Chapter 164
Qin Shi understood her daughter's meaning after only a moment's surprise, seeing that Yan Yutao's expression was no longer as gentle as before.

She sighed, "Miss Yan, I have always kept the pattern that Shu Er drew for me. You may not know it when you come late on the first day. This pattern cannot be taken out of this yard. You can see and touch Shu Er." There are only a few of you in the painting pattern."

Yan Yutao acted very aggrieved, she looked at Qin Shi accusingly and said, "Since everyone is suspicious, why do you only suspect me? I know that sister Yun Shu doesn't like me, but Yutao has always regarded Aunt Qin as a relative, but you Miss me so much."

Yan Yutao was crying softly from the yard, she was aggrieved, but she didn't see the strange expressions of those women.

It was good that Yan Yutao was clearing herself of the crime just now, but she was obviously pulling them in too.No matter whether it has anything to do with her or not, if she is really kind-hearted, she would not say those words.

Seeing everyone's reactions, Yun Shu laughed inwardly.This Yan Yutao is too good at being a man, but also too bad at being a man.He might coax people at ordinary times, but once troublesome matters are involved, he will be thrown away faster than anyone else.

The women in the village are uneducated, but not stupid. This time I can always see the true face of this woman.

Qin looked at her daughter, obviously not sure whether she should say the next thing, Yun Shu saw her and gave her an encouraging look.

Her mother is much smarter than she imagined, she was just using her mouth to draw doubts to Yan Yutao, but obviously she sees more, so it's better to let her talk about it.

Yan Yutao was still crying in a low voice, as if she had been greatly wronged, Qin herself was still a little hesitant, seeing that she hadn't changed at all, she took a deep breath and said, "Miss Yan, don't cry, otherwise I don't know Some people think that we bullied you. You know in your heart that doubting you is not a personal grievance. What you did, you said before. "

Yan Yutao stopped crying. What's funny is that she raised her face without tears, and her eyes were clear, but her voice was crying, "I don't understand what Aunt Qin is saying."

Mrs. Qin was not annoyed, and continued, "First of all, I have given you a copy of the pattern because the pattern is busy embroidering. There is no need for you to take away Shu'er's drawing. Miss Yan should leave first every time she comes late. I don’t know; moreover, after working for a few days, my sisters would wake up with me from morning to night, and never miss a day, but Ms. Yan did it every other day, and she had a chance to go to town. Ms. Yan herself said that In the end, you clearly knew that the Ruyi Embroidery Building is the same as the Yunxiu Pavilion before others, but you still wear it on your body on purpose, saying that it is too deliberate to consider the wishes of your playmates. I really want to know why Miss Yan did this ?”

Qin said a long paragraph, and after she finished speaking, her mouth was dry, and she looked up to see her daughter nodding appreciatively, and her face became hot.

The women in the yard were already talking about it.

"I didn't take it, and I don't know how to draw. It's useless for me to take it back."

"Yes, I still keep the painting that Sister Qin gave me. My family is full of big bosses. The village chief has given me a job to make money in the past two days. Even if I take it away, I don't have time to go to town."

"By the way, the last time I did embroidery work, I remember that Yutao helped to bring it. She is very familiar with the embroidery lady in that embroidery building, and that is Ruyi embroidery building!"

A sentence was thrown into the calm lake like a boulder, and everyone stopped talking and looked at Yan Yutao.

Oops!Yan Yutao didn't expect that she accidentally leaked so many falsehoods. She pretended to be calm, but she was thinking about how to explain it, but another voice sounded in her ear.

"Didn't Yan Guangniang think about one thing? I can get the things inside the Ruyi Embroidery Building, so I know who you traded with. To be honest, if it wasn't for that person, how dare I point the finger at you!"

After Yun Shu Youyou finished speaking, she looked at her teasingly.Yan Yutao's heart was shocked, and she blurted out, "Impossible, she clearly agreed..." The rest of the words were realized that she had slipped her mouth, so she quickly shut up.

But it was obviously too late.

The women looked at Yan Yutao in disbelief, their eyes of condemnation made her turn pale, "Yutao, how could you do this?"

Yan Yutao realized what she said and couldn't take it back, so she shook her head, "No, no, I..."

"Miss Yan, please tell the village chief if you have anything to say. The village chief asked me to find help from the villagers this time. My mother made the decision with everyone's good in mind. Now our trust has been taken advantage of. I also want to let the village Please give me an explanation."

What?Going to the village chief's house, wouldn't the whole village know about it?no!
Everyone blushed at Yun Shu's words, but Yan Yutao stared at her. She couldn't be taken away like this.

Seeing that the door was open, she was overjoyed, and when everyone was not paying attention, she suddenly ran towards the door. Unfortunately, Su Yi, who had been arranged by Yun Shu to watch her, found out, and before the other party left, Su Yi reversed and held her down Her arm hurt so much that she yelled, "Let go of me! Yun Shu, you are targeting me on purpose, you have no right to do that to me!"

Yun Shu didn't look at her, but turned to look at the people in the yard, "Aunts, you have also seen that Yan Yutao did this and caused my mother to be bullied, and now that things have failed and she still doesn't repent, I want to trouble everyone My aunt took me to the village head. After all, the village head has been kind to our family, and I don’t want to see him make it hard.”

She said that she glanced at Yan Yutao with complicated eyes, but she was unwilling to look away.

Looking at Yan Yutao, who was staring and unrepentant, and looking at the frail Qin family and her emaciated daughter, a group of people felt very uncomfortable.

In this way, Yunxiu Pavilion is really innocent, not to mention being framed by others, and being bullied by the villagers of his own village. What's even more rare is that at this time, people still remember the kindness of the village chief, which is already very rare.
"I'm coming! This is not a decent thing to do. Since Yutao has done it, she will be responsible. You guys also come over to help. Let's go to the village chief now." Zhou, who has always been direct among the few people, doesn't care about embroidery. After living, he rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward.

As soon as Su saw this and let go, Yan Yutao wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but Zhou's reaction was quick, and she was pulled back with one hand.

The others reacted to help, but Yan Yutao couldn't even move.

"Then trouble the aunts." Yun Shu's eyes moved slightly when he saw this scene, but his voice was sincere.

"No trouble, it's because we have caused trouble for you, so let's go first." Zhou and the others were still a little embarrassed, and left with Yan Yutao after speaking.

Du Qiu was also among the group of women. Before she left, she comforted Qin Shi to relax and went to see the situation by herself.

Seeing a group of people leaving, Yun Shu's mouth slowly curled up.Instructed Su Yi who was at the side, "Follow and have a look."

If she didn't have to go to the town, she would like to watch a good show.

"Mother, I'll go to town first. If Li Hongshan comes, you can tell him that Yan Yutao's matter is up to him." Qin nodded half-knowingly, and realized after watching her daughter leave. Selling things, what else are you going to do in town?
(End of this chapter)

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