Chapter 138

Yun Shu knew something was wrong when he saw them not moving for a long time, not even daring to look directly into his eyes.

"Any secrets?" His tone was numb and calm.

Xu Fuyuan's behavior is different from ordinary people, she thinks there must be another story.

Sure enough, the other party spoke.

"The subordinates were worried about scaring the pavilion master. My appearance was destroyed before the first mission, because the old pavilion master said that to prevent foreign objects from disturbing the mind, so..."

Yun Shu, "..." This is a bit too much.

Positively hinting as an 'inferior person', and controlled by Gu insects, now the only appearance that belongs to him will be destroyed. Xu Fuyuan's actions alone seem to be no problem, but combined, they are a bit vicious.

It was rare for her to look at these people with sympathy, even a person like her who didn't pay much attention to appearance could not imagine the consequences of being disfigured, let alone these helpless poor people.

No wonder they are so calm and numb, it is estimated that they have endured all the unbearable sufferings of ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter, since you are my people, you are just a face, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

The ten people paused for a moment. After all, they didn't dare to disobey Yun Shu, the new Pavilion Master's request, and all pulled down their scarves.

The night was very dark, but not so much that you couldn't see your fingers. When the disfigured faces of more than a dozen people were exposed, even Yun Shu, who had seen uglier people, felt a twitch in his heart.

That centipede-covered face is uneven, ugly and disgusting, and if ordinary people see it, they will probably feel disgusted.

Yun Shu didn't, but after watching it for a while, she felt a little surprised.

Others may not be able to see it, but as a medical student, she discovered that although the faces of the ten people were destroyed, the key features of their appearance remained. For example, the eyes are still in place, the bridge of the nose and lips are all the same, only the chin, cheeks and forehead are invisible. Out of its own skin.

From this point of view, the destruction was not very complete.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, she withdrew her gaze, her tone was not as casual as before, and she said seriously, "You are stronger than I imagined, go on down."

"Yes!" Although a few people didn't understand Yun Shu's words, no one asked more. More than a dozen people raised their spirits at the same time, dispersed in ten directions and disappeared into the darkness.

Yun Shu stood by the river to calm down for a while, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

Although it looks like I have earned more than 200 people, I always feel that I have received a lot of trouble.

It wasn't that Xu Fuyuan was very close to Wei Chengfeng, so she couldn't believe that he couldn't see that the person's identity was different, so he dared to accept this kind of task, what was the reason for being so arrogant?
But one thing Yun Shu was sure of.

Whether Xu Fuyuan is the master of the dark pavilion, whether others know it or not, the three masters and servants definitely don't know about it.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Xu Fuyuan to still be alive.

She thought a lot, and rummaged through various questions in her mind for a long time. She waited for the list to be written down before returning home.

In the past, I always felt insecure here, and I always felt that something was missing. Although the dark pavilion came suddenly, the lack of security was surprisingly made up for.

She herself felt surprised, could it be that what she always wanted was power?
Under the night, the girl's figure gradually disappeared.

As if to fit in, the moon also sneaked into the clouds, making the night more pure.


What was expected came earlier than Yun Shu planned.

The Yunxiu Pavilion has been closed for many days. She thought that some girls would ask for it but could not ask around, but she never thought that someone would chase her home.

The first person to come was also unexpected, it was Pei Yu who failed to discuss cooperation with Yun Shu last time and left.

Pei Yu came alone this time, with a suave figure sitting on a white horse, descending like a god to the door of Yun Shu's house.

The morning mist hadn't dissipated yet, and the silhouette that stood against it was like a fairy and an illusion.

It was the first time for Qin to see this legendary character, and her impression was only of the rumored "unreasonable". After hearing her daughter call out "Da Shao Pei", she was stunned for a long time without saying a word, her eyes He didn't forget to look at his daughter nervously, as if Yun Shu was being bullied.

Pei Yu asked Yun Shu for something, but Qin's defensive eyes made it impossible for anyone to ignore her.

When he first saw Qin Shi, he was also a little surprised. He thought Yun Shu was special, but he didn't expect his mother to have an extraordinary temperament.Although the ordinary clothes are darker and show no airs, Pei Yu has seen all kinds of people, and he can clearly see the etiquette temperament exuding from his bones.

Now being guarded by such a woman, he unconsciously guessed whether he had done some treasonous things.

But he still got off his horse and greeted politely, "Pei Yu came to the door rashly, I hope I didn't disturb Madam." He didn't know Yun Shu's family before, and he didn't know what Qin's name was, so he called Madam directly.

Seeing that he was so polite, Qin couldn't keep staring at him, and said a little unnaturally, "I didn't bother you."

Yun Shu probably knew Qin Shi's thoughts, so he stood in front of her, folded his left hand back and squeezed her arm silently, saying comfortingly, "Mother, go to work, I'll have a few words with Young Master Pei, you don't need to say hello."

Pei Yu, who hasn't said anything yet, "..."

Qin Shi always listened to her daughter's words, and nodded subconsciously. Before leaving, she glanced at Pei Yu again and smiled embarrassedly.

Pei Yu nodded politely, the smile on his face seemed to melt the snow on the iceberg, even the Qin family was taken aback, but quickly reacted and gave him a weird look.

Feeling the heightened defense again, Pei Yu's smile was obviously cracked. For the first time, he wondered if he forgot to look in the mirror when he went out. Could it be that this face doesn't work anymore?
Yun Shu looked at this scene with raised eyebrows, her mother was always innocent, probably because she was afraid that Pei Yu would come and make trouble, so she didn't like him.

Looking at Pei Yu with funny eyes, this smiling fox finally hit a wall, he deserved to put on a fake face every day.

But his mouth was very polite, "Why is Young Master Pei looking for me?"

"Miss Yun." Pei Yu finally looked away. He didn't miss the joke in Yun Shu's eyes, and pretended not to notice, "Pei may have offended something when he said something last time, Miss Yun, don't mind."

Yun Shu looked at this handsome face that could not be faulted, looked into his warm eyes that seemed to be shining with warmth, and subconsciously sighed, the two young masters of the Pei family are both outstanding, probably inherited from him Damn, after all, she didn't see anything good about Master Pei's old face when she looked at it last time.

Talking to such a good-looking person will not make you feel too bad.

Then he followed him, "How dare I, an ordinary country girl, I'm not so stupid as to get angry with the big benefactor in the town, and doing business is all about going with the flow, Young Master Pei should know more about gains and losses than me, I know you're coming Is it for something else?"

Talking to smart people is different. Pei Yu knew that she must know that she deliberately started this topic, so she satirized him, because she was used to it, so she didn't get angry.

Then he stopped turning the corner, put away his smile and said bluntly, "That's right, I actually came here this time to ask Miss Yun for something."

(End of this chapter)

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