Chapter 136

This meal is very out of state.

After Yun Shu felt that his stomach was almost ready, he put down the bowls and chopsticks, and started to stare at Yun Feng and Qin Shi.

The two of them were very uncomfortable being looked at by her, Qin Shi was calm, and Yun Feng blushed.I don't know if it's because I misunderstood my sister before, or because I just lost the martial arts competition, or because of my previous words and deeds.

It wasn't until after the meal that Yun Shu saw that he was about to leave, "What did Big Brother mean when he said he was confessing to Mother?"

Her clear eyes were slightly squinted, her eyes seemed to see through everything, the gaze she cast was full of exploration and examination, and Yun Feng, who was about to stand up, immediately felt guilty.

Qin seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything.

Yun Feng muttered, speaking vaguely, "It's just...before."

He originally had the mentality of leaving, so he said all the things that Yun Shu told him he couldn't say, such as the gambling house, the jade pendant, and Yun Shu paying back the money for her.

Yun Shu just sighed, then looked at her mother.Surprisingly, when she brought it up again, she seemed quite calm.

Forget about the gambling house, she didn't feel sad when the jade pendant was gone, it was only when she looked at Yun Shu that she felt some emotion, and it was the kind that Yun Shu couldn't understand.

She opened her mouth, but still held back the question.

The jade pendant was not brought back either. If we talked about the jade pendant back and forth, it would not be worth the loss if it made her mother sad.

Since she is quite calm now, let's wait until the jade pendant is brought back.

Speaking of which, Yun Shu felt that she might as well try her elder brother's tone for some things.

Then she turned her head and said to Qin, "Mother, you should be busy first, I have something to say to elder brother, let's go to the room."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and flirted with Yun Feng. Although the latter was frightened and felt that his sister was going to settle accounts with him, he still nodded his head pretending to be calm.

Qin always liked the intimacy of children, but she didn't think about anything else, she nodded happily, and didn't even see her son's eyes asking for help.

But Yun Shu saw it, she raised her eyebrows and snorted, Yun Feng's smile froze, "Sister...sister, don't do this."

"Brother, what are you talking about, let's go." Although he was smiling, Yun Feng was even more frightened.

In the room, after Yun Shu entered, he barged the door behind him.Yun Feng, who was always paying attention to her movements, trembled, and calmed down by lighting the lamp, but it was a pity that the little heart was not honest.

Seeing him pretending to be calm, Yun Shu finally chuckled and decided not to tease him anymore.

Seeing Yun Feng's bewildered look, Yun Shu put away his smile, walked inside under his suspicious gaze, and lifted his mattress with ease. Seeing this scene, Yun Feng finally changed his expression, "Don't..."

But it was already too late, seeing his younger sister take out the book that he thought was hidden very tightly, and looking through it unhurriedly, Yun Feng's face changed back and forth, and finally explained, "It was given by someone else. Keep it."

He didn't know whether he wanted to convince himself or Yun Shu, but at the end, he nodded seriously.

"Brother, do you think reading is ashamed?" Yun Shu closed the book, and said seriously to Shang Yunfeng's embarrassed expression, "Knowledge is for yourself. Brother wants to pursue these. I think it's good. Why hide it?" Tuck it in?"

She looked puzzled, while Yun Feng was stunned, apparently not expecting his sister to say such a thing, "Don't you think... this is nonsense?"

mess?Yun Shu was amused to hear that.

She walked slowly, and handed the book that was obviously carefully preserved to Yunfeng, "I don't know why big brother has such an idea, but if you really want to learn, I can help you, the premise have to learn Make a show."

Yun Feng was still in a daze, and didn't understand what Yun Shu meant for a while.

"You know the village chief, Liu Hongshan. He was originally a student, and his knowledge is no less than that of the masters that my elder brother met before. Over the years, he wanted to set up a school for the children in the village to study, but unfortunately it didn't work because of money. I promised to consider helping. So big brother might as well seriously consider whether to take this opportunity."

After she finished speaking, she let go of the hand holding the book, turned and left, "You have three days to think about it, and tell me the result after you think about it."

It wasn't until the sound of the door opening and closing that Yun Feng came back to his senses, feeling that what he said just now was like a dream.

Can he go back to school?
Under the flickering oil lamp, Yun Feng's face also jumped, and he stared at the book in his hand with bright eyes, dazed.


Yun Shu rubbed her brows and went back to the room, just in time to meet Qin Shi who was lost in the yard after tidying up, so she called out, "Mother."

Hearing her daughter's voice, Qin looked back and smiled at Yun Shu, "Shu'er, are you ready to chat with your elder brother?"

Yun Shu nodded, and walked over, seeing that she was not as active as before, so she asked, "What are you thinking again? Don't worry about big brother, I won't let him join the army."

She doesn't have any national sentiments at all, she won't let something like letting Yunfeng die.

Qin shook her head.

"It's not about this, but I suddenly feel sorry for you, especially Shu'er." Qin's smile was slightly bitter, and she didn't know what to mention.

Yun Shu was slightly stunned, and followed Shu Yan with a slight smile, "Mother, don't worry too much, don't think about these things, after washing up later, go to rest earlier."

As she spoke, she went to support Qin, and Qin touched her daughter's hand. She felt blissful in her heart, as if she had been exaggerated, and finally smiled, "Seeing that you are not sad, mother can rest assured, that jade pendant...don't worry." Blame your brother."

Jade pendant?Yun Shu's eyes flickered slightly, and seeing Qin's frankness, he knew that Yun Feng had confessed to her, but he didn't mention it and kept it from himself.

Then he pretended to be casual and said, "It's good that mother doesn't care, brother is just impulsive, I believe he will not do this again in the future." Anyway, Yupei belongs to her mother, so it's not strange to talk about it.

"Well, mother thinks so too. But if you can figure it out, mother will feel relieved. After all, that jade pendant...forget it, let's not talk about the past."

Yun Shu faintly felt that Qin Shi looked at her with affection and heartache. She couldn't guess whether it was because of today's incident that aroused her feelings or something else. She just wanted to stop talking about it.

After sending Qin Shi back to the room, she checked the door lock again, and then went back to the room in peace.

It was already dark now, looking outside, the place without light was dark, especially the place near the river.There are many jungles there, except for Yun Shu, who is bold, I am afraid that no one will run there in the middle of the night.

Just looking at it, Yun Shu felt something was wrong.

That black seems a little unusual tonight!She squinted her eyes and looked again, and the dark place moved. Yun Shu was taken aback, and saw a pair of eyes in the mist. She quickly realized something, her face was covered with black lines.

These guys!

(End of this chapter)

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