached it at any time.

Yun Shu tightened his dagger and leaned towards the window.

One step, two steps... ten steps!
Suddenly a black light flashed in front of his eyes, and Yun Shu was startled. He already retracted his body, and even dodged his upper body backwards to avoid the unknown weapon.

It was a black four-cornered hidden weapon, half of which was submerged in the ground at this time, and the exposed half gave off a faint black light, obviously poisoned.

Who actually attacked her with a poisoned hidden weapon?
While her mind was turning, Yun Shu was still guessing if she had fallen into some trap by mistake.Hearing the sound of "clang" coming from the side again, she turned her head to look, and a dark figure came out of the window and came straight towards her.

The sharp point of the sword brushed Yun Shu's shoulder, and the coldness seemed to sink into his bones.

The man holding the sword looked emotionless in his black eyes, like a cold-blooded executioner who missed once and came again.

This man is a killer?
Without thinking about it, Yun Shu's face was also chilled.

She could see that this person contained internal strength, but if she could see the movement clearly, it meant that it wasn't too powerful.

There was also some fighting spirit in her heart, and she used jerky internal force control movements to accelerate forward, advancing instead of retreating, and the dagger went straight into the opponent's shoulder.

The man didn't seem to have expected that Yun Shu would backhand, no, to be precise, he didn't expect that this girl would know some martial arts, and she was so slow for a while that she was wiped with a dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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