Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 175 2 Full of Beauty

Chapter 175 The Best of Both Worlds
The twilight that had shrouded in the distance fell on the back of the person walking on the street. The air flow in that back was turbulent, and the evil spirit was flying, and it seemed that even the twilight was affected, and it sank a bit.

Some are happy and some are sad.

The sachet incident broke out and resolved, and there were troubles everywhere, but looking back, it was indeed the Song family and the Pei family.

Pei Yu looked at the sachets sold by Ruyi Embroidery Building in the past two days, and calculated the three times the amount in his heart. He lightly pressed down the account book, took a pen and wrote the amount and handed it to the butler waiting next to him, "Send it to the Song family."

"Yes!" The voice could not suppress the anger.

When they came back from Xiulou, the members of the Song family followed, without even an explanation.

The butler himself complained quite a bit, but his young master didn't say anything, and he had no position.

At this time, after receiving the account book, he realized it, and he was overjoyed, as if he couldn't wait, he left without stopping.

Originally, he was somewhat responsible for this matter, and the housekeeper felt really guilty.

He rashly went to Yunxiu Pavilion, although he tried his best to speak cautiously, but the influence still came out.

The young master simply didn't blame him, and quickly figured out a solution, but the Pei family suffered a loss.

Speaking of it, others don't know it, but the housekeeper knows it.Ruyi Embroidery House said it was a joint venture between several companies, and it was all for the face of Uncle Pei's family.

The Jiang family withdrew early, leaving only a few small families and the Pei family.

Now the Pei family is blocking this difficulty, but they shouldn't.

He had long thought that the Song family should be responsible for repaying the account, so he walked faster with the account book in his hand.

After the housekeeper left, Pei Yu flipped through the affairs piled up on the table, glanced at them but couldn't calm down because of other things, so he simply got up and changed into plain clothes, took out a sword he hadn't touched for a long time, and danced.

Master Jiang handed over the business to him in the early years, and Pei Yu was still young at that time, so it was inevitable that he would be injured by collisions.

Later, I got to know Wei Chengfeng and saw that his martial arts were superb, so I learned a little bit from him.

These years, the business has been too busy and loose, but it is also better than the average master.

In the past, Pei Yu would only dance the sword when he was irritable, but after he became proficient in everything, he never used the sword.

But today I don't know what to do, I just want to touch it.

The swaying porch lamp illuminated the courtyard very brightly, and the branches of several vine trees beside it stretched out, and the few leaves that were there were even less left under Pei Yu's sword energy.

Occasionally, a servant girl passed by, and when she heard the movement and looked at it, she was stunned.

They knew that their young master had extraordinary looks, but they had never seen such an amazing scene.

With lights and swords and shadows, a dancing figure, Pei Yu who doesn't smile, her jade face is slightly drawn, and her sword eyebrows are furious, like the fairy under the moonlight, the maid unconsciously forgot the time.

When he reacted, he met the displeased eyes from his young master.Ru Liuli's eyes tightened slightly, she was not angry and arrogant, the little maid hurriedly lowered her head and left quickly.

But my heart never stopped recalling that scene just now.

If she can marry the eldest young master, she is willing to die.

It's a pity that this wish can't be fulfilled even if he dies.

Pei Yu put away the sword, the sword was wrapped in a beautiful sword flower in his hand, when he moved his arm, it just fell into the scabbard.

Although he was sweating, he calmed down.

Because the figure that had been lingering in his mind finally stopped, he thought he might be crazy...


It was the first time that Yun Shu came home in the evening and saw people other than his family at home. It seemed that the Qin family had left some helpers for dinner.

But it is said that it is Qin's treat, it is indeed a meal that everyone cooks together
Seeing Yun Shu, several women greeted her cordially, "Yun Shu is back? Are you hungry? You'll be fine soon. We'll come to your house for a meal today."

Knowing that they said that on purpose, Yun Shu walked over with a smile, "It's good that the aunts don't dislike my bland food."

Several people smiled and said no, and then got busy again.

Yun Shu's family has never been short of food. After she got the money, she would bring some every day, but there were not many in the kitchen.

Hearing that Qin's words were a bit small, but the few people kept holding her down and not letting her do it again, they knew that these people were embarrassed.

In fact, although Yun Shu doesn't like the excitement, she doesn't dislike it, especially after seeing her mother happy, it's not a problem.

After a while, Yun Feng also came back, and found that everyone in the room was also stunned.

He used to seldom talk to people at home, and he didn't know what to say when he saw so many people. He stood awkwardly for a while, but the villagers spoke first.

"This is my sister's son, right? He's so old. I just glanced at him before. I didn't expect him to be so handsome. But he's engaged?" Villagers don't lack a heart for gossip.

Speaking of which, the two children in the Qin family are pretty good.Apart from being a little thinner and not open, the daughter also looks very good. This son is a little pale, but he is extremely handsome.

A few of them have already made up their minds, thinking about whether to tell someone about their family.

When Qin heard that someone praised her son, she was also happy, and the smile on her lips did not fall, "No, Feng'er is still young."

Several people could tell that it was Qin who was not willing to marry a daughter-in-law to divide up his son, so he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​talking about marriage.

It was a bit late for this meal, Yun Feng wanted to rush to Liu Hongshan's, and delayed leaving without eating a few mouthfuls, Yun Shu saw him winking at her, and nodded indistinctly.

It was already pitch black outside when a whole room of people were waiting to be sent away.

Qin Shi turned around to clean up the dishes, and Yun Shu followed to help. Halfway through her work, Qin Shi thought of her son, "By the way, where is Feng'er? I didn't see how much he ate just now. He should be hungry soon."

Seeing that she seemed to be going to Yun Feng's room, Yun Shu quickly stopped her, "Mom, I just saw my elder brother yawning, he must have fallen asleep, so let's not bother him."

Qin Shi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Later, when Mrs. Qin washed up and went to bed, Yun Shu practiced fisting and kicking in the yard as usual. When Yun Feng came back, she opened the door to let him in, and the brother and sister went back to their respective rooms.

The next day, Yun Shu went to the street with a bag of medicinal materials early in the morning.

Everything went as planned, Jiang Huaishan drove out thousands of sachets overnight, claiming that they were all designed by Yun Shu, and arranged for a few people to put the antidote in the Yunxiu Pavilion to organize.

Outsiders only thought it was the Jiang family who provided the fabric and praised him full of praise, but they didn't know that Yun Shu paid for all of this.

The most sold by Jiang's family were silks, satins and rags. Yun Shu just asked for a low price to buy them. The reason why he concealed this matter was to gain a reputation for Jiang Huaishan, otherwise, how could the other party cooperate with him.

At that time, the business will also be done, and the reputation will also come, and the best of both worlds will be perfect.

However, another incident happened in the morning, and it was very vicious.

It is said that the Pei family and the Song family had a falling out because of the three times recycling of the sachets.

The Song family didn't pay a dime in compensation, and Pei Xingwang would rather break up with his brother for money.

How could he be willing to pay for the thousands of sachets?
So this incident was extremely violent, and Mr. Pei, who had always been protective of his elder brother, was extremely disappointed. It was said that he would no longer have any contact with the Song family after speaking out.

(End of this chapter)

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