Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 176 The Plague Is Coming?

Chapter 176 The Plague Is Coming?

And the money for the sachet was paid by the Pei family in the end.

Yun Shu had been busy all day, but there were so many people shopping that she didn't even have a chance to catch her breath. In the end, she had to ask Jiang Huaishan to help out a few people who could count money, so that she had time to rest.

She went to the street and called Su Yi, took out the information that the other party gave her last night, and asked her to go to the government office.

That government office is not as rigorous as the merchant's yard, as long as you send things in, it's not difficult.

As soon as Su took the object, he turned his head and disappeared into the crowd.

Yun Shu breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he would have to wait two more days, but he didn't expect that the Song family would lose all their backers for the sake of money. Isn't it a good time to take the initiative to draw a clear line with the Pei family?
Yun Shu moved quickly here, and the government office reacted quickly.

That evening, the government office sent someone.

Except for the bandit incident some time ago, it is rare to see so many people dispatched by the government office. Everyone talked a lot, guessed what happened, and some curiously followed.

But seeing the yamen gate, he went straight to Song's house.

Song Yong, who had just left yesterday in a soft sedan chair, was dragged out by the three government officials.

Song Yong was still yelling, but the yamen servant snorted with an extremely impolite aggravation, and the other party yelled a few times, his face turned pale from the pain.

After more inquiries, everyone found out that it turned out that no one knew who sued Song Yong and sent a bunch of evidence to Mr. Qi.

It is said that all the bastard things Song Yong did in the early years were uncovered, and most of them are still certified.

Once everyone mentioned it, it was a certainty. There was no chance for Song Yong to refute, and he went to prison.

There was a commotion at the Song family's side for a while, and the door of Pei's house was also lively.

Pei Xingwang, who just said yesterday that he didn't want to see each other in the future, brought his daughter and came to see him.

It's a pity that Pei Yu is so ruthless, it's so easy to soften his heart, he didn't let the door in, he only let the butler come out and spread the word: something happened to the Pei family, the uncle hid as much as he could, and he didn't even care about family ties, now the Song family has nothing to do with the Pei family Pei Yu couldn't handle this kind of thing, and he didn't want to.

Pei Xingwang's face was flushed with anger, and the eldest daughter was crying with tears in her eyes, but no one sympathized with her.

It is said that Master Pei came out later, but before he could say a few words, he coughed so much that he almost fainted, so Pei Yu directly ordered the father and daughter to be driven away.

A sachet incident brought disaster to the Pei family and destroyed the Song family, which is also embarrassing.

It was night, Yun Shu remembered something, slipped out of the room, called Su Yi out, and was about to ask about the reaction to the medicine given to him the day before yesterday, when he suddenly heard a very faint smell of blood.

"When did you get hurt?"

"Fu Yali." Su Yi replied.

Yun Shu saw it, and his eyes moved slightly, "But a man who doesn't look easy to mess with?"

In Su Yi's mind, there was nothing to mess with, but he understood Yun Shu's meaning and nodded.That person did have some skills, he was careless at the time and was injured, but the other party did not end well.

Yun Shu understood, "It's Luo Jin, a big shot in the government office, as long as he doesn't get caught."

Then he took out a bottle from his sleeve and handed it over, "This is medicine for wounds, take a spare."

Su Yi took it.

She finally looked at the wrapped face and frowned, "You don't need to cover your face at night." The medicine she gave before is not suitable for covering.

Do you want him to take off the facecloth?

Su Yi hesitated a little, his face was not very good-looking now, but thinking of Yun Shu's performance before, he raised his hand and took off the face towel.

Then, a flowing blurred face appeared!

Yun Shuben was looking away, but he stopped when he saw that face accidentally, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Su Yi had a more puzzled expression than her.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Shu was stunned, "Could it be... it's my medicine?"

Su nodded.

Yun Shu just wanted to hold his forehead and was speechless, "Didn't I say that there is something strange and tell me?"

"It's not unusual. The old pavilion master has also tried poison, and he hasn't felt that it affects his internal strength." His tone was extremely serious.

Yun Shu was stunned, "You think I'm testing you for poison?"

Su Yi looked over with an expression of 'couldn't it be'.

The fool!

Yun Shu didn't know what to say. Looking at the face that was more terrifying than before, she paused and said, "This is not a poison, but an antidote to restore your appearance, but the nature of the medicine is not sure yet. I wanted to give it to you for use." Adjust it again, I didn't expect it to be like this. Forget it, don't use it for now, and don't cover this face."

Su Yi just nodded and answered yes, but when he realized it later, he was stunned, the pavilion mainly restores his appearance?
He stared blankly at Yun Shu and fell silent.

Yun Shu observed that face and sighed.

The face is like this, part of the reason is the medicine, and more because the face towel is too tightly covered.

If it wasn't discovered in time, this face would really be hopeless.

"Apply the medicine I just gave you first, and I'll give you the previous medicine after I improve it." It seems that I'm busy again.

She immediately waved her hand, and after Su bowed, the figure disappeared.

Yun Shu stood at the door for a while, then quietly returned to the room.

That night, Yun Shu spent an hour in ink in the space.


As soon as the antidote sachet came out, within two days someone was pleasantly surprised to find that the red packet on his body was gone.

And as others have said, the medicinal herbs in the sachet can prevent mosquitoes and are very useful.

The sachets driven out by the Jiang family were several thousand in size, and they were sold out in just two days.

Those who were observant found that the Jiang family did not stop working. It is said that in order to thank Yunxiu Pavilion, they sold it instead, but this sale was for other towns.

Many people commented that the Jiang family valued friendship, and they were happy for Yunxiu Pavilion.

Since Yunxiu Pavilion came forward to resolve this matter, Yun Shu's popularity has improved.

In the past, only the uncle who bought the sugar and the carpenter Uncle Zhang knew her well, and the people nearby nodded occasionally.But now, everyone who passes by will smile and say hello.

Yun Shu would respond or smile to everything she saw, and sometimes her face would freeze from laughing all morning.

"Miss Yun, give me another anti-mosquito sachet. My child can't sleep because of crying every night. I want to save some money and give him a sachet. Give me the yellow one." The woman came to complain to Yun Shu early in the morning, and finally bought a sachet embroidered with a lantern wick.

Yun Shu gave her the things, sent her away, and then went back to the house.

Outsiders knew that Jiang Huaishan was making sachets for her, but they didn't know that it was still Yun Shu's plan.

The ancients were very capable of spreading rumors, and the poisoning incident in Liangting Town was so violent that it must have spread.She took the opportunity to discuss with Jiang Huaishan, and the two planned this business opportunity, just to make the sachet a hot topic for this craze, and then sell it.

Jianghuai Mountain itself has many ways, and after agreeing to Yunshu, it will be implemented. Huikou Town, which tested the water first, has received a good response.

She planned to continue to sell it to other countries under the brand of Yunxiu Pavilion.

"A major event has happened, there is a plague, a plague is coming!" someone on the street shouted suddenly.

Yun Shu, who was thinking about something at the door of the shop, was startled suddenly, she turned her head sharply, and looked sharply at the beggar in ragged clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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