Chapter 163
When Du Qiu came, he found that everyone was looking at Qin, and the eyes seemed wrong.

She came in slowly, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with you?" She had something to do before, so she came late, but it felt like she missed something important.

When Qin heard her voice, she glanced up, and when she looked up and saw everyone staring at her with complicated expressions, she thought of the day before yesterday.

But compared to when she was flustered then, she was much calmer now.

Because ever since Yan Yutao's sachet appeared, she had thought about what happened next.

She smiled at Du Qiu, then stood up and looked at the people in the courtyard.

Looking at Yan Yutao at the end, she smiled, "Miss Yan, not all of your words are correct. It is true that all the sachets and purses on the street are sold in the Ruyi Embroidery Building besides Yunxiu Pavilion. But these things are my daughter's. I paint and do it myself, but I don’t understand it, and then I become imitating others.”

While talking and looking at the crowd, I "know that you won't believe me, but the fact is like this. Shu'er also said that whether it is true or false, it will always be revealed in the end. I will wait for the day when Yunxiu Pavilion is cleared."

She looked calm, and she was not flustered by the imitation.

The women don't know whether to believe it or not.

No matter the town or the village has never heard of the name Ruyi Embroidery Building, it seems impossible to imitate something from a small shop.

On the other hand, the Qin family's life is not good at all. If they want to use this to earn some money, it seems more convincing.

Although they didn't speak, the vacillating eyes already told everything.

It was a lie for Qin to say that she was not disappointed. She thought that if she did what she did, she would be convincing, but in the end she was no match for the crowd.

"Sister Qin, I believe you, I know you are not that kind of person!" No one thought that Du Qiu would say such a thing, she saw that Qin Shi was lonely, and people had come over, Qin Shi saw her, The eye sockets are hot.

"Aunt Qin, I believe you too. It should be Yun Shu who lied to you. You are innocent." Yan Yutao stepped in at this moment, and everyone was stunned by the look of Qin's sympathy. At that time, he said again, "Although I have known Yun Shu not long ago, I have always thought that she is a good girl. I didn't believe it at first, but this is not the first time, so I think that Aunt Qin may be the one who was raped by Yun Shu." Hiding it."

"Yutao, you can't talk nonsense. Miss Yun Shu is so kind to her mother that even an outsider like me envies her. How could she lie to Sister Qin?" Du Qiu said with a frown.

When Qin Shi heard Yan Yutao talking about her daughter, she also stood upright, her eyes were extremely sharp, "I, Shu'er, is very good, please be careful, Miss Yan." Qin Shi knew that she was cowardly, but at that time it was because of Only the sons and daughters bear the burden of humiliation.

Hearing her daughter being splashed with dirty water at this time, how can she bear it.

After all, she is also the wife of a rich family. At this moment, when her eyes were fixed, everyone in the yard was startled.I didn't expect Qin Shi to have such a side.

Even Yan Yutao was startled, for a moment, she didn't dare to speak.

Hmph, she's not a widow yet, if she was so capable, she wouldn't stay here.

Yan Yutao is also a bold person. Although she was startled, she quickly calmed down, "Then why did Yun Shu go to Pei's mansion instead of Yu Cuilan? Cuilan was going to marry Second Young Master Pei, but Yun Shu didn't know what method she used Didn't she do it to make First Young Master Pei anger the Yu family, and to cause a misunderstanding between Second Young Master Pei and Cuilan?"

One problem popped up without being resolved, and everyone didn't react.

Not to mention that even Qin Shi was stunned, she had never heard of this.

Also stunned was Yun Shu who was standing behind them.

She didn't expect that she wanted to see who stole her things, and ended up watching a good show for free.This Yan Yutao's ability to talk nonsense is also quite good.

If she doesn't come out at this time, it is estimated that white people can be called black.

"Miss Yan has such a mouth that tells so many lies every day. Are you afraid that one day she will wake up and find that the corners of her mouth are full of pus and sores have rotted?" Yun Shu walked over, staring at Yan Yutao's instantly angry face, and smiled faintly.

She then nodded to the women and said hello, "I made my aunts laugh today. I thought about these things and waited until the truth came out to tell everyone. Who would have thought that someone would not wait to see my jokes."

As he spoke, he glanced at Yan Yutao again.

The women didn't expect Yun Shu to be there, seeing that she was polite to him, they were a little dissatisfied with what Yan Yutao said when she just came out, so they all left.

"Yun Shu, we are still friends whether we are good or bad, how can you say that about me?" Yan Yutao felt extremely uncomfortable seeing Yun Shu coming out, and at this moment she was wronged and looked at her in disbelief.

Yun Shu smiled when she saw this, "Miss Yan praised me, I don't dare to have a friend who stabs a knife in the back, don't tell me that it wasn't you who said I am not in front of everyone just now."

She seemed to be smiling, but Yan Yutao's face turned red and pale, "I just didn't want to hide the truth from everyone."

"Okay! I'm not interested in listening to nonsense. Today I was looking for the traitor who leaked my tricks in Yunxiu Pavilion. Now you jump out by yourself and save me trouble." She said and waved her hand, a gray masked figure appeared behind her.

Su Yi looked at his attire and felt a little uncomfortable.

But the pavilion master said it was her elder brother's clothes, so he didn't dare to pick on it.

As soon as Su appeared, everyone in the yard was startled, and Yan Yutao looked even more wary, "Yun Shu, I'm just telling the truth, what do you want to do?" She was so scared that Yun Shu would not play cards according to common sense Who knows if this sudden person will do anything to him.

The women also quickly said, "Yun Shu, don't be impulsive, Yutao is not a bad boy."

She is not, is he?

Yun Shu mocked in her heart, but seeing her mother staring at Su Yi, she took the time to explain, "Mother, this is Su Yi, my master sent me to protect me, you don't have to be afraid."

Seeing Qin's nodding in a daze, Yun Shu looked at Yan Yutao, "If you are found out, just admit your mistake obediently, and I might forgive you, but you obviously don't know how to repent."

"When the Yunxiu Pavilion opened, this embroidery was unique to me, but in a blink of an eye, the Ruyi Embroidery Building also has it. What's more, the samples of the Ruyi Embroidery Building include the patterns I drew myself." She said with a shake Hands, several embroidery pictures were unfolded, and one of the uncolored ones was Yun Shu's.

"Miss Yan, should you give me an explanation?"

"Why do I need to explain? How do I know that this picture is in Ruyi Xiulou? Didn't you imitate it and someone took it away?" When Yan Yutao saw the picture, a look of panic flashed in Yan Yutao's eyes. Thinking of why this thing is in Yun Shu's hands.

But I didn't see that when she said what she just said, the expressions of other people in the yard also became strange.

Yun Shu knew that she would say that, "Mom, tell her why!"

(End of this chapter)

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