Chapter 140
There was little movement, like the sound of a window being pushed.

It's a pity that with the previous lessons, every night, Yun Shu would move the table against the window, even if someone opened the lock, don't try to push it open.

Unless there's a big commotion, but then she'll be sure to find out.

The room was very dark and I couldn't see clearly. Yun Shu quietly left the space and observed for about three seconds. Then the movement came again. This time Yun Shu was almost sure that it came from the window.

Xu Fuyuan?

Except for him, Yun Shu, who else made it so conspicuous.

"Miss Yun..." A low-pitched voice came from outside the window, with a heavy panting tone, familiar but Yun Shu couldn't remember it for a while.

The movement of the window had stopped, and she was thinking about who it was, when something fell to the ground outside.

Hearing the sound getting louder, Yun Shu pulled the table away and opened the window to look.

Seeing this, his face turned black again.

Several figures entangled together in the yard, although there was no big movement, but the impact of hand-to-hand combat was still evident.

Yun Shu jumped over in an instant, stood in the middle, lowered his voice and said angrily, "Stop!"

The ten people stopped at the same time, but the one in the middle fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

Yun Shu smelled the strong smell of blood in the air, and lowered her voice, "What's going on?"

"This man sneaked into the yard sneakily. We planned to catch him." After just a few moves, the opponent collapsed from exhaustion, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Only then did Yun Shu look at the man on the ground, but he was taken aback by this look, Gu Fang?

The people on the ground have messy hair and beards, and the iconic beard is instantly recognizable.

Yun Shu's mind was already spinning, and Gu Fang's voice came, "Yun...Miss Yun, please help my Patriarch, he...cough cough..."

He himself was also seriously injured, and he coughed before he could finish speaking.

There was movement from above, as if it came from Qin's room.

As soon as Yun Shu found out, he quickly stepped forward to cover Gu Fang's mouth, and said to the waiting ten people, "Go back first, I know this person."

The ten people didn't ask any more questions, and left in an instant.

Yun Shu glanced at Gu Fang who was suppressing the pain, then at the upper room, frowned, and dragged Gu Fang out of the wall.

But she obviously overestimated her own ability, and underestimated Gu Fang's weight. When she climbed up the wall, she almost fell, but even though she climbed over in the end, the two of them did fall in an extremely embarrassing posture.

Gu Fang also acted as a meat pad for Yun Shu. When she came down, she pressed one hand on the ground, but when she pressed it on Gu Fang, her palm was a little sticky, but when she looked up, it was covered with blood.

"I'll show you first, the medicine will be calculated later." Regardless of whether the other party could hear him or not, he put him against the wall, pulled off the clothes on the injured part, and unexpectedly saw a short arrow stuck in his chest.

Just about to check his other positions, his arm was pulled up, "Miss Yun, don't worry about me, first my Patriarch, he's... dying soon, cough cough..."

Gu Fang looked at her pleadingly, while saying that he signaled that he was fine, and stood up tremblingly, but he didn't know that his whole body was covered with blood, "Please, Miss Yun, I know that only you can save my Patriarch."

After finishing speaking, the masculine man burst into tears.

Yun Shu was rarely moved, but he still said with a cold face, "I have the final say whether to save or not, sit down."

"Miss Yun..."

"Shut up, take this time to think about how to pay my consultation fee. The actions of the three of you, master and servant, have seriously affected my life. If it weren't for my kindness, you would have died just now." She said , quickly pulled out the arrow that had been broken once, and blood spurted out. Yun Shu dodged in time, covering Gu Fang's mouth.

The other party whimpered, obviously in extreme pain.But whoever made the wrong place, even if there was something, Yun Shu couldn't conjure it out of thin air for him to use, so he said, "Hold on, it will be over soon."

She saw a branch on the ground, picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth, and sprinkled the powder on the blood spatter.

Gu Fang's clothes were completely stained with blood. In fact, if he wanted better treatment, he would have to sew them up, but this person only cared about his master, and he didn't cooperate at all, so Yun Shu had to deal with it roughly.

A quarter of an hour later, the bloody clothes on Gu Fang's body had been taken off, and the clean place was torn into strips to wrap the wound. He kept urging Yun Shu, "Please, Miss Yun, my master will pay your consultation fee, please. ...ahoo!"

Yun Shu slapped his wound, and Gu Fang's painful body was bent like a shrimp, but he was still saying, "Help him..."

Yun Shu folded her arms, with a cold expression on her face, "It is kindness to save you, your Patriarch, please resign yourself to fate, you can go, remember to send the medical fee tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, but there was a loud bang behind him.

Yun Shu was startled, and looking back, the man knelt down on his knees regardless of the wound, and kowtowed heavily to Yun Shu, "Miss Yun, woo, I beg you, my master can't die... Please You..." After finishing speaking, he knocked heavily again.

There were many grass and stones near the small river, Gu Fang was obviously unlucky, there were a lot of broken stones where he knocked, and when he raised his head again, his forehead was already bleeding.

Yun Shu wanted to beat this man up. Could it be that his life was not his life? That man was so worthy of his kneeling and kowtowing?

"Shu'er, this is..." A voice suddenly came from a distance, surprised and surprised.

Yun Shu stared blankly. She didn't know when Qin was standing at the door, looking in this direction, and she didn't know how long she had been looking at it.

Gu Fang heard someone's voice and looked subconsciously.

It was too late when Yun Shu wanted to stop it, and the appearance of Gu Fang with blood on his forehead caught Qin's eyes just like that.

There was silence all around, Yun Shu rubbed the center of her brows and cursed herself for being kind, she should have just chased him away.

Unexpectedly, Qin's face was calm.

"Are you okay?" No one expected that Qin Shi was not only not afraid, but came quickly, but no matter how she helped him, Gu Fang just couldn't get up. Thinking of something, he suddenly turned his head and kowtowed to Qin Shi, "Ma'am, you Tell Miss Yun for me, let her save my Patriarch, I really can't do anything, my Patriarch is dying..."

After finishing speaking, she kowtowed her head again, and Qin was almost stunned.

A big man, weeping bitterly, and his face was covered with blood, it is impossible for Qin to remain calm.

Turning to look at her daughter, "Shu'er, what he said is true, is anyone going to die?"

Yun Shu nodded with a dark face, even though she was not sure yet.

Qin frowned, "If it can be saved, can you save it, he looks so pitiful."

That's what he said, but he was still asking what Yun Shu meant.

"Mother, you go back first, be careful of catching a cold." The night wind was very strong, and Qin was only wearing thin clothes. Yun Shu was worried that she would catch the cold, but she couldn't bear it and didn't move. Finally, she sighed and had to nod , "I'm going to rescue you, you go into the house first."

(End of this chapter)

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