Chapter 139 No Name
"Please?" Yun Shu took a look at him, and seeing his eyes flicker when he said this, he seemed embarrassed, and guessed something when his heart moved.

But he didn't show it on the face, pretending not to know, "Is there anything I can ask Mr. Pei for? Let's talk about it first."

"Miss Yun is modest." Pei Yu had never talked about this matter with anyone at the gate, but Yun Shu blocked the door obviously not intending to invite him in, and the intention of refusing him was obvious. This was the first time Pei Yu had received such treatment. It's hard to say anything even if you raise your eyebrows.

Seeing that there were no other people around, he hesitated, "Miss Yun, do you still remember the sachet I bought in your shop a few days ago?"

Sure enough, this is the case!Yun Shuyue knew what Pei Yu was going to say. She sniffed the fragrance that became more and more obvious at the tip of her nose, held back the smile in her heart, and looked around with an unclear expression, "Remember, but there is something wrong with the sachet?"

"There are some problems, but the problem is not with the sachet, but with Pei." At this point, Pei Yu was really hard to say, so he asked instead, "Miss Yun, didn't you smell something about Pei?"

"Does it smell?" Yun Shu couldn't hold back the corners of her lips this time, "It smells a little. The fragrance is light and suitable for both men and women, but it suits you, Young Master Pei."

Pei Yu, "..."

When the girl spoke, there was a slight smile in her watery eyes, sly and shrewd. If Pei Yu couldn't see that she had already guessed his intentions and deliberately teased him, it would be useless to figure out so many opponents. .

He didn't think it was easy to open his mouth, but now he was open-minded, and said with a smile, "Miss Yun's things are indeed special, but Pei has no preference for them. This time I came here to hope that Miss Yun can help get rid of this smell."

Because of this strange fragrance, Pei Yu hardly stepped out of the door of Pei's house these days, and thought that the smell would dissipate after three or two days, but who would have thought that the smell not only did not go away, but intensified instead?

The frequent glances of the servants made him irritated, and after confirming the source of the fragrance, he came to Xiaoxu Village in the morning light.

When Pei Yu came here, he had made mental preparations. Maybe he hadn't taken this ordinary village girl seriously before, but he had been contacted and argued many times. After he suffered a disadvantage, he had already looked at Yun Shu differently.

So he already thought that Yun Shu might make things difficult for him.

For example, at this moment he is standing at the door and unable to enter.

But there was a wry smile in his heart, if those opponents who always wanted to provoke saw it, they might take the opportunity to mock him.

At this time, the girl's light voice sounded in my ear, "This is simple. I expected that some customers would not like the smell of the purchase, so I made a medicine chain to remove the smell in advance."

Pei Yu stared blankly, and saw the plain white hand of the girl in front of him touch her sleeve, and a chain with seven or eight black spheres of different shapes was taken out, and then handed over, "This must be worn on the On the wrist, the smell will disappear in a day at the latest, and the chain can be thrown away at that time."

Pei Yu still hasn't come to his senses, she gave it to him so easily?

Yun Shu didn't intend to embarrass him. In fact, although she and Pei Yu had conflicts, no matter what he said or did, he always put etiquette first.

Pei Yu also took the chain at this time, and thought about it for a while and put it on in front of Yun Shu, but the chain was a little tight and it was a bit troublesome to put it on. He paused, looked up at the approaching figure, "Miss Yun?"

"This thing is a backup, because most of the customers are women, and the width may not be enough. You can see the interface clearly, I will loosen it for you first, and let the servants adjust it for you when you get back." Yun Shu didn't even raise his head. Busy, the voice came slowly.

It was only then that Pei Yu realized that she had come to help him loosen the rope of the chain.

But his eyes couldn't help but cast on the face approaching in front of him, and his eyes paused slightly.

Although no makeup was applied on the young girl's immature face, it was fair and translucent. She lowered her head and looked busy, very focused, and her eyebrows and eyes seemed to have some charm.It was the first time for Pei Yu to look at a woman up close. She thought her heart would be as still as water, but her heartbeat speeded up strangely.

"Okay!" Yun Shu fixed it quickly, and stepped back only to find the eyes on her body, looking puzzled, "What's wrong?"

It was only then that Pei Yu realized that his behavior was disrespectful. He lowered his bright eyes to conceal the strangeness in his eyes, and when he raised his head again, his usual gentleness was restored, and his voice was even clearer, "Miss Yun, I'm sorry."

"Is it too troublesome? I know what I make. Even alcohol can't get rid of the smell. Young Master Pei did everything he can to get here, right?" Although he was asking, the tone was affirmative.

Pei Yu froze for a moment, then nodded. He did use many methods to get rid of the smell, but none of them worked.

Thinking of something again, Pei Yu took out a bank note with a denomination of 50 taels from his arms and handed it over, with a sincere tone, "This is the money from the medicine chain and the apology for disturbing Miss Yun, please accept it!"

The person in front of him didn't move, Pei Yu looked suspiciously, but the girl turned around and walked into the house, and the voice came out immediately, "It's nothing more than a little effort. The matter has been resolved, please go back, Young Master Pei, my mother doesn't like outsiders Enter the house, so I won't keep you."

The voice was clear and light, neither angry nor happy. Yun Shu, who entered the room, turned around and nodded politely at him before entering the room.

Only Liu Peiyu stood at the door holding the silver ticket, and it took him a long time to think about it, and suddenly he straightened his body, looking at the ordinary house where no one was there, with a light in his eyes that others couldn't understand.

Standing in the main room, Yun Shu heard the sound of horses bleating outside, and glanced away, only to see Pei Yu's heroic figure turning on his horse and leaving.

She raised her eyebrows and was just about to enter the room when she saw Mrs. Qin walking to the door when she heard the movement. She was thinking that she might want to see him off a few steps, but she saw Mrs. Qin come to the door after a few glances, and then closed the door with both hands With a push, the door was locked.

Yun Shu, "..."

This is to guard against people as thieves.

Qin didn't know what her daughter said when she saw her actions, so she shook her head and went back to the kitchen.

Yun Shu watched this scene speechlessly, thinking that her mother was also a wonderful person.

It was night again, and Yun Shu stuffed the sachets that the villagers had embroidered for the past few days into medicinal herbs, checked the quantity and checked it was accurate, and then she was ready to do her own business.

Those idle medicinal powders that few people thought they wanted were sold out, so they prepared some for Du Yuniang, so the half month's inventory in the space was gone.

She still needs to practice kung fu and make medicine at the same time, not to mention the planned land support and a lot of small things, Yun Shu can't wait to use one day as three days.

After working for more than two hours, the finished medicine only saw a little quantity, and was about to wash up and rest, but there was movement from the room outside the space.

Someone came into her room! ?
(End of this chapter)

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