Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 135 Let You 3 Moves

Chapter 135 Let You Three Moves
Yun Shu felt that she might still be dreaming.

It wasn't that his elder brother said something that offended her mother, why did he turn around and say sorry to himself?

What's even more weird is that before she opened her mouth, Mrs. Qin also hugged her arm suddenly, and started to sob suddenly. The second monk Yun Shuzhang who was looking straight at her couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that something happened at home while she was away?

Yun Shu didn't fully understand this inexplicable mentality until Yun Feng continued to explain.

It's just that the truth made her dumbfounded.

"Brother is incompetent. He used to do nothing, didn't understand anything, and did those unforgivable things. I have told my mother. Now I really regret it. I swear that I will protect you well, so I plan to go there next month. Join the army. There are not many soldiers in the army now, and you will get a lot of money, you and your mother can save it, enough for later use..." Before finishing speaking, Yun Feng's voice was choked up.

But it's not over yet.

Qin shi was crying 'woo woo' beside her, with a distressed expression on her face.

"I know this is a bit sudden, but I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I can't pretend any longer." Speaking of this, he really glanced at Qin Shi, and finally his eyes fell on Yun Shu. The complicated eyes made Yun Shu stunned After a while, I heard him say, "I can't watch my family suffer, but I can't do anything about it, let alone... let alone see my sister, you sacrifice yourself for us... Don't worry, I will protect myself, Only three years! Three years and I will be able to come back and reunite with you."

How confident he was in the last sentence, but the pain and despair in his eyes were so obvious.

The sound of elder brother choking and her mother crying could be heard, but Yun Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother!" She couldn't help but said, "The sacrifice you mentioned...I don't understand it, what did I sacrifice?"

Could it be that she left early and returned late, thinking that she was too tired?

Qin obviously knew it, and looked at her daughter with red eyes but didn't speak, but that appearance was even more sad than before.

Yun Feng had an unspeakable expression on his face. Maybe it was because Yun Shu was too open-minded, so he turned his head and said in a low voice, "Sister, don't hide from us anymore. I saw you before... Yanliu Lane, And that day you bought a lot of things and came back, we understand, my mother and I will not blame you, but we are sorry for you."

Although he hesitated to speak and did not call names, Yun Shu guessed it.

Smokey Willow Lane…

She looked back and forth between Yunfeng and Qin's, the eyes that she couldn't understand before, but now she understands.

No wonder they looked at themselves with heartbroken faces, sad, desperate and distressed.

It turned out that she had gone to sell herself.

This realization made Yun Shu feel weird. Could it be that she really did not stop doing it?At the beginning, Luo Jin said that she didn't take it seriously, but in the blink of an eye, she gave her elder brother such a recognition.

It's really not that complicated.

She suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Shi, "Mother, don't you also think that I'm going to sell my body?"

Compared with Yun Feng's hesitation, Yun Shu directly said the word 'sell herself'.

Yun Feng had a strange expression, but Qin Shi was stunned, with tears still in the corners of his eyes, "But your elder brother said..."

I dare not even think about it.

"Isn't it... like this?" Yun Feng also noticed something, and asked Chi Chi.

"Of course not!" Yun Shu didn't know what to say to him, so she had no choice but to say, "Before, I asked my mother to hide certain things from you. I didn't expect you to be so misunderstood."

Yun Feng was already stunned, but this time when he came to the Qin family, he looked ignorant.

"Not long ago I paid homage to a master to study medicine. My mother already knew about it. During this period of time, some of the money I spent on shopping was for helping the master with work, and more was earned by myself. What do you mean by seeing me?" I went to Yanliu Lane, but I was actually helping the master to deliver the medicine." She said that during this period, she always felt that he was secretly watching her, so it turned out that she had this idea.

If I knew Yun Shu earlier, I would have explained it to him in advance.

After listening to the explanation, Yun Feng was already stunned, and Qin seemed to have just realized it, and followed in a whisper, "That's right, your sister told me about it. I thought it was something before apprenticeship..."

When it came to the back, she was ashamed, and she actually followed her son's guess and thought about her daughter...

Just then Yun Shu's serious voice came from next to his ear, "I've explained my affairs clearly. Now, should I talk about my elder brother's joining the army?"

She stared at Yun Feng, unable to imagine how her elder brother would have such...an immature idea.

Could it be that he wanted to sacrifice his life to support his family?

Yun Feng still seemed to think that the idea was quite good, with a firm face, "Sister, don't talk about it, my mother has already persuaded me, and I have made up my mind."

The Qin family immediately nodded to her daughter, and Yun Shu just smiled, "Is it a decision or a decision?"

Yun Feng was full of embarrassment and anger, "I know how to punch and kick, and I will protect myself after all."


Yun Shu suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Yun Feng's arm. The other party stood up uncontrollably in a daze. He was surprised that his sister had such great strength. Just as he was about to speak, Yun Shu's voice came, " Now I'll give you three moves, if you attack, if you can't even touch my clothes, then don't talk about exile."

These words obviously aroused Yun Feng's anger. In his memory, his sister had never learned martial arts, and he was on the contrary. He had been exposed to these things since he was a child.

Now uttering wild words made him do more than three tricks, and even said that he couldn't touch her clothes, just for the dignity of a man, he would not sit idly by.

Seeing her son and daughter talking, Qin suddenly moved her hands and stood up in shock, wanting to dissuade but didn't know how to speak, "Shu'er, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Yun Feng had already moved.

He has done hard work during this period, and his movements have improved a lot. This time he deliberately showed off, and his movements were even more unexpected. He thought that no matter how bad he was, it would be impossible for him to fail to touch his sister with three moves. However, from the moment he started, he Just froze.

The first time he shot, Yun Shu dodged in a strange posture.

The second time she shot, she didn't move at all, she just turned her body sideways.

the third time…

Yun Feng looked at the hand that was lost again. Originally, he was full of strength like a deflated balloon, and he couldn't even lift his hand. He just stared blankly at this scene.

He suddenly remembered that not long after he arrived, he was gambled by Huang Hai from Wenchang Gambling House. It seemed that his younger sister descended from the sky and taught them a lesson with her extraordinary skills.

But these days he actually forgot.

It's just that the doubts in my heart grew bigger, when did my sister learn martial arts, was it also taught by her master?But how many days is this?
Yun Shu expected this result.

She didn't even look at Yunfeng, and said calmly, "It's hard to chase after a man's words. If you lose, don't even think about joining the army. Sit down and eat."

Qin maintained a dissuading posture, watching a fight end in an instant, and when her daughter had already started eating slowly, she still felt like she was dreaming.

"Feng'er, sit down and listen to your sister." Qin Shi who finally came to his senses also spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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