Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 137 Killer Organization

Chapter 137 Killer Organization

Cursing secretly, Yun Shu stood up, leaned on the window edge and jumped out, followed her toes, flew over the fence of the house less than three meters away, and quickly swept towards the river.

As she got closer, the black shadow became more and more obvious. Looking at it now, it was not a dark night, but ten figures standing quietly. They were exactly the ones that Xu Fuyuan had forced on her not long ago.

Seeing Yun Shu, the ten people bent their knees and knelt down again, "Master!"

Yun Shu, "..." It's good to be far away from home here, otherwise the family will be alarmed, Yun Shu vowed to kill them.

She said in a deep voice, "Get up! When did you come here? Where is Xu Fuyuan?"

She asked three questions in a row. After the ten people stood up, they were silent for a while before one person came out to answer the question, "Pavilion Master, we have been here for about two quarters of an hour. place."

The position she requested?

Yun Shu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he had asked several people to throw him into the stinky ditch in order to vent his anger. Hearing this, he was very surprised. He didn't expect that they would really do it.

She doesn't like second-hand goods, and she doesn't like things forced on her by others. Seeing that a few people are so obedient, she is a little interested. It may be good to have more subordinates to do things, but she is also a little worried.

They can turn around and help themselves deal with Xu Fuyuan so quickly, there is no guarantee that one day it will be their end.

Letting the danger be by her side was never what she did.

The strange thing is that Xu Fu, who is far more cautious than her, shouldn't be able to tolerate his subordinates changing their minds so quickly.

Just as he was thinking, another voice came from his ear, "Pavilion Master, this is what the old Pavilion Master asked his subordinates to bring to you."

It was still the same person who answered the question just now. Ten of them had the same dress and temperament, and it was difficult for Yun Shu to tell them apart.Seeing a cardboard-like object handed over by the other party, she glanced at it and didn't answer it, but asked, "What's your name?"

The man obviously didn't expect Yun Shu to ask this question, he didn't know how to speak, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "The subordinates don't have names!"

Yun Shu was taken aback for another moment, then asked the others, "They didn't either?"


Yun Shu felt very strange, "Why?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after asking this question, the atmosphere around her seemed to freeze a bit, she raised her eyebrows, and was even more curious, could there be any hidden secrets?
Just as he was wondering if Xu Fuyuan was too lazy or something, the man's next answer was beyond Yun Shu's expectations.

"The old pavilion master mentioned the reason... because we are all inferior people he picked up from the slums, destined to live in darkness, so we don't deserve a name."

"We have been learning martial arts since we were young, and we are not allowed to communicate with each other. It is useless to have a name."

"The mind control Gu can only survive for 30 years in total. If the task does not fail in 30 years, the old pavilion master promised to let us choose our own way out."

The flat and heartless narration was said to be emotionless, but what Yun Shu felt was their numbness, as if he had accepted his fate.

This turned out to be the reason.

Thinking about the old man when he first met him, the other party was really venomous, he didn't mean that these were his adopted children, but in front of them, he actually called them 'inferior people'.

She knew that he might have done it on purpose, most people with bad mouths were actually good-hearted, Xu Fuyuan didn't give her a very bad impression.

Thinking of the last thing he just mentioned, Yun Shu asked again, "What is the mind-controlling Gu?" But there was a guess in his heart.

"It is a kind of poisonous insect refined by the old pavilion master. Everyone in the pavilion has one on their body. The poisonous insect will spit out a poison in the middle of every month. If you don't take the antidote for twelve hours, your body will be corroded by the poison and die. "Obviously it was a scary thing to hear, but what the other party said was extremely calm.

Although Yun Shu also guessed the use of this, he didn't expect the consequences to be so cruel. This was indeed like Xu Fuyuan's method.

She also seemed to understand something, looking at the object that the other party was still holding out, guessing that it should be related to the mind control Gu, "Give me the object."

The other party handed it over, and when she took it, she was sure it was paper. She opened it under the moonlight and looked at it. There were words and pictures on it, and she vaguely saw an ugly fat insect painted on it, so she was even more sure of her guess.

Sure enough, Xu Fuyuan would not allow his subordinates to take advantage of them, so he thought of this method of controlling them. Although it was a bit vicious, it worked.

She put away the things, put them into the space, and then looked at a few people.

He asked casually, "By the way, what's the name of your pavilion?" It seemed that he agreed to be the owner of someone else's pavilion, but he didn't know the name of this pavilion.

The man replied, "Pavilion Master, our pavilion is called the Dark Pavilion, and the owner is engaged in murder business. Originally, we would collect some information, but the old Pavilion Master dismissed the division because it was too long and too little money. Now there are less than 300 people in the pavilion. They are mainly scattered around the capital."

But he didn't see Yun Shu froze for an instant.

There was indeed a problem with the pavilion she took so easily. That old bastard Xu Fuyuan actually gave her the organization for the murder business, what on earth was he thinking?

There is also the Dark Pavilion, the name seems familiar!
She has always had a good memory, and she knew where she had heard it when she thought about it for a while, so her expression was even weirder.

If I remember correctly, the first group of four men in black that I met with Wei Cheng last time were from the Dark Pavilion, right?Because Gu Fang later said that Wei Chengfeng's poisonous fan was from the dark pavilion.

So one of the murderers who caused him to fall off the cliff in the first place, was this in front of him?
"Pavilion master?" Seeing Yun Shu's gaze sometimes sharp and sometimes strange, the man didn't know the situation, so he quickly lowered his head.

However, Yun Shu breathed in his throat and could only bear it back.

He asked in a strange tone, "Half a month ago, did you take over a business to assassinate three masters and servants, and the location was on the top of the hill in Liangting Town."

"There is this task, but the task failed, and they were sent back to the capital." Because only the best can stay with the pavilion master.

After hearing this answer, Yun Shu almost calmed down, "That's a coincidence, I happened to be there for that operation, but at that time, besides the people from the Dark Pavilion, there seemed to be another group of people?"

"This... we were not in the town at the time, the old Pavilion Master should know." Obviously he didn't know the details.

Yun Shu himself asked curiously, so he nodded, "Got it, it's getting late, by the way, where do you... live?" Yun Shu was a little annoyed by this question, since she was one of her own, she would definitely follow her in the future Do you still want to find them a house?

But the other party said, "Don't worry, the pavilion master, we are all around, if the pavilion master is looking for us, just wave."

The masters on TV were also hiding in the night, Yun Shu couldn't resist asking how they slept, but felt that they talked too much tonight.

"That's fine, we'll talk about it later." Before she left, she thought of something again, and her eyes flicked across the tightly wrapped face scarves of the ten people, "It's fine if you don't have a name, take off the face scarf, I always remember your faces."

The bodies of the ten people froze suddenly.

 Bookmate 55****53 rewarded 100 book coins [Thank you for your reward and encouragement, my dear] Dear friends, move your little hands to vote for the pigeons, if you are really lazy, forget it, anyway As long as you support Pigeon’s book, the tickets are all outside your body, haha—the update may be released after midnight in the next few days, 28 pigeons will go back to their hometown, and then continue to visit relatives. If the calculation is correct, it will be released next week. It also came out, and in summary, the most important thing for pigeons to do is: save manuscripts, save manuscripts, save manuscripts!
(End of this chapter)

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