Divine Doctor Business Concubine

Chapter 201 Pei Yu's Invitation

Chapter 201 Pei Yu's Invitation

This opening is just like her character, straight without turning.

Pei Yu was even more sure that he was just thinking too much just now.

Then he restrained his smile and said, "Drinking tea with Uncle Jiang a few days ago, he mentioned the plan you told him earlier, Pei Yu didn't intend to sabotage it, but just wanted to know if the Pei family had the honor to participate in the plan. "

Yun Shu understood what she said as soon as she heard this.

He didn't show it on the face, but he cursed secretly in his heart, this old guy Jiang Huaishan is really scared, is he planning to drag Pei Yu?

It doesn't sound like a plan.

She has been thinking about the people of Yudu since she came back from Yudu, and it just so happened that she became famous again this time, so she thought about using the ability of Jiangfu to open a pharmacy that belonged to her in Yudu.

Because she planned to use the medicinal herbs from Xiaoxu Village's fields in the later stage, she discussed with Jiang Huaishan that each of them would get half of the initial stock, and then it would be calculated as a dividend.

At that time, the other party agreed without any hesitation, Yun Shu was still surprised.

Now he understood that he didn't dare to say it in front of her, so he made a crooked idea and wanted to find Pei Yu.

After all, the plague just happened in Yudu, and with the return of Nanyuan soldiers, there are only less than 2000 people left in Yudu. If they open a pharmacy, let alone what will happen later, they must be prepared to pay for it.

If he knew that Jianghuai Mountain would not trade at a loss, this time Yun Shu finally saw it.

"Looks like I'm taking the liberty." Seeing that Yun Shu hadn't said anything, Pei Yu spoke first, as if he didn't care about explaining, "Just as Yun Shu said, I didn't say anything, I also intend to do something for the people of Yudu What, it would be best if I could cooperate with you, but since there is no chance..."

"What are you doing in such a hurry? I didn't say no." Yun Shu came back to his senses and interrupted him, "Jiang Huaishan should have told you about the current situation. If we cooperate, we will lose money by then. It won't be paid either."

After speaking, those bright eyes stared at Pei Yu, waiting for his answer.

"This Pei Yu understands that no matter whether it is compensation or gain, the Pei family will never ask for anything." Pei Yu said.

Yun Shu just nodded, "Then there's no problem. Anyway, as long as there are people who cooperate, it doesn't matter to me who they are." The words of the Pei family felt a little awkward in her heart, but she could ignore them for the sake of the overall situation.

These words were too casual, Pei Yu would be an idiot if he couldn't hear it.

But he wasn't angry either, he just looked at Yun Shu with a faint smile, saw the girl frowning and showing off, and said, "Actually, I thought about taking over the shop in Yudu City, what do you think?"

The capital city of Yu is not small, and there are not a few shops.

When Yun Shu heard this, she looked at him in surprise, but there was some appreciation in that surprise.

From the current point of view, Yu has no possibility of development, but don't forget that Yu is connected to various intersections. Even during the war, all the exchanges between these countries have to pass through here.

Even if there is a war, others don't care, and the business must still be done.

Therefore, it is impossible for Yu to be ruined.

Someone as smart as Pei Yu must have thought of this.

I thought my idea of ​​opening a pharmacy was bold enough, but the other party was even more arrogant than her.

Perhaps because of the feeling of sympathy, Yun Shu found him much more pleasing to the eye than before.

"The idea is very good. In fact, if it's not about money, I'd like to get involved." Yun Shu nodded.

She has a lot of money in her hand, but it is only enough for immediate development.

If Yudu wants to take over, there must be a lot of funds used. Where can she get it?
Pei Yu was taken aback, seeing that she was serious and didn't look like she was lying, her eyes flicked across something quickly, and she blurted out, "You can intervene."

As soon as the words came out, the two of them froze at the same time.

Yun Shu looked puzzled, Pei Yu coughed in embarrassment, then calmed down, and explained, "I mean, you will borrow the investment part, and if you make money, you will share it with you. If you lose money, I won't ask you for it."

Yun Shu looked at him even more suspiciously.

If she said that, wouldn't she have taken a big deal?

If it makes money, if it is offset a little, what she borrowed will no longer exist.If he lost money, he didn't pay anything, which means he didn't participate. No matter how you look at it, it's the Pei family's loss.

Didn't it mean that Pei Yu was very shrewd, how could he endure such a disadvantage?

Perhaps Yun Shu's performance was too obvious, Pei Yu concealed his unnaturalness, "Just say you want to or don't want to."

"Yes!" Yun Shu answered extremely quickly.

It's a joke, she is stupid if she doesn't want to.

Pei Yu expected it, "Since we agreed, we can't go back on our word. It happens that Pei's Garden will be opened in the future, do you have time to take a look?"

Before Yun Shu could answer, Pei Yu said again, "I also want to take this opportunity to make amends to you about the sachet. If possible, let's talk about Yudu by the way."

Yun Shu wasn't very interested in viewing flowers because she was too busy.

But after hearing the second half of Pei Yu's words, he thought about it.

She had talked to Jiang Huaishan about the pharmacy, but she didn't mention the specifics.

Since the Pei family intervened, I had to tell others about my plan, as well as the acquisition of the Yudu store.

After thinking about it, she nodded, "I will go the day after tomorrow."

"At that time, I will send the carriage to pick you up. It doesn't have to be early." Pei Yu seemed to know that she would agree, and even thought about the arrangement.

At the end, he said, "When I came here, I saw that the village seemed very busy. Didn't it bother you?"

Yun Shu froze for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm a little busy."

Seemingly unintentional words, to Pei Yu's ears, it sounded like an order to evict guests.

Immediately after realizing that she was only telling the truth, Pei Yu couldn't help but smile, and suddenly felt that maybe he was wrong before, and she knew it more directly than himself.

"Then I won't bother you." Pei Yu said with a smile.

Yun Shu glanced at him suspiciously, always feeling that Pei Yu's eyes staring at her were not right, but this kind of thing was hard to say, so she nodded and left without even entering the house.

Pei Yu, who was still waiting to be held back for a while, watched the figure leave gracefully.

After a while, the corners of the lips became more curved.

"Let's go!"

The servants responded and looked at their young master suspiciously.

Although she didn't intentionally eavesdrop, it's considered rude for this woman to never invite their young master into the house, and it's even more wrong to disappear without waiting for their young master to leave.

But how could their young master look very happy?

The servants didn't understand what their young master was thinking, so they could only shake their heads and think about it.

The time of the day passed in the blink of an eye.

Yun Shu hurried up and down with everyone, and had already completely forgotten the agreement with Pei Yu.

It wasn't until early in the morning, when she was about to enter the town, that she found a carriage parked in front of her house, she suddenly remembered something, and she looked a little embarrassed.

I wanted to go to the town, so I put on some clothes casually. It didn't seem very good to go this way.

(End of this chapter)

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